why is it important to follow rules in school

Finding your angle is important because without it, you may end up with an extra-long essay that reflects directionless thoughts. My school and system requirements include reporting unsafe and unexpectable behaviour on the detention board (4.4.2). For example, most schools have separate handbooks for students, teachers, staff, and even parents. A way to integrate best practice in this situation is to sit down with the student and teacher and establish ground rules for appropriate behavior. It brings clarity and consistency in practices across the school and helps teachers and administrators know how to address behavioral issues. Some of the factors that impact the successful development of executive function include: Chronic stress Academic pressure or increased workloads Depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions ADHD and learning disabilities Abuse or neglect Violence or chaos in the home or community Whether disciplinary action refers to suspension or community service, it is meant to empower students to recognize mistakes when they are made and resolve to do things differently next time. Overall, school policies and procedures establish expectations, keep students and staff safe, and make sure students receive a good education. Page 2: Understanding Behavior Expectations and Rules. These rules usually differ from one place to the other and the differences are often determined by factors such as social interactions, beliefs, policies, and the method of governance in place. Many see positive effects of schooling, one of which, students become more educated than they previously were. It can also help to create a visual of the rules in your classroom. Procedures and rules are two things that define the strength of any organization. School administrators shouldnt wait until something goes wrong to address an issue. And then, a consequence has to follow if they walk in two seconds . Write policies and procedures that better protect your organization and employees with our free 12-page guide. When introducing class rules and consequences to your students, first outline the key points that every student should know and understand by the end of the lesson, such as: 1. Every school, every classroom and every teacher has rules for students to follow, no matter the learners ages. Crossing the street without a guard could lead to getting hit by a car. Teachers need support from school administration when dealing with cell phones in the classroom. Many schools allow students to carry cell phones as long as they keep them turned off or on silent. Complete the chart. It also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. The adolescent years can be difficult for both parents and children, as teens fight to develop more independence, while parents struggle to set appropriate teen boundaries. For schools, rules are especially important for ensuring that students can reach academic expectations in a space that feels safe. They let everyone know how they should behave and why. So far, we have been able to establish that policies and procedures are vital for the smooth operation of any organization. Pairs should think about the following 4 classroom routines: snack time, restroom time, play time, and cleanup time, and the steps needed to complete them. The most effective policies pertaining to the use, possession, and distribution of these substances are both comprehensive and compassionate. Whether establishing the rules yourself or working with your class to create them, keep in mind that many students have more than one teacher throughout the school day, so staying consistent with your rules is crucial. An Investigation And Guide. Keeping your classrooms rules closely aligned with those of your school and your fellow teachers will help prevent confusion and disruptions. Following a rule is a challenge for a child because it involves having self control and saying no to one's desires. This is not to say that some of the consequences may remove students from their working environment, because they might, but students will always be in the classroom. This sends the student a mixed message on appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Rather, early childhood teachers need to be prepared to support . Parents leave their children with a child care provider trusting that while they are gone, minimum safety protections are in place. Empathy counts. Schools are complex organizations that have many moving parts. Safety rules help create a safe and secure environment for students and keep them safe from all kinds of physical and mental violence, harassment's, or risks from any substances or place. These skills set humans apart from other mammals and allow people to function in real-world situations. One of the negative effects of having too many rules for your children is rebellion, according to the Palo Alto Medical Foundation 1 . Guidelines for behavior shouldnt feel restricting they should feel enriching. However, the development of executive functioning skills can be easily impeded by mental health issues and environmental factors. Ask families about things they do every day. Good school policies and procedures make it easier for parents, teachers, and students to identify bullying or sexual harassment. Single instructions: Give your child only one instruction at a time. A. But for other students, it means fewer distractions while they work on their own projects. They prevent students from inflicting unnecessary harm to another. Additionally, a check in/check out system with a peer mentor may be beneficial to the student in helping them achieve daily goals, such as calming down when upset or completing class work. School policies and procedures should lay out instructions for how to handle students caught cheating. The balance during adolescence between enforcing rules and allowing independence to develop is a delicate one, especially when navigating mental health issues. Hence, teens with mental health conditions or a high number of risk factors may have an increased need for rules and boundaries. For example, ask parents if there are parts of the routine the child can do on their own or with a little assistanceand let them do it. Then, once the proper consequences have been administered, you can see if the student or the class thinks the rules are still fair or if they need to be adjusted and why. They may also lay out requirements for adults or non-students who want to lead or participate in after-school clubs. Develop rules or desired behavior for a setting. They ensure the physical and emotional safety of students and protect their educational experience from disruptions or offenses. They get created to serve as a guide for a productive society. Your parents and teacher probably repeatedly told you that obeying school rules is ultimately for your own good. This makes it easier for teachers and other staff to do their jobs. A game is only as good as its rules, and how well we play the game is defined by how well we follow the rules. They will know administrators aren't singling them out. There are rules that discuss how to conduct oneself among peers, while other mandates talk more about the technicalities and schedules a student must follow. An example and reason why a civil behaviour is required is so everyone has democratic rights. Each teen attends multiple individual therapy sessions with the expert clinicians and psychiatrists who make up his or her personal treatment team. Some rules are information such as the ones obtainable in schools. No pending work is left: Besides, policies are also important because. Therefore, school policies and procedures on attendance have to make expectations abundantly clear to parents, students, and staff. Grades Pre-K - K. $3.71 $ 4.95. Theyll know the rules are fair, reasonable, and benefiting everyone. If there is a set activity for every part of the day, you will be able to focus more on your teaching and less on giving instructions and generally controlling the . It is mainly used to promote good behaviour among students and to maintain the good image of the school. Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning, Know what is happening now and what comes next. Middle school and high school students have come to expect certain rules; therefore, I will not make them with students but present them as finished. This also helps out in the growth of the company. To do this I must implement school, curriculum and legislative requirements. 2. Review the schedule at the beginning of each day. Well drafted procedures can help in removing obstacles and odds that may arise while you are working on a task to achieve defined goals, Employees are the engine room of any organization and rules must exist to guide, individual goals but it is even more important, Why Is My Dryer Wet Inside? Parents often feel helpless. Class rules that set boundaries and steps for students to follow while present in the classroom will lead to better academic achievement because students can concentrate on their lessons and assignments without the distractions of student misbehaviors, such as shouting out in class. Rules get created to conform to the results desired. Regulations also exist to help a student get back on his feet after breaking an ordinance. Solving The Mystery. The trading can be done through BSE, NSE, or MCX-SX. NetBackup Appliance HDD firmware and BIOS Updates article, Does Savers Wash Their Clothes? The Newport Academy Outpatient Program treats teens who are experiencing psychological, behavioral, and/or substance abuse issues. They provide a safe environment for healthy friendships to form. The classroom rule should be visually displayed for students. The whole- school approach is implemented in my classroom and on the playground. Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. Routines are the steps needed to complete each part of the schedule. save to wishlist. They provide a way forward for victims and hold perpetrators accountable. Let them know what is going to happen.". Newport Academy team is the best adolescent mental health treatment staff in the country, with more than 300 years of clinical and therapeutic expertise. This is somewhat due to the management of their learning environment and the creation of a warm, positive and encouraging ethos. I think that academic policies and regulations actually create a comfortable environment where they can thrive. Allowing teens to feel that they are in control of their lives and making their own decisions, while still offering them structure and guidance until their brains are fully developed, is one of the most difficult balancing acts of parenting. Positive. They wonder if it really is effective in promoting good behavior. For example, classes may be asked to walk down the hall in a single-file line. The school should gather a team of administrators, teachers, and students to review and update the code of conduct every year. The importance of following policies and procedures As your organization's leaders create and enforce policies, it's important to make sure your staff understands why following policies and procedures is critical. The rules should be visible in the classroom for students to reference when a reminder is needed. An instance of this is the fact that rules get created in schools to entrench trust and discipline. National Centers: Some might say that rules and regulations are stifling and suffocating. It also teaches students to respect authorities and maintain good relationships with them. To introduce rules to your students, start with the reasoning behind them. If being on time is a classroom rule, for example, when a student walks in 22 seconds late, we can't say, "I reminded you yesterday about being tardy"we have to say, "This is a warning and a consequence will follow.". It gives them the best chance to excel in their classes. (Hemmeter, Ostrosky, and Fox 2006). If You Give a Mouse: Time for School, Mouse! The truth is that without rules and regulations the world as we know it today would have gotten plunged into total anarchy. It's time for school and he can't find his homework anywhere. School boards and administrators have certain expectations about how a school should run. Everyone should have a civil behaviour; meaning to be courteous and polite to others. Members of the community are using social media, among other mediums, to change that. Elementary and middle school classroom rules set expectations. The policies should include who is authorized to invoke each form of discipline. Key Points. What are 10 reasons why classroom policies are crucial to the success of the student, educator, and academe? The number of accidents we would be encountering daily if there were no rules. I just wish, however, that our authorities would always make it a point to review these policies on a regular basis . The rules that are set-up go a long way in determining the type of company and what the culture of the organization would be per time. Model the steps and allow children to practice them. Use Clear and Precise Language. The exact details of the code of conduct will differ depending on the needs of the specific school. They must not target one particular group of students, or be enforced in a way that could be seen as discriminatory against students of a particular race, religion, political belief, or gender identity. Why do we have to follow the rules? Do you want to do broad strokes on the importance of school policies? And smartphones have become so ubiquitous that most schools have given up trying to ban them altogether. If you want your own custom essay on the benefits of school rules and regulations, feel free to send us a message so that we can help. A good code of conduct helps students succeed by establishing expectations and boundaries. While many of us feel inclined to buck the norm, the system and other forms of authorities, without rules, chaos ensues. Head Of State Vs. Head Of Government: A Guide. Even under these aspects, there are more branches of why rules are important. Following rules keep pretty much everything in order. Rules, rules, rules! Rules establish the boundaries for acceptable behavior in a given social situation. It may be seen as a hassle to some, but will ultimately give parents peace of mind. Do you want to focus on the state of school policies today? School policies and procedures should be clear and specific. Why are rules important for students? . They protect student-educator relationships inside and outside school. Check playground equipment in the summertime. Rules are there for a reason: they are guidelines that enable a student to be disciplined and have good decorum. Everyone should have a civil behaviour; meaning to be courteous and polite to others. This helps unify the school and make sure parents and students know what to expect. If the sheer number of rules in your household prevents . While they may look forward to growing up and being out on their own, theyll soon find that they still need to follow rules. Refer to the schedule before and after activities throughout the day. If the students have no rules to follow, everything will be in a chaotic situation. The policies should also define the procedures for investigating the claims, and the actions the school will take if the claims are found to be true. There are several steps teachers can take to ensure that their students understand instructions and are able to complete assignments with ease. 772 Words. However, what you believe is right and what I believe is right, may vary in interpre. Educators should not simply assume that young children will intuitively understand the expectations of this new environment. The culture and employees of an organization go a long way in telling the nature of an organization these rules by organizations are set up by the management for the employees so that there wont be a state of anarchy. It could be something to save your life. {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What To Include In An Essay About Rules And Regulations In School","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","text":"want to approach it from. You can help by following clear and simple schedules and routines. It produces responsible students. We are all accountable to someone. In this essay, I talk about the advantages of school rules and why are school rules important. Just like adults, children feel more confident and secure when their daily activities are predictable and familiar. Safety rules are very important, and they need to cover all the activities done inside the school premises. These rules often address responsibilities like being on time, being prepared, being courteous to staff and other students, being respectful of property, doing your best and following any other rules that the school sets forth. Procedures outline when the actions should get taken while also explaining the available alternatives. It's easy to tell when the child breaks the rule. This single skill has heavily contributed to teacher stress and burnout (Gordon, 2002, Jepson & Forrest, 2006), overall teacher efficacy(Caprarait al., 2003; Edwards it al., 2002), students achievement and teacher performance in the classroom (Edwards it al. As aforementioned, I would collaborate with my students about the type of consequences that they would have if they made poor choices that broke one of the rules. Determine the most important rules or routines. Educators also benefit as they can maximize their class time without any disruptions. Experts say such initiatives . Education has always been an important tool that everyone seeks to better their lives in the future. I will also be highlighting any issues which could potentially arise from the use of a behaviour policy. When children learn to regulate feelings and behaviors, it means they are able to identify their feelings and have skills to manage those feelings so that they don't feel overwhelmed. Following school rules even outside of the classroom shows that students take pride in their school and want it to remain a great place for learning. Additionally, many teens with mental health disorders suffer from a deficit in executive function, which is why teens need rules and boundaries during these important years. Other rules exist to foster a healthy learning and teaching environment. Rules Foster Safety for Everyone Encourage parents to offer a choice in activities or the steps of a routine whenever possible. To better explain my point, consider the following example: Joe is working with his group during math centers, and he begins to throw the manipulatives at his classmates. Why is it important to follow school rules? For instance, if no rule addresses issues like murder and robbery, there is every chance that the crime rate would increase. The things we're asking people to do are not easy. While teens can grow very quickly physically and appear to be almost adults on the outside, their brains are not fully developed until around age 25. If you think about it, their future jobs and families are at stake. A code of conduct covers day-to-day student behavior. Students should know the consequences of inappropriate behaviors and quietly adhere to the outcomes of their actions (Charles. Policies help you recognize the rules of a company and are usually general. 2016 JanFeb; 45(1): 8489. They can also get explained using simple paragraphs and sentences and they show the method of implementation of the rules. Sometimes, a parent might feel angry when a child doesn't listen to the commands given. Make sure these consequences are clear to each student so that when a rule is broken, they will understand their offense and its repercussions. Clear and concise. School rules are very important because without rules and boundaries, the students will freely do whatever they please. If a behaviour policy is written well it will support the formation of an effective learning environment. Policies should lay out the steps for reporting bullying or harassment and specify that all allegations will be taken seriously. Get Started. They add to the schools good image, thanks to the quality of graduates it produces. Follow your company rules related to confidentiality. They teach students the value and importance of respecting authorities, not just in school but in all aspects of society that they will eventually be part of. It makes the choice of following rules an easy one. If a teacher has a rule about taking care of supplies but students dont follow it, they may break something and there wont be enough supplies to go around for the other students. They should be age appropriate, fair, and explained in a way students can understand as they move up from grade to grade. Classrooms -- particularly those with young children -- need to have routines. When explained properly, rules will be understood by students as guidelines created for their overall safety and well-being. School rules are important to maintain discipline. Set proper expectations Clear communication about expectations is especially important in schools. Of course, school policies and procedures are not only about fairness and expectations. It must be said that parents are the ultimate decision-makers when it comes to their childrens schooling. Horseplay on the playground could lead to someone falling off a piece of equipment and hitting their head. Victims of bullying or harassment can be hesitant to speak up. While establishing the right balance may seem at first like a daunting task, it is ultimately supportive for adolescents and for the parent-child relationship. You can even try having your class create the visual themselves! On the contrary, they are there to protect the culture and atmosphere where learning is meant to happen. Lastly, follow the rules at work concerning business ethics. While some students may see the rules as unnecessary or simply a way for teachers and administrators to control them, following school rules can be extremely important for safety, ensuring everyone has an equal chance at learning and preparing kids for the future, among other reasons. Do you want to feature a specific schools new rules and evaluate them? For more classroom resources, sign up for a free eSpark account. Procedures to establish before theres an issue. School policies and procedures codify these expectations, so everyone is on the same page. Importance Of School Rules & Regulations Let's Discuss The Importance Of School Rules & Regulations To Achieve The Desired Goals 1) To Establish Standards in the School 2) To Provide Safety and Security for Teachers and Students 3) To Provide Accountability on Both the Students and Teachers Importance Of School Rules & Regulations Schedules and routines in the group care setting and at home help children: When infants and toddlers are part of familiar activities and routines, they develop relationships with the people they interact with and gain a sense of belonging and self-confidence. Importance Of School Rules. Sexual harassment can also take different forms: unwanted physical contact, inappropriate comments or jokes, demand for sexual favors. Learning to follow school rules early on helps kids understand why rules are important well into adulthood. Laws are rules, and without laws this world would turn into a chaotic mess. Running in the hallways could cause a student to trip and injure themselves or another person. All employees are often expected to adhere to these rules which also translate to seriousness and discipline among the employees. Essay On Equality In The Classroom 717 Words | 3 Pages The humble classroom is a place where kids first encounter the need to follow rules outside the home. 9. Classroom rules are set to teach student a proper and safe way to act within the classroom and thus, improving the student learning. Everyone should follow their school rules . They want to follow them because the learning experience you provide is so much better than whiling away in time-out. Like all school policies and procedures, the code of conduct should change and grow with the school community. House rules for kids help children to become confident and responsible, traits that are invaluable when children reach adulthood. every student gets a spot to sit and no desk is any better than another. Her most common classroom management techniques were eye contact, the look, and using student. We need you to be detailed. The Importance Of Classroom Rules In School, Classroom Rules Every teachers wants to keep her students safe and teach them what is and is not an appropriate behaviors in class. Follow every rule you've ever learned and every rule your employer shares with you concerning safety and security. At Meachem, there is a student who is punished for leaving the classroom on his own accord, yet when he acts out in class, the teacher will often send him into the hallway. You can use this as an. They advised using short, complete sentences and precise . Once rules are set, the students will begin to sense the tone of the classroom culture. Limiting risks can improve the work environment and job satisfaction of employees. This is one to help children understand why we have rules. The teacher knows that there is a particular way to address the class or help a student out. On the other hand, positive rewards can be in place for individuals or whole-class rule following. Not enough rules or structure, or inconsistent enforcement of the rules, can create resentment and confusion for both parent and child. Clear, well-written school policies and procedures help create environments where students can learn effectively. However, as we know not all children react in the same way to situations and It is clear that when teaching a class of children of any age how disruptive behaviour can negatively impact all involved, leading to the need of a program of positive behaviour strategies that is followed consistently throughout a school. With the code of conduct especially, its important for the student handbook to use language that students will understand. But there are other codified rules which every member of the society should abide by. The truth is that without rules and regulations the world as we know it today would have gotten plunged into total anarchy. Rules set boundaries, something that is essential for children to learn. "Be nice" isn't helpful. Can students move around the room, or should they remain in an assigned seat? Do you want to feature a specific school's new rules and evaluate them? And it supports their mental health: Inone study, teens whose parents enforced a bedtime of 10:00 pm or earlier were less likely to be depressed or consider suicide than teens who were allowed to stay up past midnight. In recent years, there have beenseveralprotestsover school dress codes that are seen as sexist or unfair. With cell phones in the classroom extra-long essay that reflects directionless thoughts they keep them turned off or silent. Or MCX-SX conduct every year to sense the tone of the company obeying school rules is ultimately your... Nice & quot ; isn & # x27 ; s easy to tell when actions. Give parents peace of mind across the school and your fellow teachers help. 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why is it important to follow rules in school