wyoming county court records

Boundary Board correspondence and petitions relate to action taken by the board. Forms include candidate's name, date of birth, address, andpolitical affiliation. CRIMINAL DOCKETS 1913 - 1965 Various records from Sheridan County district court about dispute over county boundary line. Shows physical and manmade features per mile. 1934 - 1940 1943 - 1969, 1974 - 1975 Tabulation of votes cast in the general election. 1924 - 1927, 1930 - 1932 Recorded minutes concerning boundary changes and/or redistricting in Sweetwater County. 1969 - 1970 school year Summaries of civil case proceedings. 1921 1943 1903 - 1967 1868 - 1975 Records give the name of the defendant, date of crime and proceedings, nature of charge, and description of crime. Indexes to Plaintiffs and Defendants in judgment record. Birthdates 1949 - 1965 Information includes grades, health records, scores from scholastic tests, and biographical data on students and parents. RESTRICTED. 1914 - 1919 TERM REPORT 1895 - 1908 1868 - 1899 Series is comprised of registration of voters and list of voters in primary, general, and special elections. RESTRICTED ACCESS. Information includes teacher's name, address, teaching assignment, and district number. TAX SALES RECORD The essays were written by high school freshmen, sophomore, and Junior English classes. 1929 - 1934 Dockets contain various records documenting civil and criminal case proceedings. Summaries of civil case proceedings. RECORDS OF BONDS, ADMINISTRATION, AND OATHS DESCRIPTION LISTS The Wyoming Supreme Court is given original jurisdiction over issues relating to custody, Quo warranto and habeas corpus. 1890 - 1978 There is also a report of teachers' salaries, evaluation of properties, and general financial conditions. Correspondence and forms for grazing livestock on public lands. 1897 - 1964 Wyoming County records its criminal activity in the form of criminal records. INDEX CARDS Home About Wyoming City Departments 62A District Court Case Search Case Search Click on the box below, which will provide basic court information and a Register of Actions in regards to public records [criminal/traffic/civil] from 1990 forward. CRIMINAL CASE FILES - FEDERAL COURT Each entry is a transcription of the document placed in the case file. 1913 - 1958 PLATS CIVIL CASE FILES Includes names of owner and purchaser, legal description of property, amount of purchase, amount of tax and penalty, and date of sale. 1868 - 1915, 1925 - 1947 Files contain various records documenting divorce, small claims, breach of contract, and other civil matters. Registers of voters within each precinct. INSTITUTE ATTENDANCE 1880 - 1912 l913 - 1927 Files contain various records from individual cases. 1975 - 2000 Information includes names of bride and groom, their places of residence, ages, date, and denomination of church. 1913-1969 Summary of proceedings against H.J. MONTHLY REPORT RESTRICTED ACCESS. 14 Docket book gives a short descriptive account of civil and criminal case proceedings. INACTIVE STUDENT CUMULATIVE RECORDS 1913, 1924 - 1970 ELECTION LISTS (LISTS OF QUALIFIED VOTERS) Proceedings of two 1938 meetings of the Association, and of a joint meeting with the Wyoming School Trustees' Association in 1949. Tally of votes cast for each candidate within each precinct. 1914 - 1988 1910 - 1969 1951 - 1970 1906 - 1914 Expenses for school board, teachers' salaries, transportation, supplies and other needs. PERMANENT RECORD CARDS Registers of notaries public in the state, used by the County Clerk to verify validity of notary public attested documents. Dockets contain summaries of civil and criminal proceedings. 1913 - 1970 (Not inclusive for all districts) Lists give certificate of purchase number, name, legal description of property, number of acres, purchase price, principal and accrued interest unpaid, and equity subject to taxation. Opinions of the county attorney about specific cases referred to him by the clerk of court. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, charge or nature of complaint, dates and types of pertinent filings, notes on proceedings, plea, disposition, fine and court costs. 1914 RESTRICTED. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION Information includes name of defendant, charge, and type, date, and fee. The remarks section is generally blank. Information includes name of teacher, certificate number, class of certificate, dates of issue and expiration, date registered, fee place, and paid date. 1902-1910, 1920 Oaths and bonds of notaries filed in the county. Includes a resolution calling for the construction of a library building (1903), catalogue (1887), annual reports (1888-1935, not inclusive), and treasurer's reports (1896, 1904, 1907, 1908). NOTE: RESTRICTED TO LARAMIE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. FAIR BOARD QUARTERLY REPORTS CRIMINAL DOCKETS 1 in Sundance. HIGH SCHOOL GRADES Appointments filed in District Court. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Incoming and outgoing correspondence of the County Superintendent and County Assessor with officials of the Union Pacific Railroad Company concerning school district change that would affect taxation of the railroad. TEACHERS' CERTIFICATION REGISTRATION CARDS See also Photo Records. A state department listing of those seeking a Wyoming teaching position; birth dates and degrees are also listed. Record of military service. BOUNDARY BOARD HEARINGS (District Nos. 1989 - 1990 School census records list pupils' name, sex, ages, addresses, and parents' name. ACCESS TO PART OF THIS RECORD SERIES IS RESTRICTED. 1927 - 1982 QUALIFIED VOTER REGISTERS Information includes grades, test scores, biographical information on student and parents. CIVIL CASE FILES RESTRICTED ACCESS. APPLICATION FOR DEPOSIT OF PUBLIC FUNDS 1926 - 1940 CIVIL CASE FILES 4, CERTIFICATES OF SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX VOTED, DISTRICT NO. 1 and student of record. Wyoming County legally keeps current sex offender registers. These stub books are a record of expeditures for the above dates in District No. BOUNDARY BOARD CORRESPONDENCE DISTRICT COURT PAPERS 1887 - 1935 (Not inclusive) Information includes name of deceased and memoranda of papers. Purchase orders for pesticides to eradicate leafy spurge. Information includes name of teacher, certificate number, area of teaching, date of issuance and expiration, registration date, and fee payment. CRIMINAL DOCKETS Records include warrants, complaints, and court orders. Filter search results in the box below. The correspondence and related materials provide information on the establishment of the special fund and its disbursement. 1913 - 1926 Undated Tabulation of votes per district. The planning records of the Albany County Committee include the election records of the committee members, minutes of meetings, correspondence of the committee, studies and proposals of the committee, directives and bulletins from the state committee, and maps of proposed school district reorganization in Albany County. Records include complaints, summonses, praecipes, notices, executions, satisfactions of judgment, etc. TRIBAL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS 1912-1967 1978 1980 1890 - 1969 Certificates give name of ranch owner, location of ranch and name of ranch. The books list pupils and the grades earned in each subject. Entries may also include case numbers, filing dates, and dispositions. 1883 - 1884, 1939 - 1946 Notice of Boundary Line Changes were legal notices of school district boundary changes made by the Boundary Board and recorded with county clerk. CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING VACANT PRINCIPAL POSITIONS The certificate is attested by the teacher and a witness. Recorded proceedings of the school district meetings. CORRESPONDENCE WITH COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 4 ATTENDANCE RECORDS WILSON, MOOSE, UINTA COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT ANNUAL REPORT, POLL BOOKS, POLL LISTS, AND VOTER REGISTERS, ELECTION LISTS (LISTS OF QUALIFIED VOTERS), BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION/PHASE III CASE FILES (CASE 86- 12) SURFACE WATER RIGHTS, BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION/PHASE III CASE FILES (CASE 86- 12) UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS, BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION AMENDED JUDGMENT AND DECREES, BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION - CONTESTANTS' EXHIBITS, BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION INDEXES OF DOCUMENTS, BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION LARAMIE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT APPENDIX TO DECREE, CIVIL CASE NO. Summaries of civil case proceedings. 1966 1983 Included are regulations, requirements, and correspondence with the State Department of Education and U. S. Representative, William H. Harrison. 1868 - 1967 1888 - 1906 CENSUS, SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. MORTGAGE RECORD Incoming and outgoing correspondence with the county superintendent of schools, the Department of Education, and school district patrons. 2 - 10 1918 - 1925 WARRANT REGISTER Incoming and outgoing correspondence between the Superintendent of Schools and the Department of Education concerning organization and standards for special classes, state reimbursement for special classes, teachers of special classes, and reports of special classes taught in Albany County School District No. STUDENT CUMULATIVE FILES - GRADUATES Information may include the name, residence, occupation and physical characteristics of the deceased, cause of death, site of investigation, inventory of personal affects, names of jurors and witnesses, and verdict. (WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION) Gives name of owner/corporation, property description, property classification, proper value, principal, interest, and total tax. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, case number and notes on a days proceedings. 1926 - 1958 ABSTRACTS OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS Hand-written notices for courthouse and jail bond election (1872) and Cheyenne election (1899, 1903). CRIMINAL CASE FILES Detailed program for each session of the institute, including session topics and speakers. In Wyoming County, the current seat is Pineville. 1932 1940 INDEX TO TEACHER CERTIFICATION RECORDS A variety of correspondence dealing with issues such as employment, funds, regulations, certification, etc. 1959 1883 - 1973 1934 - 1948 CORPORATION RECORDS Fax: 585-228-3236 Remarks about the case include satisfaction of judgment, reference to execution docket or supreme court cases. GENERAL INDEXES SOME INFORMATION IS RESTRICTED. ROAD BOOK CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, charge, dates and types of pertinent filings, notes on proceedings, judgment, fine and court costs. IMMUNIZATION RECORDS, NON-GRADUATES (WORLAND HIGH SCHOOL) TEACHER DIRECTORIES GENERAL INDEX TO DISTRICT COURT RECORDS Information includes the purpose of the corporation, its central office, capital stock, names of officers and their duties, and the corporation's lifespan. REPORT OF EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS WYOMING SCHOOLS RECOMMENDED SALARY SCHEDULE 2, 4, and 6 into a new school district no. BAR DOCKET 1893 - 1903 1886, 1887, 1891 1 (Laramie) for school construction. 1881 - 1960 1889 1951 overall The teacher or the school cannot be identified. SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGETS OBSERVATIONS ABOUT THE SELECTION OF A HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING SITE Various mining records recorded with the county clerk. Notices provide names of locators, names of claims, legal descriptions of boundaries, names of adjoining claims, and dates of discovery and recording. PETITIONS GRANTED / DENIED 1943 - 1966 Register includes the name, license number, date of issue and expiration, type of license (liquor, billiard, peddler, wholesale, retail, etc. 1919 CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET 1941 - 1982 COUNTY MATRON MONTHLY REPORTS PROPOSED BOUNDARY LINE CHANGES - DISTRICT NOS. 1920, ca. Enrollment and financial statistics. 1919 - 1921 Information includes names of mortgagor and mortgagee, recording number, date of instrument, date of filing, amount, description of property, and date of release. Under the education codes, except for first class school districts (Laramie), all school districts were required by law to hold an annual meeting of the district's patrons to approve a budget, elect board members, and to take action on other business matters of the school district. Register of records filed in Laramie County. Volumes list name, address, age, birthplace, and occupation. Cumulative scholastic files for East High School graduates. TEACHER CERTIFICATION FILES There are a few personal letters and records which include names of the deceased. SPECIAL CLASSES CORRESPONDENCE Cards may include health information for students attending Green River High School. 1918 - 1934 1891-1914 Files contain various records from civil proceedings, including complaints, motions, decrees, and judgments. ABSTRACT OF ELECTION Except for "Teacher's Fund," there is no reference as to the nature of the warrant. 1890 - 1898 The groups in question are violent crime and property crime. Annual reports (1906-1946) on expenses, purchases, programs, and general conditions of the library. Information includes courses of study, daily program, and number of students. See also Assessment Rolls and Tax List. 25 (Keystone) Original marriage licenses. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATION OF WATER Information includes name of grantee, certificate number, legal description of property, and attached covenants or rights reserved. 1924 - 1968 1889 - 1967, 1972 - 1974 The examiner's signature accompanies a score for vision, hearing, teeth, nose and height and weight. Information includes name of defendant, charge, date of arrest/hearing, plea, judgment, fine and court costs. Convention held in cooperation with the Northwest District Association in Thermopolis. 1890 - 1891 Indexes to names in mining records. Copies of records of funds distributed to the county school districts by the county superintendent's office. AUTHORIZATION FOR SECURING PESTICIDES - GENERAL 1871 - 1962 In the back of each volume is a tally of votes cast. Your payment (money order/check) must be in a sealed envelope with your name, case number and a phone number where you can be reached. 1924 - 1967 28 (FOX PARK), MONTHLY REPORTS - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT CLERKS - DISTRICT NOS. MARRIAGE RECORDS Information includes name of defendant, nature of charge, dates of proceedings, plea, disposition, fines, and court costs. Letters of administration provide information on appointment of administrators and administratrix to estates, ancillary administrators, guardianship, testamentary, surety bonds. 1899 - 1914 Includes plats (1901-1927), maps, and plans to buildings. CERTIFICATION APPLICATIONS 1931 - 1960 1908 VOTER REGISTRATION CARDS - CANCELED RESTRICTED. 1903 - 1905 Civil papers filed in W.R. Hunter vs. Frank Schwartz for money due, and criminal complaint and bond in State vs. John Woodley for horse stealing. 1890 1925 - 1939, 1941 - 1966 Graduation years Most of the information concerns the years 1946-1947. ATTACHMENT RECORD 1926 1931 PROBATE CASE FILES SUPREME COURT The number of teachers and bus drivers employed by each school district. Instruments may include letters of administration; inventories and appraisements; bonds of executors, administrators and guardians; wills; court orders and decrees. 1943 - 1953 Note: Many of the applications contain restricted information. Samples of assessment schedules used in the county. Under no circumstances may you use our Information includes names of grantor and grantee, date, type of deed, consideration paid, legal description of property, attached covenants, and relinquishment of right. JUROR LISTS ABSTRACTS OF LAND Meeting minutes of Casper Mountain Mining District (1891, 1893, 1901), Keystone Mining District (1890), and a Snowy Range district (1891); and minutes and recordings of the Herley Mining District (1883 - 1890). 1960 1984 Dates of birth 1970 1923 - 1936 1885 - 1971 DISTRICT COURT JOURNALS CIVIL CASE PAPERS CIVIL DOCKET INDEX Confirmation of the election of James S. Harper as county clerk. 1923 - 1946 1913, ca. 9 only. Entries list name, legal description of property, and amount of tax, penalty, interest, and, in volumes, name of purchaser, certificate of purchase number, and certificate of redemption number. Comprised mainly of bail or appearance bonds filed in connection with both civil and criminal actions before the court. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Cards listing teachers' names, school names, districts, and years of employment. 1869 - 1972 Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, charge or nature of complaint, summary of filings and motions, plea, disposition, fine and court costs. Listings of trustees' names, districts, addresses, and positions. Summary sheet of civil cases, usually small claims. 1915 - 1934 Record of poll taxes collected. COURSES OF STUDY MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETINGS 1888 1962 CRIMINAL CASE PAPERS 1938 - 1945 COMMISSIONS, BONDS AND OATHS Records include the Application for the Project, progress report, cost summaries and blue line drawing. CIVIL DOCKETS 1880 - 1886 CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASE FILES CRIMINAL DOCKET BOOKS 1970 - 1973 Record of itemized receipts and expenditures. Information includes grades, test scores, biographical information on student and parents. List of voters by precinct primary, general, and special election. 1890 - 1971 1975 You may also visit the website http://www.legalhelpwy.org to download the appropriate packet at no cost.FILINGThe Clerk of Courts office will also accept fax or email filings. Registers of student attendance information, separated by grades, including grades 7 -12. Check the website for the county clerk for links and further information. Reports of the county matron provide financial and administrative information about the operation of the county home. INDEX TO WATER APPROPRIATIONS ca. Files may include summons, and testimony. Call for bids from School District Nos. 1939 The front of the volume provides yearly summary and statistics of taxes collected. Birthdates 1935 - 1983 ASSESSMENT ROLLS AND TAX LISTS The undated list includes teacher salaries. RESTRICTED TO ALBANY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Records include notices, voting records, and some correspondence from the various districts concerning the formation of a unified Niobrara County District. Case files may contain summons, praecipes for execution, motions, bonds, orders, petitions, evidence, transcripts of testimony, judgments, and supreme court appeals. 1917 - 1940 Tables list name of property owner, name of purchaser, description of property, and date and amount of purchase. 1872 - 1940 STUDENT CUMULATIVE FILES Original wills that were not reviewed in Probate Court. Cumulative files of students who attended West Elementary School. Summaries of criminal court proceedings. Information includes name, precinct number and name, and post office address. 1889 - 1963 DISTRICT COURT JOURNALS Pimble for destruction of school property. 1891 - 1973 1939 Case files include summons, petitions, precipes for execution, undertakings on attachments, various motions and appeals, transcripts of testimony, replevin filings and orders, bonds and orders. Docket book provides summaries of civil and criminal case proceedings. Correspondence about the Wyoming judicial system and administrative issues at the state and local levels. Information usually includes name, days served in jail, charge, prisoner number, cost of serving meals to individual prisoners, total expenses, and warrant number issued to sheriff for reimbursement of expenses. CRIMINAL DOCKET Most of the files contain only ticket for violations of game and fish and traffic laws. Lists of creditors per probate case, noting name of estate, probate case number, name of creditor, amount, date allowed, and date paid. Not all of the indicated years are available for each district. Examination of financial records of the school district, Natrona County High School, and Midwest High School. List of people petitioning for a rebate of taxes. 1937 - 1981 NATURALIZATION INDEX CARDS 1867 - 1888 Information includes recording number, name of corporation, character of instrument filed, date filed, and recording book and page. 1918 - 1939 Land patents recorded by the Park County Clerks office. School census records list school age children residing in each district. detailed updates regarding county-by-county court operations and proceedings. List includes names of livestock shipper, date animal was found, gender and brand. The Judge overseeing this case is SWEET, GARY L. The case status is Disposed - Other . 1868 - 1875 CRIMINAL TRANSCRIPTS Forms provide biographical information on the baby and parents, race, number of children born to mother, and child's date of birth. NOTE: RESTRICTED ACCESS. Record of mortgages on real property. 1897 - 1935 4 and bonds for Districts Nos. Record of deeds filed with the Carter/Sweetwater County Clerk. The program denotes officers, committees, speakers, session speakers and related activities held during the three day convention. RODENT CONTROL RECORDS 1907 - 1908, 1912 - 1926 There is no reference to the reason for the certificate. ca. 2 CENSUS (CASPER-MIDWEST HIGH SCHOOL), COOPERATIVE PREDATORY ANIMAL CONTROL AGREEMENTS, COUNTY COMMITTEE FOR REORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS, NOTICES OF FORMATION OF NIOBRARA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, RURAL SCHOOLS ATTENDANCE AND CLASSIFICATION REGISTERS, REGISTER OF GRADES, 6TH THROUGH 8TH, ALL COUNTY SCHOOLS, RECORD OF BONDS AND LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, CUMULATIVE FILES / PERMANENT RECORD CARDS N0N-GRADUATES, CUMULATIVE FILES / PERMANENT RECORD CARDS - GRADUATES, PERMANENT RECORD CARDS (INACTIVE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL), PERMANENT RECORD CARDS / CUMULATIVE FILES, CUMULATIVE FILES NON-GRADUATES FROM CODY MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOLS, EASTSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DROPPED STUDENT CUMULATIVE FILES, A HISTORY OF UPPER SAGE SCHOOL, PARK COUNTY, WYOMING SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEES ASSOCIATION, FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION MANUAL FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, HEART MOUNTAIN RELOCATION SCHOOL REGISTRATION CARDS, RECORD OF TEACHER CERTIFICATES REGISTERED, CLERK'S RECORDS, DISTRICT NOS. Record of papers filed in probate court. Files may contain evaluations, samples of work, grades, and national test scores. Records provide general information on terms of sale or lease of land, and list of land leased in the county, noting property description, lease number, lessee, and expiration date on lease. INFORMATION RECORD 1932 1933 BRAND BOOKS 1870 - 1957, 1975 - 1984 General election tables list name, age, place of birth, and occupation or residence. Guidelines for working with children with speech handicaps. Record of number and type of school materials and equipment. STUDENT HEALTH CARDS Monday - Friday. CASE FILES INDEX Indexes to instruments filed or recorded in Natrona County. CRIMINAL CASE PAPERS MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS SCHOOL BOARD AND TEACHER COMBINED DIRECTORIES A total expenditure for year is also recorded. MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETINGS 1880 - 1886 3 real property. REGISTERS OF NOTARIES PUBLIC COMBINED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET MORTGAGE RECORDS Register of instruments recorded in the County Clerk's office. Information on name of locators, lode name, mining district and recording book. MONTHLY REPORTS CRIMINAL APPEARANCE DOCKETS 1930 1984 RESTRICTED TO STUDENT OF RECORD AND WESTON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. TEACHERS' APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATION This award was presented by the Casper-Midwest Classroom Teachers Association to the Natrona County School Board for its efforts in the field of education. BUS DRIVERS' WORKSHOPS 1872 - 1878, 1883 - 1913 1969-1982 Lists of property owners who failed to pay taxes. SAMPLE FORMS 1939, 1958, 1962 - 1966 issue dates Docket books provide summaries of trial proceedings. 1969 1930 sdevinne@nycourts.gov, IDV Resource Coordinator 25 (Keystone), TEACHER'S DAILY REGISTER - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Files also contain other related records, such as correspondence, bonds, bids, lists of vouchers issued, and plumbing and heating specifications. 1885 - 1907 File contains by-laws of the St. John's Hospital Staff (n.d.) and incorporation certificate of St. John's Hospital Training School (1908). Information includes sex, age, address, and name of parent. Probate case files contain records presented in individual cases for the settlement of cases, guardianships, adoptions, and insanity hearings. Legal papers such as motions, judgments, and stipulations may be attached to docket sheet. 1957 - 1970, Jan. 1975 DIRECTORIES OF SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Building bond for School District No. FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT BIDS Records are minutes of the school board and minutes of annual and special meetings of the school district, and incoming and outgoing correspondence. 1956 - 1970 REPORT OF EXPENDITURES - SPECIAL RESERVE FUND PLAT BOOKS 4 (INCLUDES FORMER DISTRICT NOS. 1874 - 1960 Information includes certificate of purchase number, name of property owner, legal description of property, amount of tax owed, name of purchaser, name of redeemer, and redemption date. The register includes teachers' names, certificate number, school name, district, issue/expiration dates, fee paid and salary for some years. Information includes names of defendants, nature of charges, dates and kinds of pertinent filings, pleas, dispositions, fines, court costs and referrals to higher courts. 1968 - 1974 (overall) PROGRAMS OF TEACHERS' INSTITUTES Correspondence includes letters of solicitation from architects, letters of response from architects to requests from the Board of Trustees for Architects to submit drawings for proposed schools, and correspondence between the Board and architects awarded contracts for building. 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 12, and 28, BIDS - SALE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY - FOR SERVICES, EXAMINER'S REPORTS - DISTRICT NOS. 1884 - 1899 CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TERM OR YEARLY SUMMARIES Includes transcribed records dated prior to the organization of Teton County in 1922. RESTRICTED. Files contain various records documenting case proceedings, usually misdemeanors, felonies, and serious traffic offenses. 1861-1871 1882 1950 Search. Civil trial dockets record the progress of civil cases. Records include deeds, abstracts, location records, agreements, assignments, proofs of labor, affidavits, indexes to deeds and locations, and mining district minutes. CRIMINAL CASE FILES Transcriptions and copies of wills presented to probate. Correspondence with the Retirement Board concerning consolidation of districts, fund withdrawal, and retirement applications. A certification by the school district clerk naming teachers employed, the beginning and ending dates of the school term, and the teacher's salary. 1883 - 1979 These are probably only a small portion of the total number of probate cases heard in court. 3,4,5,7,8,10,22 1885 - 1969 Proceedings of annual meetings of school districts. Lists of claims allowed against Weston County comprise most of this series. REPORT OF WYOMING ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Transcripts of district court hearings concerning the adjudication of water rights in the Big Horn River system. CLAIMS REGISTER 1871 - 1928 Proceedings of the Hot Springs County Planning Board for the reorganization of the school districts. RECORD OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S VISITATIONS Criminal cases pertain to felonies, misdemeanors, and capital offenses. BURNS HIGH SCHOOL - PERMANENT RECORD CARDS (TRANSCRIPTS) 1911 - 1936 (Not inclusive) WILL RECORD 1938, 1949 1925 - 1926, 1935 1939 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Various records on the summoning and discharging of jurors. STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION EVALUATION . PORTIONS OF THESE RECORDS ARE RESTRICTED. Also included are agreements, bids submitted to the board, bills and invoices, memoranda, school lunch reports, estimates of receipts and expenditures, fire marshal's report, and a self-evaluation study. List of voters, party affiliations (primary elections only) and tally of votes cast in primary, general and special elections. School year summaries of civil case proceedings for a rebate of taxes held in with! 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