oakland county corruption

They always left with no result. And in Grand Traverse, Trump went from winning by 13 points four years ago to beating Biden by just 3. From the outset, Nessel ran with the often used talking point that the majority of the abuse of Americas seniors occurs at the hands of family members or friends. Guys like John Chase and Alan May have been running roughshod for so long that theyve utterly lost their principles, he told me. Scott Adams faces 'consequence culture' as U.S. newspapers drop Dilbert, Tom Cruise's 'ditching' of Suri showcased by Judd Apatow's 'co-parenting' joke, ex-Scientology exec says. We have concerns that the First Amendment right of access to court records may be violated by a statute providing for so short a period before records are destroyed, Kinzinger, whose firm serves as general counsel for the First Amendment Coalition, wrote in an email. For instance, the 2020 election showed its share of vote-splitters. In fact, while Biden lost west Michigan as a region overall, he still was able to improve his percentage of support relative to Clinton's by 5 percentage points again, much of that coming from third party support from four years ago and get 119,000 more votes out of the region. Trump couldn't afford it, having beaten Clinton four years ago by just 10,704 votes, or about two-tenths of 1% of the vote. I called my editor at the Free Press. Under the Brady rule, prosecutors must disclose material that might help the defense, including information that undermines the credibility of state witnesses. Corruption cases have long riddled the Metro-Detroit region and in an upcoming post we will detail the ones that have been brought to the public eye since 2016. However, when I saw that the list of attendees included State Public Administrator Michael Moody, I pushed back and alerted Rossman-McKinney that he was a focus of the investigation. On the morning of March 25, I paused to watch Nessels presser on Facebook. In addition to members of the Detroit City Council being investigated for possible crimes related to public corruption tied to City towing policies, so are three members of the Detroit Police Department. Therefore, I cannot let this particular whole truth just vanish. As a result, the full extent of Valergas conduct remains unknown. In November 2005, Valerga pleaded guilty to the charges, all misdemeanors. Throughout the trials, the Oakland Police Departments internal culture was examined in detail, as were political decisions by city leaders to undertake a zero tolerance crackdown on drug dealers, which community activistsand even the Oakland police unionblamed for stoking violence by street cops. The Section's public corruption work involves the investigation and prosecution of bribery, extortion, fraud, and embezzlement committed by elected and appointed officials, government employees, and those doing business with city, state, and federal government. From one standpoint, Biden didn't overachieve: Where Trump in 2016 flipped a dozen counties from blue to red, Biden flipped only three. Far from the Michigan election being stolen from Trumpas he claims, the president did a remarkable job of energizing support, especially, but not only, in older industrial and rural parts of the state. Still, as Rossman-McKinneys stock climbed ever higher, the Elder Abuse Task Force set out to boldly go where two other Task Forces had never gone before. In the region around Saginaw Bay and the Thumb, he got 27,000 more votes than in 2016 out of an area still trying to dig itself out of long-standing manufacturing losses. Michael Buchanan, and Officer Brian Liddy. And while we don't know precisely what that percentage was yet across the state, Kiska's key precincts give a decent idea. The initial charges against Smith were the state charges and occurred in March of 2020, and the federal charges came in September of 2020. L. Brooks Patterson: Well, I always thought that was a red herring. Kirkpatrick was also recently criticized in her handling of the police fatal shooting of a homeless man, Joshua Pawlik, who was found armed and sleeping in 2018. In February 2003, Neely and Richholt pleaded guilty to one count of agreeing to engage in prostitution and received one day in jail and three years of probation, a misdemeanor. Plaintiffs alleged mistreatment at the hands of four veteran officers, known as the "Riders", who were alleged to have kidnapped, planted evidence, and beaten . I was already looking into Macks background when Catallo broke Bob and Barbs story. My concerns about a possible catch and kill situation didnt come out of nowhere. The pollsters were all wrong," saidSusy Heintz Avery, a former Michigan Republican Party chairwoman and co-director of the Michigan Political Leadership Program at Michigan State University. And there are any number of places where such a change can be demonstrated, across metro Detroit. I did so immediately with no response. Nessel, Bernstein and Cavanaugh attended Listening Sessions across Michigan during which seniors and their families could tell their stories, within three-minute reason. Or one of the cases that had the DPOA that was ignored to see if we could file a motion to terminate. In Macomb County, the recent names making headlines for alleged public corruption are former Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney Eric Smith, former Macomb County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Ben Liston and suspended Macomb County Assistant Prosecutor Derek Miller. the jury verdict. Clinton won the Democratic-leaning region 55.8%-39.9% for Trump four years ago. and corruption in Contra Costa County. We can do something right now. While Republican businessman John James lost the race statewide to U.S. Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., 49.8%-48.3%, he ran ahead of Trump in some areas. "But what happened was the Democrats got their voters out it wasn't enough to overcome what they were able to get out in voter-rich southeastern Michigan.". It spoke generally to the strength Democrats showed in growing suburbs as well as in areas where retirees from southeastern Michigan are moving into Up North. The Oakland police fired Valerga after he was criminally charged. However, theres always the unexpected. The department remains under a federal judges authority and bound by a settlement agreement that details numerous reforms. However, on Dec. 22, 2000, Judge Jaqueline Connor overturned the jury verdict. moving forward. Detroitography.com The difference? True to form, it was a downright bizarre four hours during which our summary of findings was received with moments which ran the gamut between receptive and defensive. What I am about to relate is not an attempt to shame my fellow reporters, nor is it sour grapes as I was able to to find a form of resolution in that the story got told. After she was fired, Kirkpatrick told this news organization that she believed she was terminated as a result of retaliation for refusing a police commissioners request to be reimbursed for towing fees. For Coblentz, that is 296 cases involving 345 defendants . If you have any . Gretchen Whitmer two years ago). Macks defense of Michigan probate judges and the guardianship system itself has been so unyielding that in more direct attorney circles, he has since become knownas Mack the Shield.. Accepting what "is" here is NOT acceptable. Edward Ortiz, Officer Paul Harper, Sgt. Anyone with information about public corruption anywhere in Michigan should report it directly to FBI Detroit special agents and analysts at MichiganCorruption@fbi.gov. Court records were gathered for the claims. I didn't quote him at the time but there were more than a few moments I wanted to blurt out "Well let me tell you, with a trespass on credulity that excels your best, that we do have the evidence. In 2008, Oakland paid $2 million to settle a civil rights lawsuit brought by 16 womenall of whom were Asian Americanwho said they were victims of Valerga. Republican voters, though, as well as Democratic ones, are clearly not monolithic. For instance, look at East Bay Township Precinct 1 in Grand Traverse County. So, nothing that was said there was going to come from anonymous sources I would need to protect with my life. SF corruption scandal widens: Two business leaders charged with bribing City Hall official. Therefore, Moody had no jurisdiction over them. Her work has won or been nominated for four successive Chicago Press Club awards, been recognized by the National Association of Lesbian and Gay Journalists (NLGJA), and covered topics such as criminal justice,abuse atICE detention facilities, andalleged discriminationon the part of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services leading to the unnecessary separation of children from their parents. Four years ago, he rode a level of support in rural and older industrial areas, especially those with large swaths of white voters, unlike that seen since Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, decrying trade deals and blustering that he'd force Mexico to pay for a wall along the southern border. These charges have surfaced over the last year or so, and have only driven the total number of public corruption cases that can be accounted for in the last four years. Most recently, investigations involve Detroit City Councilmembers Andre Spivey, Janee Ayers and Scott Benson. Its really hard toconfer a whistleblowing case when no one knew the whistle had been blown, Jackson said. donate today. You cant give that stuff to them. Biden was also able to flip Kent and Leelanau, though, two more traditionally Republican counties (though both also voted for Gov. But he kept it up, and it worked to a great degree. The reforms that Nessel, alongside Michigan Supreme Court Justices Richard Bernstein and Megan Cavanaugh, proposed that morning all stemmed from issues I had brought up in the meeting with Teter as well as Catallos reporting and ones which were clearly laid out in an updated 2019 federal Qui Tam lawsuit brought by Ann Arbor attorney Bradley Geller. Driving Biden's success wasn't only the fact that he did better percentage-wise than Clinton did in 2016 across metro Detroit, however. Its my first and last OpEd so it calls for some trial anderror. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! For instance, the vote inblue-collar Macomb County, north of Detroit,has predicted the statewide winner for governor or president in the last sevenelections and 17 of the last 20. It probably explains why they joined the Michigan Guardianship Association and a host of like-minded pro-guardianship organizations and the omnipresent Probate Judges Association as Task Force members. Seven points (the margin between the two candidates in the poll) is not representative of the gap (in the election). This year, he won the precinct again. In Oakland County, the state's second largest county, turnout was nearly 75%, higher than the 72% seen in 2008; in Detroit which is getting smaller and the rest of Wayne County, turnout . Oct 30, 2019. Political parties have to realign their messaging," she said. For instance, it dropped by 8 percentage points in Emmet County, 9 in Ottawa in west Michigan, nearly 10 in Grand Traverse. Oakland County Public Corruption Defense Lawyer, MI. OCSO in the Community. I patiently reiterated that the wards had been placed in these homes by public administrators and was about to say the name Moody again when Teter lost his temper and told me I was twisting his words. It would, therefore, not serve our goals for publication at all to provide you with the requested documents at this time, I concluded. However, they never faced criminal charges. There are also cases tied to contractors and overall public corruption cases in Macomb County, that were not included in these counts. Just what in the blue fuck was that supposed to mean? All rights reserved. Many of the cases are related the Rizzo Environmental Services federal case that entangled elected officials, public employees and business figures who owned the business and worked with it. The book exposes the history of police brutality on Oakland, but it is a familiar and perhaps even universal story people can bear witness to in countless communities that stretch around the world. Valergas conduct was so egregious that investigators in his own department thought he should be punished to the full extent of the law. Thatdifference was even more stark in Kent County in west Michigan, where Trump lost,getting 165,318 votes to Biden's 186,753. The department remains under a federal judges authority and bound by a settlement agreement that details numerous reforms. Kirkpatricks lawsuit seeks an unspecified amount of monetary damages for loss of pay, benefits and loss of future earnings. You shared the chart of the home sales information with me and it included one sale that was over $100,000 below the market value. Last week, Andre Spivey pled guilty to federal bribery charges and admitted he and an aide received almost $36,000 in bribes. Anuradha Mittal, Oakland Institute Executive Director and author of the Stealth Game report Abdinoor Dima Jillo, member of the Borana Council of Elders in Isiolo County, Kenya Isaiah Biwott, community member Tugen community, Baringo County, Kenya Violet Matiru, Executive Director, Millennium Community Development Initiatives, Kenya Host: Andy . Apr 20, 2022, M. Forrest Behne, Craig Waleed, Meghan Peterson, and Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein Throughout the day, I tried to call the AGs office and was repeatedly told that the entire communications team was In a meeting.. This was a rare opportunity to press her on the issue in person and, given its name, my questions clearly fell smack in the middle of the Task Forces wheel house. In suburban Oakland County, meanwhile, Biden's support grew by 91,000 votes though the president isn't making claims about trucks pulling up in the dead of the night there. Both officers falsely. Four years ago, Trump won among the 1,182 votes there53%-40%, with 6% split between Johnson and Stein. "That tells me some of those folks in Oakland County are turned off by Trump himself but would support Republican principles, at least as John James was pushing them," Dulio said. Kinzinger, the attorney, told The Appeal that because the Riders trials ended with hung juries and the court dismissed the cases after 60 days, the retention requirement for the case files dropped to three years from 50. Former LAPD officer Rafael Perez was convicted in 2000 on state felony charges for stealing eight pounds of cocaine from an evidence locker. Every single time, they were told to "get an attorney but hardly anyone dared to represent wards or families fighting Public Administrators and court-appointed guardians. In Los Angeles County, the superior courts criminal division retained files for several former officers who were charged in the Rampart scandal, where anti-gang officers in a downtown precinct were accused of unprovoked shootings and beatings of suspects, as well as planting evidence and stealing drugs then turning around and selling them on the street. Jeff Chiu/Associated Press. Wayne County, including Detroit, has the highest number of public corruption charges in the region, and the state, followed by Macomb County. After all, Rossman-McKinney hadnt risen to her position without the usual, required Machiavellian dexterity. Richholt did not respond to a request for comment. But he won three more counties than Clinton did and did better in those he didn't win than Clinton did in a state known to be more Democratic-leaning than Republican in presidential elections. I was quite surprised when, almostimmediately I heard back from her Communications Director Kelly Rossman-McKinney asking if my team and I would be willing to meet with a long list of Nessel staff members in order to overview our findings. Since 2016 there have been 10 public officials from Macomb County, either the County organization itself or a municipality within its boundaries, who have been charged with alleged public corruption crimes. Biden lost in all those places, as he did in all but 11 of the state's 83 counties. After speaking with AG [sic] office they assure me the task force has nothing to do with Oakland County issues, he wrote. Because it isnt worth it., I dont imagine any appeals to your conscience or journalist integrity are worth it, I added. A public administrator was clearly just a title with no more consequences of its removal than telling the Duke of Edinburgh that he could no longer be a duke. By the morning of Friday March 22, I was getting nervous. The prominent law firm alsorepresents the city of Oakland, Alameda County and the Coliseum Authority, most notably in the ongoing legal battle against the Golden State Warriors over a roughly $40 million debt the authority says the team owes. Chapter 3: Law and Order - LBP. In Oakland County, for instance, where Trump got 42.3% of the vote, or just over 328,000 votes, James, did better, with 43.8% of the vote, or 334,469votes. Not only that, but from 2003-to-2008, the MSC was provided audits of probate courts, in at least six counties. In Wayne County's Canton Precinct 2, for instance, the in-person vote broke 58%-42% for Biden, up from the52%-43% Clinton had in 2016. His case file remains in the archives of Los Angeless court system. Posted in: Uncategorized Ayers and Benson have not been charged with any crimes, however their homes have been raided in connection with this broad FBI investigation, according to news reports. The Appeal was unable to locate Valerga for comment. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat, Southern California home sales fall to all-time low, Denver just got a direct flight to this Caribbean island known for music history and vegetarian cooking, NYC Mayor Adams dismisses need to separate church and state, declares himself a servant of God, Zero-calorie sweetener linked to heart attack and stroke, study finds, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. About This Work. One attorney who did described sanctions and threats of Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission complaints from both the PAs and the judges. In addition, outside law enforcement . After the city rejects a claim, a lawsuit can be filed. Contact Todd Spangler:tspangler@freepress.com. The series covers the 1995 abduction of 6-year-old Morgan Nick from a little league game in Alma, Arkansas, as well as the resolution of the 1989 abduction and murder of 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling in St. Joseph, Minnesota. In January 2005, Valerga was charged with two counts of violating the civil rights of his victims, and two counts of false imprisonment. The power of the Purple Gang, the. The early numbers from the Secretary of State's Office indicate that was down in this election to about 45,000, far closer to normal. The Alameda County Superior Court destroyed Valergas entire case file sometime after his probation ended. What may be the most remarkable part of Biden's victory in Michigan, however, is the way in which the entire process unfolded amid the coronavirus pandemic. Not all branches of Californias courts are as aggressive as Alameda County in destroying police corruption files. Chapter 1: Police, Prosecutors, the Privileged, and Politics. Both officers falsely represented themselves as FBI agents during the incident. This is producing unnecessary drama and complications so at this point Im asking you to skip efforts to attend. I have to come to the conclusion that there is a certain lie factor, a certain unwillingness of Trump voters to express themselves.". A documentary crew with exclusive access follows the new leadership with the cold case team devoted to Morgan's case. We have it and it is clear and incontrovertible.". It is one of the 80 key precincts identified by Tim Kiska, an associate professor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn who does election analysisfor the Free Press, as representative of the direction the state may take in a given election. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. "The Trump surge came at the end and he couldn't quite catch up to Biden's advantage," he said. Evidence Room: 248-858-5062. "My inclination was that the blue wall states were going to do what they normally do and vote Democrat.". Whether I received my answers from Nessel in the form of an official comment or not, the AG herself had ordered the meeting. A high level review of elder care issues?. In Livingston County, for instance, Trump won by 23 points but that was 7 points worse than he had done against Clinton. Mack was a Wayne County Probate Court Chief Judge when, again, two attorneys operating out of his court, John Chase, Jr. and Melvin Jefferson Jr, allegedly worked with Wayne County Judge Freddie Burton, Jr. to pilfer the estate of no less than Rosa Parks. On Nov. 16, 2000, Officer Harper was acquitted of all charges after a month-long trial. An example of that varying support can be found in Clinton Township Precinct 38, located along Romeo Plank at Hall Road. , where anti-gang officers in a downtown precinct were accused of unprovoked shootings and beatings of suspects, as well as planting evidence and stealing drugs then turning around and selling them on the street. OAKLAND Former Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick filed a federal whistleblower lawsuit against the city on Wednesday, alleging she was fired in retaliation for exposing corruption and . The fileswhich consisted of thousands of pages of hearing transcripts, motions, and evidencewere the best public record of the longest criminal trial in Alameda County history. Corruption in the Oakland County Child Killer case Guarded By Jackals. In Brighton's Precinct 4, at the Brighton Education Community Center on Church Street, Trump won 55%-40% four years ago, getting 507 votes to Clinton's 370. What is fundamentally clear is that neither the Free Press nor Nessel wanted me there asking anything specific. Turnout topped 5.5 million votes, beating the record of 5 million in 2008, and that, in turn, was driven by an avalanche of absentee votes, which were believed to top 3.3 million. If that's the case, it's not just in Michigan, but in several other states as well, including Wisconsin and Florida, where Trump clearly outperformed most recent polls. The Truth About Marijuana and the Criminal Legal System, Florida Cops Nearly Sent a Five-Year-Old to Jail, When It Comes to Reporting Deaths of Incarcerated People, Most States Break the Law, M. Forrest Behne, Craig Waleed, Meghan Peterson, and Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Gay And Trans Panic Is Still Being Used To Justify Anti-LGBTQ Attacks. The case against Deanna Barash, 46, is the latest case filed by public corruption prosecutors against a . Theiralleged victims number in the high thousands of Michigan's most vulnerable senior and developmentally disabled citizens, each declared legally incapacitated wards and placed under a court-appointed guardianship and conservatorship. The paper that would never bow to a public official. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Flowingdata.com Just like Caring Hearts, ADDMS was founded by attorneys who had donated to Georges 2003 campaign. Nov. 2, 2000. High-Ranking Ventura County Gang Member Linked to Mexican Mafia Sentenced to . And then of course in the mid-'70s, '76, '77, with the four children in Oakland County who were kidnapped and killed. He is a man to whom I will be indebted for the rest of my life. On the other hand, what happened this year with the Detroit Free Presstook the prize andwas a gut-punch to what had been my rose-tinted view of the profession. The subjects of Nessels proclamation were alsocentral figures in my investigation alongside attorney Jon B. Munger (fired in 2017), Oakland County Probate Court Chief Judge Kathleen Ryan and her colleagues Linda Hallmark, Daniel A. OBrien and Jennifer Callaghan. You told me you would never back down to anyone. Metro-Detroit is not unfamiliar with public corruption. After all, less than a week after Nessels office asked to meet with me, the Detroit-area Task Force raided the Taylor, Michigan City Hall and the Attorney General herself released a note congratulating them. But James won over Peters in that county, with 176,356 to 174,147 for Peters. Both Moody and his wife Lauras tenures with the AGs office pre-dated Nessel. With more likely in the works, it is important to note that strong local journalism, citizen involvement in local government and an understanding of who is being elected can help reduce corruption cases. They are all sharp as tacks anyway. But it was 56%-45%. With the help of Democrat activist and State Court Administrator Milton Mack, Jr., she decided to stick around the Macomb County bench, if only when she felt like it. Harris denied ever asking for police to cover any fees, her attorney said in an interview in February. Her work has won or been nominated for four successive Chicago Press Club awards, been recognized by the National Association of Lesbian and Gay Journalists (NLGJA), and covered topics such as. - John F . As a result, this activity has continued unchecked for at least three decades, with probate court audits covered up by Nessel and her predecessors, the Michigan Supreme Court and the State Court Administrator's Office. While I was still working Oakland County, Catallo was doing sterling work in neighboring Macomb. The allegations include that they frequently abused and harassed Oakland police staff, interfered in day-to-day operations and sought unlawful access to confidential documents. Never had I heard of a news organization siding with a public official over a journalist, freelance or not. In 2015, the Superior Court in Alameda County, California, quietly destroyed the criminal case files for three former Oakland police officers, known as the Riders, who stood trial for beating, falsely arresting, and framing dozens of African American men in the late 1990s and early 2000s, The Appeal has learned. While he pled guilting to this federal corruption charge in January of 2021, he has yet to be sentenced, in part because of his ongoing public corruption case with the State Attorney Generals Office. Charges against Vazquez are still active because he is considered a fugitive. Pressures to Raise Wages in Michigan Continue, Michigans Substance Use Vulnerability Index Highlights Wayne County as one of States Most Vulnerable, Rate of Alcohol-Induced Deaths Increasing in Southeast Michigan; White Males Have Highest Rates, Metro-Detroit Economic Indicators: Home Prices Dropping, Personal Debt Increasing, Climate Change in MichiganNow and in the Future. Biden, for instance, did far better than Clinton did in some other areas, and in some of them may have been helped by forces outside hisor Trump's control. It's based on the candidate.". The afternoon was led by Assistant Attorney General Scott Teter. In Los Angeles County, the superior courts criminal division retained files for several former officers who were charged in the. Chapter 5: The Runaway. "He (Trump) grew his base considerably. I immediately pulled the project from the Free Press and scrambled to find a self-publish website while continuing to gather research. But then, these families could not get moveon.org to tweet a single word about them and, despite the complete eradication of their loved ones civil rights, the Detroit office of the ACLU told them to stick it. I was fundamentally clear to him that, if Lucido was right about his dates, it was vital that I attend. The polices independent federal monitor, Robert Warshaw, criticized Kirkpatricks discipline of the officers which he said deviated from recommendations of her own senior commanders calling the chiefs thinking disappointing and myopic.. As if I didnt already know, he reminded me that public administrators who took roles as guardians and conservators were acting outside of their job descriptions and as private attorneys. Those officers have since been fired. With millions of those votes cast in the weeks before Election Day, it entirely changed the face of the campaign, and Avery wonders whetherit won't change things for good. When including public contractors that number rises to about 40. The seven commissioners, Harris included, voted unanimously in February to remove Kirkpatrick from her position. But I was assured, by Free Press leadership, that in no way had the publication ever allowed outside pressure to interfere with an investigation. Investigative and Forensic Services Division - Captain Joseph Quisenberry: 248-858-5087. This statute is written as a set of instructions and authorizations to a branch of government and doesnt necessarily take into account the rights of defendants or victims, Weisberg, the Stanford law professor, told The Appeal. When Catallo was shooting the story, the Kirks attorney, Sterling Heights Mayor and rabid Democrat Michael Taylor showed up to do a bit of schilling for his clients. Tagged: Detroit Corruption, Detroit maps, Drawing Detroit, Macomb County Corruption, Michigan Corruption, Public Corruption, Your email address will not be published. At the time, the chief told the lead investigator she was concerned about retaliation, according to the document. Still, I kept the faith. Two suicides. On August 23, 2019, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that she hadfired three Oakland County Public Administrators, John Yun, Jennifer Carney and Thomas Brennan Fraser and one Macomb County Public Administrator Robert Kirk. 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oakland county corruption