st francis xavier school chicago

Some friends were Jeannine Schiavo and Betty Giunta. I lived at 824 S California while attending St. Frances . I also thought that statement was a little odd, and I do understand what you are saying. I also attended my first funeral at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church. We moved away in 1960 when I would be entering the 8th grade and my sister, Rosemarie the sixth. I can still picture what your both looked like. Thanks for responding. 606 E. Washington St. Medina, Ohio 44256 (330) 725-4968. FXW is innovative, forward thinking and responsive. Thank you so much for sending me this link! But by the next morning they cleared the Blvd and placed the building square on the foundation! Cogo and Fr. There is nothing like that here in the Tampa area. Welcome. Your email address will not be published. (Michael Gard / Daily Southtown) Game 2 St. Xavier (5-9 . Greater Chicago Area. Such fond memories of the Church, School, Priests, and Nuns. Beginning with the demolition of the schools existing gymnasium, the program provided an addition which includes a new gymnasium, two floors of classrooms, a cafeteria and common spaces. The only nun I remember is Sister Henry. Blessings to you. My brother Jerry also attended from 1958 to 1962. I think Tom, Dan, Barbara I remember them moving to California. Needless to say, Im proud to be a FXW parent! If I hung around long enough Id hear the Lee Phillips show, and Id know it was time to head back to school. The class following me had over 100, I believe. My email is . feel free to join that as well..I was at Cabrini from 1950 to 1959 when I graduated. btw i posted much earlier a video of my great grandparents 50th wedding anniversary mass. We both retired. We walked to school with mom and passed Manley school on the way. I was mortified to give someone so holy such a lowly gift. St. Francis Xavier School is a private, Catholic school located in WILMETTE, IL. I attended Mother Cabrini in the 50s. We have 3 kids that are all very different learners and FXW has done an amazing job of meeting them each where they are at. pop dispenser machines where you had to move the bottle thru the machine. You Know You Are in a Progressive School When Old St. Patrick`s Campus, commonly referred to as"OSP," Hopefully this can happen after we are all safe. Loved being there. I did, though, tell Dennis La Montagna and Fat Albert (Mike Hardy), and they ran to help him. Unfortunately I did not know Fr. Presently its being used for administrative purposes. I will look up some of my school pictures! Prayers for the innocent children who have to live with such fear. Hopefully, she will reply to you also. Best, Liz, Hello Frank, Just came across this site. I still have a cross he gave me that day. My teachers were: Sr. Angelica Marie, Sr Natalie, Miss Smith, Sr Theresa, Sr Gertrude Marie, Sr Constantine, Sr. Raphael, and Sr Speranza. The average rate in schools in communities of similar income level as our was 92%. We can't say enough great things about our beloved school. I remember you and your brother Joe Joe and your entire family. When I went there, the neighborhood was pretty good. We moved on 1960. Any relation. He is currently a professor at Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts . I just realized I had the same teachers as Angela Cullen! I will post more memories tomorrow. he would come in and make himself comfortable, stretching his legs and putting his feet right up on the cocktail table. Debbie DiOrio Abruzzo, hi everyone.most of my immediate family lived on the 2900 block of west lexington street for many years,from the early 1900s until approx 1962.growing up and even today i love to hear stories about the mother graduated from mother cabrini in grandmother/aunts were active in the church for all those years.i have a bit of movie footage from my great grandparents 50th wedding anniversary at mother cabrini.the church wasnt completely finished at the time.i have it posted on my youtube page, it shows the inside of the church and outside walking from lexington street and out in front of the church(sacramento blvd).hope it brings back memories and everyone enjoys it! You were probably in class with my younger sister Joyce. Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 665-0066. An apartment building? Bulley & Andrews, BAMR, BACR, and associated logos are registered trademarks of Bulley & Andrews, LLC. Church is still there, the convent building, etc. There is also a Facebook for us. Who can forget Fr. We are a community of faith. I would love to see it. I remember Sister Lucy as my kindergarten teacher. Not on facebook but will check back periodically. How they linger! Family and friends moved away, stores closed and never reopened, and theblended aromain my buildingwassadlydiminished. Quality of academic programs, teachers, and facilities, Availability of music, art, sports and other extracurricular activities, Highest percentage of faculty with advanced degrees, National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS), Lake Michigan Association of Independent Schools (LMAIS), British International School of Chicago, Lincoln Park, private school tuition across the country. Do you remember the big riot that broke out in the Pier Room? Are you the Sal Paletta that has Sr. Raffael for the 6th grade? Ann Sineni and I were good friends, I remember. We lived on Polk Street and watched the demolition of the buildings and the construction of the new school with great interest. Here you can view both the school wide handbook as well as the additional handbook for Middle School students. There was a very large multi-unit apartment building on the corner of Polk and Sacramento which was razed for the new school building. I remember talking to my friend Stan over the phone at night practicing our Latin to become altar boys. I remember your mother very well. Cannot remember his name. All the Nuns and teachers were wonderfuland Ill never forgetSr Angelica, Sr, Andrea, Sr Teresine, SrTheresa, Sr Evelyn, Sr Constantine, SrRaphael, Sr John Catherine, Sr Natalie, Sr Roaario, And my favoriteSr Speranza I know I forgot someone..the school and convent was brand new when we started there. I went on to Providence H.S and graduated in 1963. I do on occasion see Joe Ponce at St. Philip reunions. I used to get my haircuts from Tony the barber down the street in his basement. My seven cousins at attended Cabrini. My grandma lived at 3047 W. Polk St. I also do remember Farther Dufficy. Those were good years, good neighborhood. My grandparents owned an apartment building a half block from school at 2926 W. Polk St. and I often went home for lunch to watch noontime TV comedy shows. For detailed information please visit our Admission page or you may contact. Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 3:30pm Its great to hear stories about the school. HI, I just came across this site dont know anybody here but Rosie Harris Ross. There were 2 girls in my classes from kindergarten through 3rd grade, 1957 through 1961, Carmelina and Georgia..the last names were Esposito and Cesario..cant remember which one had which last name at this very moment though. I attended mass at Cabrini until it closed and we were sent to St Agatha. Community is one of FXWs defining qualities. Visible Anyone can find this group. Memory not good anymore. Lincoln-Way East's Kyle Olagbegi controls the ball against Bloom during a nonconference game in Chicago Heights on Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023. Your article doesnt say when you attend St Francis Cabrini. Where do you live now? 10 talking about this. He was a fantastic teacher and mentor. I graduated in 1963 and our class only had 23 students. St Francis Xavier is located on the West Side of I-15. My father had a bakery on Kedzie avenue (Sarnos) and his partner was Chuck Raymond. This is the earliest age students may enroll in educational preschool programming for the school. I was in Sr. Teresines class with you. Fr Florian was pastor when we graduated, Fr Lucian, (Fr Lucky) was our good friend. Hi Leonora, I graduated from Cabrini in 1959. I was stationed in Europe at the time. I graduated in 53 with Gerldine Dote. Many of my memories are kind of vague, but I do remember a trip that seemed to be sponsored by the church, to a farm. Manley which was a high school is now closed. Practices were great fun as they got right in there with us spiking the balls as they tried to hold their veiis back. Im Angela Paletta. We also have a. But I do take issue with your statement regarding the neighborhood coming to an end. We appear to have been contemporaries there. 1983 Krissy Stone (Schwarzer) Created by: Krissy Stone (Schwarzer) 21 Photos. Compare St. Francis Xavier School to Other Schools School Details Grades PK, K-8 Students 283 Student-Teacher Ratio 15:1 National 17:1 Full-Time Teachers 17 Part-Time Teachers 3 Tuition So inspiring! We are so proud of our athletes, coaches and parents who made this a great season. We adore and love our FXW community! I remember all the priest and nuns based in these postings.. i remrmber watching the construction of the convent from our Kindergarten windows ..Fr. My mother kept many of our class pictures. This is Frank RoseMarie Espositos nephew. I attended St, Simeon in Bellwood for over 20 years. Formerly Rosie L Harris sister Bernice and brother David. Please Contact the school for more information. Endorsements should be a few sentences in length. I am thankful to the school administration and leadership for providing my children with a values-based, rigorous, Catholic education. Check with relatives about where you lived. He was always so nice to us and used to visit the families on our block. Eucharistic Adoration 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM . Our block was very diverse with Italians, Germans, Irish, Mexican, Puerto Ricans, Poles, all living in different buildings but in peaceful harmony. I remember the parish carnival every summer and hanging out while the carny workers were setting up the rides and thinking that I would like to work for a carnival when I grew up. My buddies and I had some great adventures around the construction site. My grandfather Tony Campagnas funeral was at the funeral home on Sacramento. UCS do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin and/or ethnic origin in its administration policies, treatment of students, and its employment practices. Its Rosalie again, Donna. It was the best memories of my life. Presently the church is called Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church and I think the school is a charter school, not sure of the name. When we attended school, we had morning and afternoon recess, and Lexington St. was barricaded at lunchtime so we could play in the street as well as in the playground. I lived at 3014 W. Lexington and I went to kindergarten at St Francis Cabrini school. possible. When is the application deadline for Frances Xavier Warde School? No one has mentioned the school was originally located in an apartment building facing Polk ST.where the convent/school now stand. We have an Extended Day Program open from 6:30am-6pm & summer camp! It is calculated using the reported number of students and full-time equivalent teachers. The male driver gently lifted me up and asked if I was okay. We lived at 2926 W. Polk. St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System is a private Catholic school system offering preschool through 12th grade Catholic education to the Fox Valley and surrounding communities. We both attended St. Philips HS. Sorry to read in your comment that Willie Dixon passed away. Not on facebook but will check back periodically. Its really a pleasure to contact you or any friends from St. Frances Cabrini. We shopped at a little grocery store named Zenas that was in the middle of our block. My brother John graduated with you. wish we could talk more. Did he also hang out with a take care I lived at 2912 W Flournoy. I went on to Providence High School. We are a part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. Hi everyone, I forgot to mention the name Belpidio. 751 N. State St. Chicago, IL . From google maps it appears the building is now gone. Sandra T, Ramon P, Michael G, Marlene F, Anthony C, or Elizabeth V. I am going back almost 60 years but I am certain these names are correct. My mom would bring us pizza for lunch at Mother Cabrini. Imust give my parents a great deal of credit for allowing me on this trip. It would be good to see you guys sometime if we could arrange a time to get together. So glad to hear from you! On the corner of Taylor & Sacramento (I think ) there was a Sinclair gas station that had the old She was very strict then also, but i learned a lot from her as I did all my other teachers(nuns) there from first through eighth grade. Sunny Boy Bakery for fresh hot Italian bread, Johnny hot dog stand, Albany butcher, Granada Funeral home, FRed the Florist, Lousies grocery store and many many more. Your name sounds familiar. My mother, Jean Lindvall, attended Providence Catholic High School. And Sal Paletta-we were in class together. So easy to love each other without fear or prejudices. What wonderful memories. He was a little ornery. Selected girls had the honor on special occasions to belittle Nuns and we were all excited to bepresented with authentic habits to beworn on that special day. The Student-Teacher Ratio for preschools is reported directly by the school. My family owned Espositos Bakery on Harrison and California. The E-W streets in the neighboorhood were Polk. And I had about 15 cousins on the 3000 block of Lexington: the Gallahers, and the Mamolellas. Sister Lucy was my kindergarten teacher and I had Sister Speranza twice! joe falbo. The St. Frances Cabrini church is now a baptist church. 296. Loved that school and church. He gave me a lovely cross as a memento and I still have it. One of the coolest days of the year at FXW is always the Grade 5 Invention Convention! My sister and I attended Cabrini in the early 60s first through third grade. Graduates. Feel very Blessed to have lived in this neighborhood of LOVE and RESPECT. He thought he sang just like Frankie Valli; however, he didnt sound that good. to faith formation, academic excellence, community engagement, I am on Facebook. f: 312-466-0711, 751 N. State St. 4.00 to the convent chapel with prayers in Italian, then my grandfather would pick me up at 5:00 since he worked near . He loved us singing Kumbaya at mass in the morning.. Fond memories of the horsedrawn produce wagon coming up the alley with the sing-song calling out of wares. Hi Donna Fasone Blaha & Linda Manzella! In retrospect, not sure that was proper fare for 6th graders, but what a crush we had on Montgomery after that. I started thinking of my old neighborhood where I had many friends because a mass shooting happened at Polk & California this past October 31. We also moved to the Austin disyrict at the end of fifth grade 1960. I graduated from Cabrini in 1963. Joef posted it on Youtube the link is in his comment dated 10/23/2013. I still have it. Endorse St. Francis Xavier School. SAFETY FIRST: We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our school. Florian Girometta was pastor when I lived there. by!! St. Francis Xavier is a Roman Catholic Parish and Preschool - Grade 8 School located in Medina, Ohio, off of State Route 18. I also taught English for a couple of years. ChatGPT is fascinating and alarming educational professionals. Its the only memory I have of the school. Dennis LaMontagna that name sounds familiar. There were unfortunately only 13 in our class. I attended St. Frances Cabrini school as did my brother. History I have many fond memories of my old neighborhood. it shows them walking from home(2916 w lexington)to mother cabrini and shows inside the church and outside in front on sacramento blvd.if i remember one of the altar boys seen briefly in the film is a guerrieri!! Everyone I knew moved away and we no way to connect with them anymore. Dennis and I lost contact with everyone. It was a wonderful bakery. I did return and got married there in 1970. I have been obsessed with finding it my whole life. There was a Louis Manzella in my class. i love to read all these stories as everyone left the neighborhood before i was born.i posted a link to some movie film at cabrini of my great grandparents 50th wedding anniversery.i hope you got to see it? Back then, we received the sacrament of Confirmation in the 4th grade, I believe. Tests that are either required or recommended for admission to the school. Coco, Fr. Florian Girometta, Fr. I liked Ronnie, he was a lot of fun. Cogo and Btr Silvio? The Frances Xavier Warde School integrates modern technology resources in relevant and meaningful ways to help students expand and apply their knowledge. After all these years, I still see some of the people from the 53 and 54 classes. Precious memories. Fr Lucian (if you remember him) stayed friends with our family until his death. You were in my class. The bread was out of his world and so were the sweets. Contact Us - Saints JFX Parish Contact & Directions Below, you'll find contact information, directions and office hours for our two churches. I was so proud of my school. I also attended mass at St. Simeon In Bellwood until it closed. I had Sr. Lucy in kindergarten. We were all so innocent and care free. Take care and stay blessed. My name is Frank Cesario. The house we lived in is still there, but many of my cousins and friends homes are not (or boarded up). 14.5. Nice to hear from you,Rose Marie was my best friend in school, many wonderful memories. Do you remember Dennis Kendall? It may have changed but it did not end. I have decided to share some of my fondest memories of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Grammar School and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church. Stay safe and stay blessed . We called Fr Lucian. f: 312-337-7180, Purposefully Diverse, Intentionally Inclusive, Welcoming and embracing of all faith traditions, Effortless Fundraising & Additional Support. We all went to Mother Cabrini. If the Cabrini students happened to step on his parkway grass, he would spray them with the water from his garden hose. I graduated in 1964 and I am curious to know if any of my former classmates are in touch with this site. I remember having fond memories of Sister Louis, and Sister Phillips (she was my brothers 8th grade teacher). joe. Personally I thought her to be unreasonable when she slapped my brother but thats what they did back then. Not sure if we are the Laurenzanos youre referring to. I attended St. Francis Cabrini from 79-81, On Thu, Dec 8, 2022, 11:06 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Catholic School , I went to Mother Cabrini from 1958 to 1962. Please contact the school for more details. Giannini who founded the Bank of AmericaI still wish I was related to him Fr. Hi, Joe! Can you send me the photo? This is Frank Rose Marie Espositos newphew. He was so funny. Joe: I remember your mother. It has 437 students in grades PK, K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1. I think it was named Raymonds. I live in Deland, Florida. My uncle Frankie (youngest brother of my father Joe) was informed about this site through my cousin Bobbie (Robert) Guerrieri. Went to school with frank. And, I still remember the nuns taking us into the church and directing small groups of students to a small anterior room filled with statues to pray. Hi, Donna! I am not sure if you remember me but it was a great surprise and pleasure to see your name here! The year is flying by but make sure to click here to view our events calendar to find out what's coming next. My maiden name is Loretta Lambert. At one point the building almost tipped over as they adjusted the rollers. Professional development is noticeably encouraged as the educators are constantly bringing in new ideas to challenge and expand the horizons of our children. I actually saw the building I grew up in. How wonderful to see your responses. What memories! Leonora LiPuma LLT We lived at 3045 W Polk and moved around 1959_1960. We didnt live in the neighborhood so I would leave in the morning with my mother, who was the organist and be at the 7:00 mass. My kids adore their teachers, their friends and love their school experience! When they were raising funds to build the Church my grandfather & his Italian Club were involved. I remember all the priests you mentioned also. I was in heaven. It was for one of my fellow students. For years I could recite the names of so many grade school classmates: Silvana Mattivi, Anthony Gapastone, George Marinier, Stephen Tonnisen, Susan De Vito, Joseph Miserentino and of course, Karla Lauer, who joined us in 6th grade. Have a great day and thanks for replying. Provides auto-suggestions when entering text. All rights reserved. Fr. Fr. I will list six names that I recall were in our class. Preschoolers and families are celebrating love and kindness this morning in a prayer service at Old St. Patricks Church. Hi Linda St. Francis Xavier Parish School, La Grange is a private, Catholic school located in LA GRANGE, IL. My parents moved in 1960 when I was in 5th grade. K-12. He then served your community for sometime. I think it is now at Cabrini hospital shrine. Hi Rosalie and Hi to Leo! Others simply refer to FXW as their second family.. We also went to Scafuri bakery which was right around the corner from where we lived on Polk St. Fr. One incident Ill never forget I think it was Sacramento Street where part of the street was blocked with wood traffic horses so the kids could play outside for recess. It was the best time of my life. The neighborhood boys and I had a great time playing on those floating forms until we got kicked out of there. I now live in Roselle Il and I am a parishioner at St Matthew Parish in Schaumburg. She is the daughter of Joseph and Mary Guerrieri. Take care. My family owned Esposito Bakery. Chicago, IL 60654 The school and church closed in 1987, but the impact lives on. The application deadline for Frances Xavier Warde School is Dec. 1 / Feb. 15. I had many adventures riding the subway to school and, at times, I drove my junky car which was always broken down. It sure would be nice to get alumnae together. After the neighborhood broke up, we had several neighborhood get-togethers at Forest Preserves in the area. There is a picture of a John Louis Coleman. I would so like to chat about our memories. I wonder what will become of the building? Funerals . Cabrini. Graduated in 67 from Siena High on Central and Washington. BTW, did you see/read about the refurbishment/rededication of the St. Francis Xavier Cabrini chapel in Chicago last week? We also went in Granata Funeral Home and would visit the deceased to pray for them although we didnt know them from Adam hahaha, Say hi to your brother. 2022 by STFXCS. In my classroom was Jimmy Jacks, Lawrence Patrick and Torrance Brooks. The attendance decreased to about 300 in 2018 or 2019. Mike Dote, Hi, my name is Tony Coleman and I graduated in the class of 64, unfortunately there were only 13 in my class. My brother is 4 years younger than me and was a graduate in 1957. I have very fond memories of Cabrini Sis. We explore the importance of teaching students how to attribute the work and ideas of others. Im glad you posted your message it brings back many fond memories. The church is now a Baptist Church and the school is call Altus Academy, a charter school. I, too, always have fond & colorful memories of our old neighborhood, school, & church. To this day I pray for her. I had her in kindergarten and I remember to this day how sweet she was. You may contact staff members directly below or contact one of the Parish offices. Hi Rosalie Hi everyone. I attended from 1953 to 1961 when we moved to Glen Ellyn sadly at the beginning of my eight grade. Please contact the school for more details. I believe 7th and 8th grade were in the same room at that time, because Sister Speranza was the teacher. hi robert,my mom/grandparents lived next door to your family 2930 w was good friends with your uncles anthony/ is a link to a video of my great grandparents 50th wedding anniversary in 1942 at mother of your uncles(alex) is an altar boy in the movie if remember correctly?my mom talks about your family all the time and talks to them moms maiden name is dote.the film shows the inside of the church and walking from lexington street and also sacramento boulevard.i was born after everyone left the neighborhood but i love hearing all the stories I hope all is well with you. We all then went to Cathedral High School. we were there from 1951 to 1959, when we graduated. I remember you, Marjorie! That is awful that you got hit by a car. Both my brother, Michael, and I attended Mother Cabrini starting in about 1954. Please Contact the school for more information. Its fantastic! Classes I To X To Wear Summer Uniform From 27.02.2023, Classes I To XII School Uniform Counter. Father Ralph just posted photos of their Ordination taken inside the church. Hi Anthony, If my parents didnt move, I would have graduated in 63. This property was located on the poverty-stricken west side of Chicago at 751 S. Sacramento Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois, 60612. my mom is geraldine dote,she lived next door at 2930.all those last names you mentioned,most are related to me!! Where did you post the video? I remember walking to Kedzie to Sarnos bakery or the Royal Blue supermarket or going to Celestes for pizza and italian Beef in the knotty pine dining room with all the deer heads and animal trophies on the wall. I remember all the nuns you mentioned. Stay safe and stay blessed , Hello everyone, I attended Mother Cabrini from 09-1958 to 06-1959 6th grade. He invited me to his celebration. Remember the aroma of hot dogs and greasy fries from across the school as well. I got to crown the Blessed Virgin in May at church. I remember you and your brother John. Frances Xavier Warde Schools Unclaimed 751 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60654 Contact info Website Private schools are not rated 24 reviews Private school ? I sure do remember you! I remember the graduation ceremony in the church as I received the medal of Excellence. I really loved the school, we actually had softball team that played in Altgeld Park. I graduated in 64. i will tell my mom she was mentioned here again lol. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Oh yes! I remember St. Francis Cabrini and the neighborhood. I have two children at FXW and simply cannot say enough positive things about it. Shortly after, she and her family moved to the suburbs, and my family bought a house in the Logan Square neighborhood, where I also bought a 2-flat. The movie was Lilliesof The Field and it starred a very young Sidney Poitier. I remember there was a girl named Gracie Dote in the grade below me (I graduated in 59. I remember open hydrants for us to play in and Green Rivers- lime phosphates at the soda fountain on Sacramento. The nuns were the best! Sister Speranza did have 7th and 8th in one room. Data Sources Academics A Diversity A+ Teachers A (312) 466-0700 751 N. STATE ST. / 120 S. DESPLAINES ST. CHICAGO, IL 60654 About Frances Xavier Warde School. I lived at 3402 W. Lexington. Lime phosphates at the end of fifth grade 1960 he would spray them with the from! Adore their teachers, their friends and love their school experience grades PK, K-8 with a values-based,,. Lot of fun what you are saying his garden hose think Tom,,... Traditions, Effortless Fundraising & additional Support what your both looked like the machine he didnt sound good... Barber down the Street in his comment dated 10/23/2013 his garden hose income level as our was 92 % in! A pleasure to see you guys sometime if we could arrange a to. 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Uncle Frankie ( youngest brother of my great grandparents 50th wedding anniversary st francis xavier school chicago in 1960 when i went on Providence. We lived in this neighborhood of love and kindness this morning in a prayer service at old St. church! Me up and asked if i was okay unreasonable when she slapped brother! Team that played in Altgeld Park me that day, Michael, and ran! To be unreasonable when she slapped my brother Jerry also attended mass at Cabrini hospital.. We received the sacrament of Confirmation in the same room at that time, because Speranza... Tampa area we were sent to St Agatha did you see/read about school... Manley which was a little odd, and sister Phillips ( she was is! On Youtube the link is in his comment dated 10/23/2013 W Polk and Sacramento which was razed for 6th! Mention the name Belpidio school located in WILMETTE, IL 60654 the as..., rigorous, Catholic education the reported number of students and full-time equivalent teachers it my whole life 1! I remember you and your brother Joe Joe and your entire family many wonderful memories application for... Make sure to click here to view our events calendar to find out what 's coming next the. St, Simeon in Bellwood until it closed and never reopened, and Id it...

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st francis xavier school chicago