5 facts about alonzo herndon

Alonzo Herndon made his fortune as an entrepreneur--someone who created and ran his own business. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Facts about Elias Howe make us talk about the American inventor. One of the few avenues for close, respectful contact between African Americans and Whites in the south, the barber profession provided an opportunity for financial success for many Blacks in the decades after the Civil War. } As I have stated before, he was famous after establishing the Atlanta Life Insurance. Another structure on Morris Browns campus is. color:#f4c85e; His funeral was an extraordinary event in the city, and Atlanta Life's Memphis chief, George W. Lee, was one of a lengthy list of eulogists who paid tribute to the company founder. He spent his meager spare time peddling peanuts, homemade molasses, and axle grease to earn money to support the family. All Rights Reserved. He also became the president of this company. In 1910 Alonzo and Jessie Herndon built the Herndon Home which at the time was one of the largest mansions in Atlanta. The couple had a son, Norris, who grew Atlanta Life to even greater heights after Herndons death. Herndons barbering business expanded, and by 1904 he owned three shops in Atlanta. "Herndon, Alonzo Franklin Overcoming poverty and illiteracy, he had risen in his lifetime from slavery to become the wealthy head of a leading Black business that has survived into the twenty-first century and is consistently listed among the top Black financial companies as ranked by Black Enterprise magazine. li.mega-sub-item> ul.sub-menu >li >a:hover, li.mega-sub-item> ul.sub-menu >li >a:focus, He also put aside a small portion as savings, which he earmarked for the purpose of leaving Social Circle as soon as possible to improve his economic and social condition. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. Herndons wealth and business position brought with it a great deal of social responsibility, and the African American community looked to him for leadership in a number of areas. At his death in 1927, his real estate was assessed at nearly $325,000. In 1878, at the age of 20, Herndon left his family and moved to Jonesboro, Georgia where he openedhis first barbershop. In 1905 he purchased a failing mutual aid association, which he incorporated as the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association. fbq('track', 'ViewContent', { The firm grew rapidly in the 1920s, expanding its operations. .widget .search-submit, .th_more_posts a#more_posts, .slider-post-content .read-more-slider a:hover, .widget .search-submit, .search .search-submit, #commentform #commentSubmit, ul.paging li a{ Herndon and the prominent writer and abolitionist Frederick Douglass both spent their early years in slavery. How does Alonzo Herndon embody the American dream? Encyclopedia.com. By 1904, Herndon owned three barber shops in Atlanta, advertising one of them as the largest and best barbershop in the region. In 1858, Alonzo Franklin Herndon was born into slavery in Walton County. no architect drew the plan. Today the home is registered as a National Historic Place. }. An extended European honeymoon was partly spent gathering furnishings to refit his Crystal Palace. Age AintWhat?! Born into slavery in Walton County on June 26, 1858, Alonzo Franklin Herndon grew up on a farm in Social Circle, forty miles east of Atlanta. The house's design was attributed to her in a published eulogy by AU president Ware who said, ". Eventually he acquired more than 100 houses, a large block of commercial property on Auburn Avenue, and a large estate in Tavares, Florida. Five years later he was one of the original members of the W.E.B. Alonzo Franklin Herndon was an African American entrepreneur who founded and was the first president of Atlanta Life Insurance Company. .footer-wrapper h4{ h3.view{background:#0e0e0e;} Forego a bottle of soda and donate its cost to us for the information you just learned, and feel good about helping to make it available to everyone. 2. Pub, Turner, Henry McNeal 18341915 Setting a pattern of financial prudence he would maintain throughout his life, he never failed to set aside a portion of his earnings, no matter how meager, as savings for the future. As proprietor, Herndon personally saw to the barbering services provided to some of the most important figures in the state, earning their acquaintance and good will. ::selection{ The company built respect in the financial communityand acquired more customersby buying out a series of shaky competitors. background:#0e0e0e; Alexa Benson Henderson, Alonzo Herndon and Black Insurance in Atlanta, 1904-1915, Atlanta Historical Bulletin 21 (spring 1977). As the founder and President of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, Herndons empire began small but grew to become an inspiration for Black business. abides by its mission to advance the Herndon legacy through education, mentoring, and preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs. Twice Herndon's businesses were destroyed by fire: once in 1896 after a gas stove across the street from the Markham ignited its building and leveled the hotel, and again in 1902 when his new place on Marietta Street ignited in a fire that destroyed an entire city block. The firm grew rapidly in the 1920s, expanding its operations into a half dozen new states, including Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. .footer-wrapper .footer-copyright .copyright { His insurance company was very successful since it was operated in some states in US such as Texas, Kansas, Florida, Tennessee, Missouri and Kentucky. In 1905, Herndon purchased a failing mutual aid association . The son of an enslaved African-American named Sophenie and a white plantation owner named Frank Herndon, he was freed from slavery at the age of seven. Du Bois at the founding of the Niagara Movement, the forerunner to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The magnificent Beaux Arts mansion Herndon built for his first wife between 1905 and 1910 became an Atlanta landmark and tourist attraction. Featured Content. The shop was a success, but Herndon was pulled to Atlanta and he struck gold there. "Alonzo Herndon." Henry McNeal Turner was for many years the leading advocate of black migration to Africa a, Public Company Like so many newly emancipated African Americans, the Herndons engaged in sharecroppinga system that kept them only a short step from slavery for many more years. An African American barber and entrepreneur, Alonzo Herndon was founder and president of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, one of the most successful Black-owned insurance businesses in the nation. They were homeless and living in poverty. Alonzo Herndon, a former slave born in 1858 in Social Circle, sought to better himself and ultimately became Atlanta's first African-American millionaire. then he bought a plantation near tavares florida. Much of the Herndon mansions design has been attributed to the taste and aspirations of the Adrienne Herndons wife Adrienne, who envisioned the rooftop terrace as a performance venue. Progressive voices like Henry Grady promoted a more diverse economy, welcoming northern investment, while populists like Tom Watson believed the focus should remain on the needs of working Georgians, particularly farmers. Norris also gave the land on which Atlanta University's Herndon Stadium was built in 1948, and donated heavily to civil-rights causes in the 1960s. He passed away on 21 July 1927. Encyclopedia of World Biography. margin: ; A second restructuring in 1922 gave the company, by now operating in several Southern states, the name "Atlanta Life.". June 26 Horoscope. There is no need to wonder that this self made man became the first black millionaire from Atlanta. border: 1px solid #f4c85e; Alexa Benson Herndon, Atlanta Life Insurance Company: Guardian of Black Encyclopedia.com. .flex-slider li .caption-content p{color:#fff;} Alonzo, Adrienne, and Norris Herndon, 1907. Born into slavery, he belonged to the first generation of successful African American entrepreneurs of the early twentieth century. letter-spacing:0.7px; Born into slavery, he became one of the first African American millionaires in the United States, first achieving success by owning and operating three large barber shops in the city that served prominent white men. .post_pagi a i:hover{ Are you interested reading facts about Alonzo Herndon? .home header.smaller, header.smaller{ In 1893, Herndon married Adrienne Elizabeth McNeil, a professor at Atlanta University, who influenced his cultural and educational growth. } And the company he founded, Atlanta Life, continues to prosper into the 21st century. Herndon set out to make the Atlanta Benevolent and Protective Association into a leading provider of life insurance for African Americans in the South. Norris eventually settled down and earned an M.B.A. from Harvard in 1921, where he was one of two blacks in his class. He was born on June 26, 1858 and his birthplace is Georgia. "Significantly, Alonzo chose field labor rather than barbering to depict his critical path to success." Herndon studied barbering, and owned and managed a string of barbershops in downtown Atlanta after the Civil War, one of which was considered to be the most elegant in the . .loader { }h2,.two-grid-layout .post-content h2,.standard-layout .post-title h2{ With the Southern economy wrecked, she was forced to accept payment in molasses, potatoes, or other provisions in order to feed her sons. Those barbershops had elite customers such as presidents, judges, business men, and lawyers. Alonzo Herndon. He was one of 25 people enslaved by his father, who never acknowledged paternity of him. Alonzo Herndon is a famous Entrepreneur. .slider-wrapper .flex-slider .fs-caption-overlay{ Herndon died in Atlanta on July 21, 1927 at the age of 69. In 1920, the Atlanta Life building, built at 148 Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, came to symbolize the very best of black Atlanta as well as black excellence in the United States. !function(c,h,i,m,p){m=c.createElement(h),p=c.getElementsByTagName(h)[0],m.async=1,m.src=i,p.parentNode.insertBefore(m,p)}(document,"script","https://chimpstatic.com/mcjs-connected/js/users/6eb80f4e9d913d31aa4e9667f/bbe0b3a0e8ef645f34a40bece.js"); New Georgia Encyclopedia, 20 September 2004, https://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/business-economy/alonzo-herndon-1858-1927/. color:#dd9933; In mourning, he threw himself into managing his new business. His mother was Sophenie, an enslaved woman. The legacy of Alonzo Herndon (b. Why do you think this would have been one of the only ways African Americans were able to obtain wealth and upper-class status? That year Herndon changed the name of the company to Atlanta Life Insurance Company. li.social-icon ul li a,ul.single-social-icon li a i{ Only a year later, he was invited to move his premises to one of the citys fanciest hotels, Markham House. } }h2,.two-grid-layout .post-content h2,.standard-layout .post-title h2{ Alonzo Herndon was born in Social Circle, GA in 1858 to a white master and slave, and at the end of the Civil War, he was sent away with his mother, brother, and grandparents. he had great clientelle with the money he was getting he was able to invest in real estate.he bought more than 100 rental houses and commercial property in auburn avenue in atlanta. He was considered. At age 20, Herndon decided to broaden his horizons, first taking a job as a farmhand in the nearby town of Senoia, then taking a part-time position in Jonesboro as a barber. Herndon also sought to save other failing Black enterprises. } alonzo herndon in 1905 herndon bought a failing In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. At one point, Herndon was the wealthiest African-American in Atlanta. } #move-to-top, .th_more_posts a#more_posts:hover, .widget .search-submit:hover, .search .search-submit:hover, #commentform #commentSubmit:hover, #commentform input#submit, .tagcloud a, .mc4wp-form input[type=submit], ul.paging li a:hover, ul.paging li a.current, input[type=submit]:hover{ U.S.A. But who was he and how did he contribute to the American dream, specifically for African-Americans? Today, part of Herndons legacy can be found in the Herndon Foundation, which abides by its mission to advance the Herndon legacy through education, mentoring, and preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs. } He gave large sums to a local orphanage and kindergarten for black children, and to the city's leading African American church, First Congregational. Within six months, Herndon became a sought-after talent in his new trade. In 1905 he used his proceeds to purchase a failing insurance business in the city, naming it the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association. His mother took him, his five-year-old brother, and a few quilts with her, and found work nearby as a day laborer. The New Georgia Encyclopedia does not hold the copyright for this media resource and can neither grant nor deny permission to republish or reproduce the image online or in print. 31. a:hover{ .mega >ul.sub-menu>li.mega-sub-item>a, .mega .thunk-widget-menu .widget h2.widgettitle, .mega .thunk-widget-menu .widget .recent-post h4.widgettitle,.navigation .mega >ul.sub-menu>li.mega-sub-item>a{ border-bottom: 1px solid #f4c85e; Alonzo Franklin Herndon (June 26, 1858 - July 21, 1927) was an entrepreneur and businessman in Atlanta, Georgia. The Company rapidly expanded, establishing branches in Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. He was born on 9th July 1819 and, Facts about Bernie Mac tell you about the notable American actor, stand-up comedian and voice artist. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. 1858-1927 Alonzo Herndon parlayed success as a barber and as the owner of upscale barbershops into a business empire. Alonzo was born on June 26, 1858 in Georgia. Alonzo Herndon was active in a variety of economic and political causes. Such burial associations were among the first types of thriving black business ventures after the Civil War, but a new Georgia law required all insurance companies to deposit $5,000 with the state as security against all claims. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. He was also involved in the Southview Cemetery Association, Atlanta Loan and Trust, and the Atlanta State Savings Bank, and was a key investor in Gate City Drug Company, the first black-owned drugstore on Auburn Avenue. Your support helps us commission new entries and update existing content. line-height:48px; Emancipated at seven years old in 1865, his family worked as sharecroppers in rural Georgia near Social Circle, some 45 miles east of Atlanta. Herndon employed an acquisition strategy where he bought out failing insurance businesses and merged them with his company. } } His father was Frank Herndon, a white master. 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); [1] After some years, Herndon decided to get in on the insurance business. His insurance business reported more than $400,000 in assets in 1922. In the next quarter-century, his business empire grew to include three barbershops, which catered to some of the richest white clientele in Atlanta. } img#wpstats{display:none} Now he was a great deal businessman. The young Herndon was one of 25 slaves owned by his father, who Facts about Alonzo Herndon 2: fame As I have stated before, he was famous after establishing the Atlanta Life Insurance. line-height:22px; He soon founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, where he served as president. He decided to leave his Social Circle in 1878. In 1865, Herndon along with his younger brother, his mother and her parents were released from slavery. In 1905 he became the founder and president of what he built to be one of the United States' most well-known and successful African-American businesses, the Atlanta Family Life Insurance Company (Atlanta Life). 56. After starting in the shop of another black man in Atlanta, Herndon later owned three barbershops in Atlanta, including a large one at 66 Peachtree Street that he fitted out with luxurious furnishings. Steve Jobs. Herndon's relatively rapid rise as one of Atlanta's rising young African American business leaders was cemented in 1893 when he married Adrienne McNeil, of Augusta, Georgia. His holdings eventually came to include more than 100 residential and commercial properties. What Is The Herndon Foundation? Atlanta has a lot of inspirational people and AtlantaFi.com is going to introduce you to many of them as well as cool places to go, great restaurants and other ATL happenings. 1. After her husbands death Jessie Herndon assumed a position on the board of directors of Atlanta Life and, with her stepson, assumed control of the enterprise as the major stockholders. He spent about five years in Jonesboro, where he developed a thriving business and a good reputation as a barber, before migrating to several other locales and eventually settling in Atlanta. born into slavery, alonzo herndon would go on to build a company that is still around today. font-size:38px; 20072023 Blackpast.org. See whats poppin in the ATL! 20042023 Georgia Humanities, University of Georgia Press. One of the souths wealthiest men, he died on July 21, 1927. .footer-wrapper .footer-copyright{ Merritt, Carole, The Herndons: An Atlanta Family, University of Georgia Press, 2002. His full name is Alonzo Franklin Herndon. The New Georgia Encyclopedia is supported by funding from A More Perfect Union, a special initiative of the National Endowment for the Humanities. color:#494bbc; } background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95); Alonzo Herndon, a former slave born in 1858 in Social Circle, sought to better himself and ultimately became Atlanta's first African-American millionaire. Alonzo Herndon and Booker T. Washington - Atlanta Life Project. } It was an architectural wonder when it was built in 1910 by an all-black team of laborers and tradesmen. In 1905, his property holdings were valued at nearly $325,000. His shop at 66 Peachtree Street, outfitted with crystal chandeliers and gold fixtures, was advertised as the largest and best barbershop in the region. )- (Los Bros Hernandez, a collective pseudonym), Herndon, Nancy 1934- (Elizabeth Chadwick, Nancy Fairbanks), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/herndon-alonzo-franklin, The Mixed Legacy of the Reconstruction Era. Though Herndons successful businesses and investments made him a wealthy man, they did not protect him from the negative effects of racism. Stock Exchanges: New York London Tokyo Paris Zrich Basel Ge, Hernando de Soto and the Spanish Exploration of the American Southeast, 1539-1542, Hernndo (y Palomar), Rafael (Jos Maria), Hernandez, Jaime 1959(? Associated With He stopped initially in the community of Senoia (in present-day Coweta County), where he worked as a farmhand and began learning the barbering trade. However, the date of retrieval is often important. color:; Herndon died at home in Atlanta on July 21, 1927, at the age of 69. } 2. } An African American barber and entrepreneur, Alonzo Herndon was founder and president of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, one of the most successful Black-owned insurance. At the time of. Alonzo Herndon was born in Georgia. border-left: 5px solid #f4c85e; Merrick, a contemporary of Herndons, also had begun his career as a barber. .header-wrap-top,.header-wrap-top .inner-wrap-top{background:#1e73be;}.header-wrap-top .top-date{color:#fff;}.header-wrap-top .top-menu .top li a{color:#fff;} .header-wrap-top .top-social-icon li a{color:#fff;} Employees: 32,000 He also owned a hundred or so residential rental properties in the city. his personal fortune grew, Herndon entered the field of insurance. Herndon was four years old when President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, freed the slaves in the Southern states that had seceded from the Union to join the Confederacy, but was seven when Frank Herndon released them when the war ended. Retrieved February 23, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/herndon-alonzo-franklin. Marker Text : Alonzo Herndon was born into slavery in Walton County, Georgia, in 1858. line-height:22px; When he was strong enough, at age 13, his former masterand biological fatheroffered him a job on the plantation as a farmhand, a position he held for the next seven years. From a very young age, Herndon worked as a laborer, and a peddler, to help support his family, as only his mother could work in the early years. Alexa Benson Henderson, Atlanta Life Insurance Company: Guardian of Black Economic Dignity (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1990). American executive Alonzo Franklin Herndon (18581927) founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, one of the leading insurers in the American South. James Oglethorpe Colonial Figures. Mcauley was, Facts about Charles I of England present the interesting information about the monarch of three kingdoms. }@media screen and (max-width: 768px){body,p{ line-height:48px; (Use the internet or biographies of successful people to find someone like this.) The family attended the First Congressional Church in Atlanta and was closely associated with Clark University and AMA schools. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. color:#f4c85e; letter-spacing:0.4px; .post-share i.fa:hover, .footer-copyright .social-icon ul li a:hover, .header-bottom .social-icon ul li a:hover, .content .post-content .read-more a, a.more-link, ul li a:hover, #commentform #commentSubmit, ol.commentlist li .reply a, .th-widget-recent-post .th-recent-post h5 a:hover, .widget .twitter-user a, .standard-layout .format-link h2, .th_more_posts a#more_posts, .format-quote blockquote p:before, .widget .tagcloud a:hover, .content .post-content .description p a, .page-description p a, .multipage-links span, .content .navigation.post-navigation .nav-links a:hover, .content #main .pagination a:hover, .post-title h2:hover{color:#f4c85e;} Fax: (908) 580-3402 Admired and respected by many, he was noted for his involvement in and support of local institutions and charities devoted to advancing African American business and community life. } Web site: http://www.chubb.com font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; At the time of his death Herndons real estate holdings were valued at nearly $325,000. U.S.A. font-size:38px; Called "The Crystal Palace," it was a lavishly appointed barbershop, with chandeliers and marble floors, and served Atlanta's judges, politicians, and business elite. He passed away on 21 July 1927. . Alonzo Herndon. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); List choice In his leisure time, he relaxed at an orange-grove estate he had acquired in Lake County, Florida, which he improved and sold some years later at an impressive profit. .flex-slider .read-more.read-more-slider a,.flex-slider.button-two .read-more.read-more-slider a,.flex-slider.button-three .read-more.read-more-slider a{color:#fff;border-color:#fff;background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);} Herndon was also active in the community in other areas. His barbershops windows were smashed in the Atlanta Race Massacre of 1906. In 1910, Herndons wife died unexpectedly. His son, Norris B. Herndon, became notable in his own right, expanding the insurance company into an empire.[6]. Herndon worked on his fathers plantation near Social Circle, Georgia. Herndon also invested in real estate, and then entered the insurance business. Insurance executive Finally in 1890 he opened his own place in the Markham Hotel, with five chairs. Atlanta's Alonzo Herndon, born into slavery, became one of the first African-American millionaires in the U.S., founding Atlanta Life Insurance Company, among He was known for being a Entrepreneur. His father was Frank Herndon, the white farmer to whose Social Circle, Georgia land Sophenie was restricted. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. FUN FACTS. In 1905 he purchased a failing mutual aid association, which he incorporated as the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association. Eventually he established Atlanta Life, an insurance company. Death: Immediate Family: Son of Stephen C Herndon and Lucinda Philpot McGowan. He called it the Crystal Palace after the famous structure built for the 1851 Worlds Fair in London. background:#494bbc; Civil Rights Movement Mid- to Late 20th Century Topics . After Herndons death in 1927, his son, Norris B. Herndon, took over the company and continued in his fathers philanthropic footsteps by contributing to the United Negro College Fund, Atlanta University, and the National Urban League. Why do you think the Herndon home displayed windows of Alonzo's heritage? -webkit-box-shadow: 0 14px 26px -12px rgba(255,255,255,0.42), 0 4px 23px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.12), 0 8px 10px -5px rgba(255,255,255,0.2);box-shadow: 0 14px 26px -12px rgba(255,255,255,0.42), 0 4px 23px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.12), 0 8px 10px -5px rgba(255,255,255,0.12)} To make ends meet, Herndon and his brother worked in the fields as well alongside their mother and grandparents, and he had very little formal schooling as a result. Life, continues to prosper into the 21st century, Georgia land Sophenie was restricted # ;! Through education, mentoring, and preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs Philpot.. ; [ 1 ] after some years, Herndon entered the Insurance business in the 1920s, 5 facts about alonzo herndon operations. 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Of Life Insurance Company, where he bought out failing Insurance business critical path to success ''... Shaky competitors however, the forerunner to the National Association for the Humanities out failing Insurance business # ;. Attended the first Congressional Church in Atlanta. still around today when it was an architectural wonder when was... Twentieth century was a success, but Herndon was active in a variety of and! As president the magnificent Beaux Arts mansion Herndon built for the Humanities Alonzo chose field labor rather than to! A more Perfect Union, a white master by its mission to advance the Herndon home which at the of... Whose Social Circle, Georgia.slider-wrapper.flex-slider.fs-caption-overlay { Herndon died at home in Atlanta on July 21,,! As presidents, judges, business men, he was born on June,. Alonzo, Adrienne, and preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs were at. Career as a day laborer who was he and how did he contribute to the first of. 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