boyfriend stopped trying

Your boyfriend doesn't understand and his point in life putting a relationship ahead of a career. 3. Which in turn meant that every time he took me to a surprise, he could justify it by saying that I always had fun so I just needed to trust him. My BF was genuinely not a bad guy. Sure, for some people hearing about the severely-depressed woman who climbed Everest without oxygen, ran a multi-billion-dollar corporation, had a movie-star husband and five kids, and still managed to look fabulous straight out of bed, all without medication or therapy of any kind, is inspiring. And he gets a positive comment from me every time I am aware. A complicating factor is that there was probably a time when it was comforting to you for your boyfriend to be in that caretaker role and to have him believe so strongly in your power to change, back there during the worst of it. You are more important than he is. This is fine isnt good enough when it comes to relationships, IMO. Its more like, this day is shit, Im tired, but at least I will go do something in the gym later and that will be *different* than what I am doing right now. If this IS the case, he does mean well, but hes going about things all wrong. Exercise doesnt always improve my mood sometimes it just provides a distraction/occupation for me so I spend less time ruminating. Powered by Mai Theme. The boyfriend may well not be reasonable. Exactly. If he realizes how much fun his girlfriend is and misses the way she used to make him laugh all the time, hell come crawling back to you. Its something weve learned. I hope your boyfriend comes around, but I offer you my best wishes and confidence in your judgment no matter whether he does or not. And when youve told him that hes being unhelpful, and hes told you its the stupidest thing Ive ever heard that you might have your own thoughts on your health and what you need That is him being a jerk to you. He is a member of your team and not your coach. They write because stuff is horrible and awful and they cant work out how to fix it (without breaking up). 1) It really doesnt appear to be helping you (being berated and controlled is bad for humans) A. Self improvement (vs self-care, self-discovery, living life with acceptance) involves believing something is wrong with you B. Yeah, dealing with a partners illness isnt FUN, but as you say yourself its part of the package. He wasnt quite as patronizing, but he did have a tendency to give me the same advice over and over. Because that kind of encouragement would have felt patronizing to him, were he receiving it. also: breakfast for dinner is awesome and should be a part of every week Unless you dont want it to be, in which case it shouldnt! I think you are being unreasonable, he has apologized and you sending him that long message saying he's selfish was rude and uncalled for yet he apologized to you AGAIN. Its like saying well, be careful not to be happy. Ive asked him to stop trying to get me to change, that you cant change other people, but he refuses to accept that, to the point that he says its the stupidest thing hes ever heard. Tell your boyfriend that you feel scared and rejected when he doesn't call or text, because you're worried he's not interested anymore (if that's how you feel). Even from a 5-year-old thats pretty immature. He stopped trying "He stopped trying, I couldn't even remember the last time we went on a real date. This isnt sustainable. Third, I think some disaster preparedness is good self-care for you. And what am I doing while Im waiting for her to stop the one-sided argument Im passively agreeing to? This is not a democracy. Anonymous: Anonymous wrote:Asexual people are asexual- they don't want sex even when the relationship is new and exciting. But that partnership is one weve negotiated and practiced over the years. If you own the decision yourself, he cant position himself as one of two potential bosses of you (the other being your therapist), because youre making it clear that YOU are the boss of you. Go to a concert and it doesnt have to be Jay-Z and Beyonce. Just continuous improvement and waiting to be happy. In hindsight a lot of stuff was terrible and controlling but because I was invested beilived what he said until there was no trust left at all and I had utterly tried everything to get him to listen. When your boyfriend stops showing physical affection like kissing, hugging, touching or sex, it can be a sign that he has lost romantic interest in you and is thinking of leaving. We dont try and manage the others health and healing, though. This boyfriend does not sound like good news to me. In leechspeak, logical and reasonable mean Whatever I want is logical and reasonable because I want it.. Take a step back, and allow the other person to show you what they want. This is awesome! They are going to find your assertiveness attractive and pleasing and be relieved that maybe they can stop worrying about you. He is avoiding it. Things that actually help, like making me food, or cuddling me and telling me how great I am, or watching funny videos with me, or playing Who Let the Dogs Out (I dont care if its the Worst Song of All Time, it ALWAYS improves my mood). I wish you the best of luck and hope that you bear in mind that love alone is not enough to sustain a relationship you can still love someone deeply and make the choice that the relationship isnt healthy for either of you. Its still manipulation. Him: You havent been to the gym today! My partner and I take walks, and thats about as far as it goes at this point. (36-45) So in the beginning my boyfriend and I went on nice dates and he paid for me sometimes. Second, I think that anything you can do to reach out to people who are Not Your Boyfriend is going to help. Heres some signs your relationship is over in all but name and Facebook status: It may seem like a good thing if you and your man never fight, but take it from a dude I never want to be wrong. We sat side by side on the couch, and he told my therapist how much he loved me, how much he wanted to help me, and how much it hurt him to see me suffering. And you dont either, no matter what your boyfriend says. It sounds like you two have a chance. What do you do when your boyfriend stops making an effort? And another thing Its generally accepted that self-care is good for self-esteem. You can also go to the civil route and try and sue him for it since it is in your name and belongs to you. I genuinely loved him, and in his way, I think he loved me too. Usually in the interest of my mental and physical health, but also a little bit because living with someone who has panic attacks can be exhausting especially when they dont always take the best care of themselves (guilty). Like, no. You wrote: Im in therapy to recover and get to a place where I think that Im good enough & love and trust myself again (after years growing up having that constantly undermined) . For example, depression is very tiring in itself. Going from being in a rough place to feeling better is a huge accomplishment, but it can be a tender one too. What can you do to make him see that youre a strong, independent woman who doesnt need anyone looking after her? I was going through a rough patch and he wanted to help me, and the only way he knew how was to be my cheerleader. By your own admission, youve already made a lot of progress in therapy, and I would suggest that removing his constant nagging about all of your decisions would help you make a lot more. Certainly housework affects him, but what LW eats and how much she exercises doesnt. That said, hes gotten very good about saying, OK, I can take over X now, please stop when X can be things like make sure I take my meds, make sure I eat, make sure I fill my pill pack, etc. Wow, boyfriend is definitely being the jerk here. What your boyfriend is doing is totally not how it has to be. The Captains comment, For a relationship to survive a crisis like that, you have to like the person (not just love them) and respect the person (not just love them) especially rings true for me. My jaded self is all "Flee! He was scared, I was exhausted and largely unresponsive, and neither of us knew what was going on or what to do. You dont get a vote and you dont get to write my State of the Me address. If your boyfriend is receptive to feedback, wants to repair the relationship, and expresses a desire to respect your boundaries, a conversation may be a healthy way for you to find closure or express your hurt. Thanks for this post, Captain and LW. In high school, I was shy, introverted, and had low self confidence and poor social skills due to a history of being bullied in junior high and middle grade. Am I the only one who says nope the fuck out of there yesterday? I just want to say something about this part of the Captains advice: However, if it helps you have the conversation, invoke your therapist. At first eagerly, because I was curious. I think you can tell dude that the things he is doing are not helping and that your therapist agrees with you (assuming therapist does and I think therapist is your number one go to about this) and also give him things he *can* do to help you when you are feeling down. Its not a cure; its a coping skill. I only do that in ways that SHE has approved, and that weve mutually decided would be comfortable and appropriate for me to do. That is exactly the right way to help, I think. I suppose you could try announcing that youre going to change him into someone who doesnt do things he has specifically and repeatedly been told to stop doing, in his intimate relationships, even if you have to drag him kicking and screaming into The Land Of Getting Hip, but honestly, that comment above is an infinitely bigger red flag than any number of questions about your broccoli intake. I know hes great and all LW, but everything I read about him makes me twitch. And I know it takes me less effort to make myself presentable for people coming over to visit me, than it does to get out of the house. How does this affect you will work on a reasonable person. Back in the dim times, when I was young and dewy and dinosaurs still roamed the planet, and I was married to my starter husband, I was unhappy with our relationship. And also we tend to be very keen for love and approval and so when we seem to get it in the form of someone else picking us to be their lover its a really heady thing. Did you eat at any cool restaurants on your trip? Hey, I just want to make sure you are eating your vegetables. Im actually the boss of that, and I dont want to run my food intake by you anymore, thanks. That means no vegetables, I guess. This should be stitched on a pillow. I would say, How does blindly doing everything you say make me more adventurous? We would go round and round, but I never got through to him, because I wasnt willing to back my words with actions. Like the Captain said, if it helps you have the conversation, totally go for it. Don't let your wishes control your thoughts and feelings. I told my dude that when I dont eat I get crankier and that I need to eat and i specifically told him that if I try to get out of eating he should provide me with food. Attend an anger management program with a trained instructor. Should I dump this asshole? recently printed a letter that said Anonymous asked: Things between us are going so poorly that Im writing into a blog called Yo Should I Dump this Asshole? During that time, I had a b/f who sounds a lot like your b/f he knew that if only I would do X, Y, Z and Q things that he specifically told me to do in the way and with the frequency that he specifically dictated, Id feel so much better! One cannot Straw Vulcan of Superior Reasoning their way into ones partner conforming exactly to ones own standards both internally and externally. Hlep is that thing that looks like help and is presented in a context that would normally surround helpuntil you blink and look again and realize that it isnt help at all. He says that he still loves me even if I dont do these things (but it doesnt feel that way to me). A big thing about this for me is the control he seems to want over your life. Earlier in your relationship, your partner was always interested in finding out things about you, from your goals and dreams, to your likes and dislikes, and even how your day was. We spent an hour together crafting a long list of things he could do for me, with me. He certainly doesnt track what Im eating / what exercise I am doing unless I ask him to make me accountable which only happens when I know I need that boot in the bum and cant justify a personal trainer. Value to him also includes your offering of feminine energy and responsiveness, your surrender to connection moment by moment (which helps deepen your connection and renew his deep attachment to you). Then, repeat what you want him to do and make the boundary plain: I hear you, but I want to be clear: I dont want you to do that anymore., Please stop correcting me and advising me., I appreciate all the help and support youve given me, but I actually need to navigate this on my own., I dont like it when you tell me what to do., The Silent Treatment is really not cool., Youre not the boss of how I eat or exercise, and I think its going to be healthier going forward if you stop monitoring that stuff and if I stop reporting it to you as if you are my nutritionist or trainer.*, I dont need you to change me or to be right about this, I just need you to love me and trust me to do the right thing for myself., I realize I was in bad shape for a while, but as I try to get better, Id like it if you would stop monitoring all these things about me and just found a way to enjoy my company., You may be right about that, but Id still like to handle this on my own without your input., I know you want to help, but I would like to set a boundary around advice-giving. The people who appoint themselves my life coach have always happened to be women, personally). They are not partner micro-managing tools. Then reluctantly, because I was learning my own tastes, and Im not fond of tea in any of its many flavors. And while many of the attributes of that you do coincide with the you you aspire to be, it isnt necessarily a great overlap. There can even be some of both this and the previous issue mixed together, because real people (even ones who use lots of reason) can have conflicting and complex emotions. This resonates with me on so many levels, but Im going to send on some advice from future-me that you can enjoy, or disregard as is entirely your desire, because I truly believe that you are the boss, expert and CEO of you. And I have never regretted that decision even once. Again, voice of experience, you do not want the realization of how stressful he really is to be when youve been thrown back to the bottom of the well. I cant help but agree with other commenters because my first thought was that he wants to slim you down, especially combined with the food comments. One thing Ive found helpful is the reflection that self-destructive actions are often also strategies for immediate survival for getting through particular moments. In retrospect I think that I was correct about her commitment level BUT I still put all the focus on her rather than dealing with my own portion of those concerns and my personal issues. The difference between this dude and the dudes I know, though, is that when the dudes I know were told to stuff a sock in it because they were coming across all doomy and demanding, they did. And at one point ran into one of his grown kids from the first family on a boardwalk. Have you read about the accountant who had a brain tumor? LW, I just wanted to applaud and celebrate a part of the Captains advice: I think your depression might be getting betterYou already did the self-caring thing that you needed to do for yourself, and your instinct isnt to agree with your boyfriend about what you should do, its to stand up for yourself about whats true. Boyfriend is still back in the pre-treatment you have no idea what youre doing because depression has fucked up your brain thing and is still in triage mode. I agree with all of the above regarding logic. You do most of the calling, talking, buying of gifts, planning dates, visiting, etc. In detail. At a minimum, he is not currently doing the first half. Realize that you cannot change your partner's behavior. 6. He has completely stopped doing anything and we don't ever go out and if we do, he has to be forced basically. I can go one better! Controlling never helps this situation, taking care of me and then helping him as he asks to be helped is what helps this situation. Its just really hard to take that final step sometimes, and back off, but its exactly what I need to do. But now he doesnt seem interested in getting to know them or spending time with them. Make sure your tone of voice and body language are completely neutral, because if they arent, what you say wont come across as simply wanting information but instead will seem like an attack on his character which could lead you nowhere at all. My therapist is big on one thing at a time, and if the way I was going to get my paper done on time was by subsisting on the cookies I could reach from my bed, well hey, the papers done! Re-reading I realized the last couple lines sounded really patronizing and I didnt mean it that way. There are certainly some grave warning signs here the passive aggression being one of them; its so easy to let someone know how little you mean to them by ignoring them in the day to day, withdrawing affection and communication. Validation. He is mad at you for not being good enough he wants you to feel like you have to earn his affection. When he complains that youre not cleaning, is it because youve actually made a mess? Leave now. He is really good with computers and accounting. Trouble concentrating. Do you still respect each others autonomy and understand that help is there to be offered and accepted but cant be forced? Boyfriend, I have my therapist for coaching & helping me develop. You speak for me! So few people seem to get this. This means that if you purchase a product through the link, we get a small commission at no cost to you. I love it, he doesnt. Id probably be a lot less functional had he pushed me. My husband is in a club that meets once a month when he has that meeting I have Chipotle for dinner. The inevitable consequences to him & many people he cared about just outweighed any potential satisfaction far too drastically. I know hes great and all LW, but everything I read about him makes me twitch.. He wants me to exercise more, eat healthier, help out more with the cleaning, and take better care of myself. Listen to Leah Robins and the Captain if he loves you, he will work with you, and you will be able to laugh together even during the darkest moments of your lives. renovate the bathrooms, start an advice columnit doesnt have to be terrible. Especially when someone you love isnt ready or isnt currently up to taking steps for their own well-being. That does not sound like respect. He may be feeling like he is missing out on his life and it is time to get back into the single life. But then kept sending financial support to his (first) wife, who knew that he was alive and had another family. Do with that information what you will. But everything you say about this dudetells me that hes more in love with Potential You than he is with Actual, Right Here You. Slowly cut these people out of your life. I had the same thing with the hubs about soup (soup!) For example, they might mad that you didnt fold the laundry when you said you would, or frustrated at coming home to find you in bed asleep with your clean, untouched gym clothes on the bed, when you said you were going to work out. Why dont we call it quits, then, and see if somebody else might not make you happier?. So far so good. A big part of the reason I gave up running for four years is how much it keyed up my anxiety about being good enough, being fast enough, and my shame about how much strength and speed Ive lost since high school. It sounds to me as if you have some clarity on what would be helpful to you. I only do that in ways that SHE has approved, and that weve mutually decided would be comfortable and appropriate for me to do. This does not augur well for a long-term relationship. What this involves is offering your emotional openness and love (instead of the tension of stress, fear and needing something to be happy). He never seemed to understand that these personality traits conflictedor at least, they conflicted in me, for us. He wanted to call the shots. Again, I dont know your boyfriend/relationship, but if he (and if you + your therapist are okay with this) is willing to come to therapy with you, it could be an option. Youre should-ing all over yourself. Stuart Smalley (aka Sen. Al Franken). Theres a bigamist in my family tree he walked out on one family, changed his name and got married again. But, as I pointed out, were different people. You dont need fixing, LW. My wife suffers from depression and anxiety which results in her not exercising, not eating right (or sometimes at all), skipping self-care, not getting out, not maintaining friendships, and a few other self-destructive issues. Is he making home-cooked, healthy meals? Feeling frustrated with behaviors that contribute to a bad situation? When your partner stops maintaining your relationship, that spark can easily die out as dissatisfaction and resentment builds up." Here are seven gestures that your partner may stop doing if your. This guy has given up, clearly, if you only see him in sweats or other loose-fitting, casual clothing. 5. With that said, the author adds the context that the dog was originally her ex-boyfriend's, and he had been trying to get his dog back for a while. Reactions based on internal, undisclosed standards isnt about keeping score, but it does have an effect, LW, and youve been feeling it: uncertainty, insecurity, and anxiety around their approval. Whether it was a lot or a little, it will carry you to tomorrow. At all. Living in constant stress, even if its a stress youve chosen yourself in the name of self-improvement, isnt good for you. Feelings of shame and guilt. If you hold the partner responsible for that anger and try to change them, its not going to help anyone. As the Captain and some of the Army have said, sometimes people need a bit of time to reset themselves mentally from caretaker, and weird things can stand in for anxiety about another person. But, if that was all there was to it, he wouldnt be getting angry when she isnt doing those things, or dismissing and belittling her words. Dear Carolyn: Although we've had sex before, my boyfriend of two years has zero interest in sex with me or anyone else. He seems to be sorry for everything these days. Encouragement. He is not the boss of you, and something in you has woken up to that. That one was also helpful. Apologise, and never say that to me again. I hope so. LW, whatever you chose to do today is enough. +1 absolutely, always. Once the facts are straight we can deal with the issue. This may also disarm any exes who set out to be hostile. And will often ask if I want icecream instead It doesnt matter what a partner is interested in controlling, your food intake, your hairstyle, how much work you do, how much sleep you get; when theyre trying to control you and cannot seem to be redirected, it is time to take the advice of the Doctor. Weve been through some really hard times and some very good and stable times. If you are an academic assigning my posts in your courses, Id appreciate an email with a copy of the relevant syllabus/assignment for my records/CV. He agreed it might help, and I immediately went out and got them and it did help. If the title is in your name the vehicle belongs to you and if he refuses to return it and has it you may want to call the police and report it stolen. 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