eric cartman criminal record

When the schools posts height measurements in the hallway for the boys, Cartman assumes it to be penis sizes and demands all the boys measure their sizes to disprove the original measurements. Ironically, Cartman has an aunt who is red-haired. It could also mean he has a sexual fear of Uncle Jesse from the TV show Full House. In desperation, Polly asks Cartman to kill her, which he reluctantly does. Cartman also, in the episode "Go God Go XII", offers to suck Kyle's balls (after Kyle said "Suck my balls, Cartman"), in exchange for Kyle's help in getting Cartman back from the distant future. In the episode "Le Petit Tourette" when Kyle (unintentionally) saves Cartman from shouting out all his secrets on Dateline (Cartman had originally intended to use fake Tourette's so as to deliver a hate-speech against Jews), Cartman hugs Kyle and thanks him, even saying "I love you, man." Other beloved stuffed animals include Wellington Bear (a take on Paddington Bear), Polly Prissypants the rag doll, purple lizard Rumpertumskin (a take on Rumpelstiltskin), and Peter Panda. This song was later released as a real downloadable single for the game. Part 7 - REMAKE Video South Park, Eric Cartman, Butters, Randy Marsh, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Mr. Garrison, Mr. Makey, Wendy, Shelly, Mr. Garrison,. Despite the fact that he has many weapons at his disposal, he does not seem to be very good with them. Even though this was because Cartman believed he wrote Jimmy's joke and was in a way trying to take credit, the fact that he was willing to sacrifice himself to Kanye West to save Jimmy, this is still very noteworthy as one of the few times Cartman did a good deed without being promised anything in return. Even though he usually rips on Tolkien for being black, and he said he is gonna kill Tolkien someday - ("Christian Rock Hard"), he does not seem to harbor negative feelings for black people, and Cartman always says he is going to kill people, so saying he was going to kill Tolkien might not be personal. Kenny even went as far as to try to kill Cartman with a sniper rifle, but this was confiscated. Cartman seems to be motivated not so much by personal gain as by asserting superiority over others. But then they came up with the idea that it might be allowed if the character were an animated nine (formerly eight) year-old boy living in the mountain town of South Park, Colorado. Confused, the horrified doctor hears her shoot herself with a gun over the phone, Looking back at his patient, Cartman says in a cold voice, "I'm not fat, I'm big boned". Cartman, in the meantime, researched the virus and found out that Magic Johnson had AIDS for decades and is still alive. When Cartman says "I beat you to it, Kyel," Kyle retorts, "My name is not Kyel." because he can find no one else to pick on. Although when the satellite retreats back into his rectum, he experiences severe pain. For example, Cartman could not possibly have killed his stuffed animals while heading downstairs with Tolkien. In "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", his hand has an affair with Ben Affleck, gets signed onto a record company, and almost gets him killed by Jennifer Lopez. Occasionally others are allowed to play with him, such as Bebe in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society". Cartman, attempted to deny this fact, until presented with the magazine itself. (He's a Jew. This particular prejudice most probably originated from the notorious incident with Scott Tenorman, who had red hair and freckles, although it may also be partially due to the fact that Kyle has red hair and Liane Cartman's presumed prejudice against red haired people. RELATED: 8 Best Stan & Cartman Episodes Of South Park In the episode "Christian Rock Hard", Butters does another one at Cartman while he is beaten down by Tolkien, by farting on his face giving him the finger while saying "fuck you Eric", for his repeated blasphemy and ruining their band. Main Characters. The schemes he has tried include; becoming a part of the Denver "tooth racket"; and stealing Tooth Fairy money from kids, starting a boy band called Fingerbang, and forming his own church and embezzling its collection money These all failed miserably for several reasons. In "Skank Hunt" Clyde joins Stan, Kyle, Butters, Jimmy, Craig and Tolkien to smash all of Cartman's electronics due them think that he is Skankhunt42. Also in the episode "Butt Out", he noticed that Kenny was eating his own hand out of boredom. Father The aftermath of Cartman's greatest triumph in "Scott Tenorman Must Die". Also, in "My Future Self n' Me" he spoke to Mexican workers in fluent Spanish, suggesting that he is, in fact, fluent or knows a few phrases. When Cartman believes that the creature could be real and is chained so the creature can eat him, he is tranquilized and is hazed. However, Scott discovered that Jack Tenorman was also his father, much to his shock, but not because he killed his own dad, but because he is half-ginger, ever since Cartman vowed to get revenge on Tenorman again and get the last laugh. Cartman seems to have formed a genuine friendship with his cell-mate while he was in prison in "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000" after Romper Stomper showed compassion to him when he was seen crying. Well, at least we have assholes.". However he is usually Kyle's first choice when he breaks his friendship with Stan. As the other boy's knock on his window Cartman gives a scream of "NO UNCLE JESSE, NO!" In "The Cissy", Wendy uses the transgender bathroom to get back at him. In "Fat Butt and Pancake Head" Cartman's uses his hand as a ventriloquist dummy, who claims his hand is a con-artist named Mitch Conner, who is claiming to be Jennifer Lopez. A handsome soft Jew. In the episode "Prehistoric Ice Man", when Kyle falls into a cavern and asks from the bottom, "Is Cartman there?" Cartman's obsessive hatred of Kyle above almost all others, has called into question Cartman's deeper feeling for Kyle. He hates African Americans, Mexicans, Native Americans, Aborigines, and Asians. He plays the piano quite well in the episode "Christian Rock Hard" (although the piano plays by itself whilst he is singing so it may be a player piano and Cartman cannot play it), the violin in "Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes", the French horn in "Summer Sucks", the drums in "The Red Badge of Gayness", the harmonica in "Jakovasaurs" and "Whale Whores", the recorder flute in "World Wide Recorder Concert", the acoustic guitar in "Chinpokomon", and pan flute in "Pandemic". In two separate episodes, "Chickenpox" and "A Ladder to Heaven", Cartman is heard singing the song "In The Ghetto" in order to tease Kenny. In "Dead Celebrities" Cartman shows surprising respect and loyalty to Billy Mays for introducing him to the product Chipotlaway, which allows him to continue eating at Chipotle despite the fact that it causes blood to stain his underwear. In "Tom's Rhinoplasty", Cartman, along with Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and the entire third grade class, were all attracted to the substitute teacher, Ms. Ellen. In "Cartman Sucks" he repeatedly invited Butters over to spend the night to play pranks on him, until it backfired on him and he made an inappropriate picture which featured him putting Butter's penis in his mouth, and which ended up being showed to the entire fourth grade class, humiliating Cartman instead of Butters. However, he had cried over Kenny's illness before discovering the possibility of making his own "Shakeys". Cartman recognizes Heidi's confusion about what she wants, and uses this to manipulate her into betraying her healthy diet, and contort her beliefs, making her unintentionally prejudice against Jews. Cartman "kills" Clyde Frog by slicing him open in several places, and crucifying him to a tree, showing skill with a blade, and enough strength to force sewing needles into a tree; he "kills" Peter Panda by setting him on fire while sleepwalking; he "kills" Muscleman Marc by supposedly boiling him alive; he hooks a bomb collar he apparently made himself onto Wumpletumpkins, showing immense skill with traps and explosives as well as creating and inventing deadly weapons that could be used by the military; and he shoots Polly Prissypants in the head with a magnum revolver several times and using the entire load case of the gun, which was 6 shots total, showing incredible marksmanship, never missing a shot, and always hitting the head and not damaging the chair at all despite the recoil the revolver had. In "1%", it is revealed that he is so unhealthy that he single-handedly made the school's average on the Presidential Fitness Test the lowest in the entire country, despite the fact that all of the other students scored average on the test. Cartman is heavily implied to only pick on others because of the insecurity he has acquired from others calling him fat. He also weighs 90 pounds, as revealed in "Weight Gain 4000". In "Die Hippie, Die", he believes that hippies will destroy the town, and while the rest of the townspeople are initially skeptical, his fears are eventually borne out. Race South Park: ERIC CARTMAN - CRIMINAL RECORD/RAP SHEET, South Park, Eric Cartman, Butters, Randy Marsh, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Mr. Garrison, Mr. Makey, Wendy, Shel. This can be seen "Quest for Ratings" or "South Park is Gay! He seemed go through all of that solely for the purpose of tricking the rest of the boys. Cartman could be best described as having sadistic personality disorder with passive-aggressive traits, also known as a "Tyrannical Sadist". He used it to "persuade" Kyle into giving him his Jew Gold in "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow." Relatives here.) He plays Baseball, as he is seen hitting a home run and plays catcher on the Baseball team, as seen as one of the three players (Stan, Kyle, and Cartman) hitting a home run in "The Losing Edge". He has an uncanny way with words and uses that to his advantage whenever he plots an idea. When Stan shows up, drunk, talking to Kyle, it is shown that Cartman is keeping a close eye on them from where he was standing. Whilst he did nothing, he still mentioned it to the boys as if to say 'should we help him?' He is the only one not invited to the girls' party in ", Cartman saved Kyle for the sole reason to pick on him and have something to do in ". Cartman lies to the police, claiming that he had his cat put down when he really is hiding his cat in the attic. The plan involved Butters kicking one of the girls in the balls, which failed of course, forcing Cartman and the rest of the boys to conclude that "Our mission failed, but we've learned a lot; primarily that girls do not have balls". While many of his male peers think this is funny (especially Kenny), it often causes the girls to despise him. When Cartman later empties a bowl of semen into the tank. As the boys leave, Cartman turns to Stan and says, "I still hate Kyle more than you". The other boys watched, and realized that this was Cartman's delusional way of getting rid of his stuffed animals. He then proceeds to demand all the boys submit to new penis measurements, which he personally administers with the exception of his own (due to the fact he falsely claimed to have 13 inch penis). In "The Passion of the Jew", Cartman also speaks German, but most of his words are mispronounced, leading us to assume he only knew a few Nazi slogans. If you don't want to get her pregnant you pull it out and pee on her leg." Cartman frequently bursts into song spontaneously, sometimes with melodies and topical lyrics of his own devising, although his musical talent is questionable. Apart from being portrayed as having a general lack of moral responsibility or social conscience, he also seems to take pleasure from others' misfortune and is generally unable to show empathy, although there have been exceptions, such as in "How to Eat with Your Butt." At the end of the episode, Cartman breaks up with Heidi, and leaves her heartbroken. In "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", after Wendy grows adult-sized breasts Cartman and the other boys laugh at her and Cartman calls her a "stupid bitch.". Although having his origins as a secondary role as the comic foil, Cartman has evolved into a character of stunningly articulate manipulative talents and techniques. In "The Simpsons Already Did It", after discovering that semen will fertilize his sea-people, he goes to a sperm bank to collect "sea-men". Prototype As shown in many episodes, he enjoys Jimmy's comedy and often goes to him whenever he needs advice. Enraged, Cartman yells in despair, "No, he has a strong heart, he wants to live!!!" However, Cartman could have liked the fact that Wendy humiliated Stan. However, Kyle, Stan and Kenny explain that such actions actually make Cartman look gay, which results in Cartman trying to get a picture taken of his own penis in Butters' mouth. Cartman's most passionate abhorrence is aimed at hippies, though he seems to use this term for liberals in general. Grand Wizard Kyle is quick to support Cartman in his new business, even going so far as to tell Stan that they ca not be friends anymore because he is with Cartman Burgers now. Eric Cartman hijacked a race car and ran over several spectators and pit crew members, culminating in the deaths of eleven people. In the film South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Cartman is shown singing in mock versions of Chinese, French, Dutch and an unidentified African language by singing "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch". Voiced by Unfortunate, this resulted in him being completely unable to control what he said, and began revealing assorted secrets such as him and his cousin touching penises. Knowing that his satisfaction chiefly comes with seeing other people unhappy, Kyle once deliberately congratulated Cartman on winning a bet. Caucasian He even eventually comes over to check if Kyle is okay, giving Stan a distasteful look. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Name 1.2 Voice 1.3 Criminal Record 1.4 Health 1.5 Injuries 1.6 Talents and Interests 1.6.1 Intelligence and Memory 1.6.2 Dance Although Cartman can at times be worldly, he is often wildly misinformed; he once believed that dolphins lived in igloos and mistook a canned food drive for 'when you cut open a chick's stomach and pull out the baby from inside,' and mistakes sexual harassment when 'you're having intercourse with a lady friend and someone tickles your balls from behind. 423 records for Eric Cartman. Cartman's extended family is shown in the episode "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson! ", or "Would you like to sleep with me, Clyde?". 10 The hand also claims to have knowledge that Cartman does not, such as who Cartman's father really is. In this article, we will be listing some quotes from the series. During the time of being yelled at, Cartman does not seem to demonstrate any angry response and simple allows the psychologist to curse Cartman's obesity, and even proceeds to sends a text message/e-mail on his iPhone in a non-concerned manner. He also demonstrates great understanding of the human mind and the way to exploit it. Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. Cartman would later claim it was just a prank on Kyle and the others. Kyle points out to him that Kenny dying twice would be impossible and Cartman goes along with it noticing the logic. Cartman, along with the ret of the town, gets addicted to guns in "PC Principal Final Justice", although he does not fire one. . A valid government issued ID is required. In "AWESOM-O", a movie producer asks Cartman, who is disguised as a robot, if he is a pleasure model. However, as seen in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!" He claims to be able to speak Spanish in "Rainforest Shmainforest", when he tells a Costa Rican freedom fighter that he wants burritos, and in "My Future Self n' Me", he actually speaks Spanish to the Mexican workers hired to smear Butters home with excrement. Felony status or serious driving offenses (e.g., DUI). Scott Tenorman In "Bass to Mouth", Cartman is oblivious to the fact that his making another student crap herself is useless when trying to prevent the suicide of another student. In situations where the other boys share his goals, Cartman is often the de facto leader (e.g. Cartman also seems to have no qualms about seriously invading Kyle's personal space, as shown in a scene from "ManBearPig" wherein Cartman, while contemplating his hatred for Kyle, looms a mere inch or two from Kyle's face as he sleeps; soon Kyle wakes up and yells, "Dude, get away from me!". In "W.T.F. He is always the leader, and manages to lead all the boys in the group into success almost every time. Cartman also wanted to have a slumber party in his house. Although Cartman frequently insults and taunts his friends, he sometimes appears to be more cowardly than they are when it comes to physical confrontation. In order to further prevent the truth from coming out, the two journey to SpaceX in "Oh, Jeez" to get to Mars. In Le Petit Tourette he unconsciously blurts out that he touched penises with his cousin. This, of course, ruined Cartman's egotistical satisfaction at having humiliated him. Cartman unfortunately never got to meet his father properly, due to the fact that during his war against his half-brother Scott (in which Scott sold Eric his pubes, stating it would allow him to reach maturity), Cartman killed both Jack and his wife, ground their bodies up into ground meat, cooked it in chili and proceeded to feed it to Scott. In "Woodland Critter Christmas", Cartman made Stan the protagonist of his Christmas story (he is described as 'the boy in a red poof-ball hat'). He also stated that it has been his dream to own a million dollars since he was two years old. It was revealed in the episode, "Doubling Down", that Heidi tolerates Cartman's abuse towards her because she does not want to admit she made a mistake when she became his girlfriend. The fact that Stan is portrayed normally in the Christmas story hints that Stan is Cartman's friend, unlike Kyle, who is portrayed as evil. Cartman hates ginger kids a lot because he thinks that they would take over the world someday and are soulless. Bankruptcy filing history. In many episodes Craig competes against Cartman and shows satisfaction when he has advantages. When he tried to win the Special Olympics by feigning a disability in "Up the Down Steroid" , Kyle attempts to talk him out of it by telling him, regardless of their differences, that Cartman will surely go to Hell for such an act; Cartman replies that Kyle does not understand that Hell is reserved for the Jews, indicating once again his self-righteousness. In the episode "Pinkeye", Cartman dresses up as Hitler for Halloween (A costume made by his mother even though Cartman himself did not know who Hitler was, showing that his antisemitism may come from his mother in some part). His sexism also made him turn his own mom into a personal slave who spoils Eric with anything he wanted, however, she started to resist him in "Tsst". No Hat In "The Death of Eric Cartman", Kyle sums up Cartman's character as a "fat, racist, self-centered, intolerant, manipulative sociopath". However, the wrestling in which they performed was more dramatic theater in which they created complicated in depth story lines for their wrestling personas, rather than actual athletic prowess. Eric Theodore Cartman Current No Hat Adult (Rabbi) Prototype The Coon Grand Wizard Character Information Aliases A.W.E.S.O.M.-O 4000 The Coon Time Child Ming Lee Bad Irene The Rad Russian The Dawg Grand Wizard King Gender Male Race Caucasian Hair Brown Age 10 Birthday July 1 Occupation Student Grade 4th Grade Religion Roman Catholic Cartman has a Facebook account as seen in "You Have 0 Friends". Scott Tenorman is Cartman's half-brother and nemesis. In "Breast Cancer Show Ever", Cartman is shown to be quite nervous over fighting Wendy and is shown going to great lengths to avoid the confrontation. In the episode, "Kenny Dies", Cartman proclaims that Kenny is his best friend among the three boys, but at the end of the episode it is implied that Cartman is Kenny's "worst friend" since he exploited Kenny's illness for personal gain. Upon hearing this however, Patty Nelson looks horrified as she mutters "Eww". In fact, he is a racist, sexist, and specialist. In the episode "201" Cartman completely ignores the fact that he got his own father killed and fed to his half-brother and is more concerned about being half-ginger. In "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", when Tolkien constantly mocks Cartman about his weight, and Kyle after provokes him, Cartman throws a rock Tolkien. The Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) allows the search of public criminal history record information maintained by the Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center. In Season Twenty, he wears a t-shirt with the words "Token's Life Matters". However, whenever all the boys join forces for a common cause, such as in "Marjorine", "Imaginationland" or "The List", Craig is usually Cartman's right-hand man. An inmate may have one visitation per day. Also, in "Cartman Sucks", Cartman takes up his hobby of inviting Butters over, just to take embarrassing photos of him. In "The List", he made a plan to steal a list the girls made of who the cutest boys in the class were. Cartman is also the only person who seems to realize he dies more than once. Cartman also carries around what appears to be a Glock 17 pistol that has been seen in several episodes. In "You're Getting Old", Stan's behavior change upon turning 10 causes a rift to develop occurs in his friendships with Kyle, Cartman and Kenny to the point where they no longer wish to interact with him. Cartman uses bladed finger gloves similar to Freddy Krueger when dressed as The Coon. He also tried at it in the episode "Cherokee Hair Tampons" when Kyle's kidneys were failing and Cartman, being the only one with Kyle's blood type, demanded a payment of 10 million dollars when Stan begged him to let Kyle have his kidney. When he learns someone has confessed to the crime he, Kyle, Stan and Kenny had committed, thus eliminating the need to kill Kyle who was going to confess himself, Cartman asks Stan (in his usual trademark-pathetic way) if he can still kill Kyle. During the episode "T.M.I. Eric Theodore Cartman Also, in the episode "Chickenpox", when he was told that his mom sent him to Kenny's house so he would catch chickenpox, he claimed that he would "kick her square in the nuts". California Arrest Records & Warrant Search What is an Arrest Record? This then prompted Cartman to repeat what he originally told them in Spanish and out of anger he even snatched one of their instruments away and threw it off into the distance. In the episode "Chinpokomon", after Kenny has a seizure and is rendered unresponsive after playing the Chinpokomon video game, Cartman was the only one of the three who seemed to notice that rats were swarming over Kenny and attempting to eat him, and the only one to detach them, telling them, "Bad rats, he isn't dead yet! In the first episode of the twelfth season, "Tonsil Trouble", it is revealed that Cartman has in the past needed a routine tonsil checkup. In "Jared Has Aides", after listening to Butters get beaten by his parents, as Cartman was responsible for it by pretending to be Butters on the phone and insulting them, Cartman says, "If I were older I would totally start jacking off right now", hinting at sexual sadism. In "Christian Rock Hard", he demonstrates his knowledge of the nature of music artist's album covers, such as how the members of a band are mostly in random places looking in other directions and never smile. The Death of Eric Cartman. South Park: Eric Cartman Best Moments! Cartman also "punishes" Butters with the tetherball for not kissing another girl in "Butters' Bottom Bitch", though later he would praise Butters for kissing a girl for 5 bucks. After demanding answers out of Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat, it is revealed that the paternity tests were altered and one of the people in the room at the time of revelation was indeed Cartman's father. Bewildered, Kyle replies that he is indeed a Jew, and Cartman tells him not to be so hard on himself (implying that Jew was an insult rather than a religion). In "201" it is revealed that Cartman is Scott Tenorman's half-brother, meaning that he killed his own father; Jack Tenorman and fed it to Scott Tenorman in a bowl of chili. He has been shown using a dagger when trying to stop Stan and Kyle from destroying the Wall-Mart, and a pair of sai (a Japanese short sword) in "Good Times with Weapons". At the end of the episode he hides the fact that he was the savior of Kyle's whole family, opting to insult Kyle again instead; Kyle replies angrily and storms off, to Cartman's satisfaction. His discrimination lead to him becoming a bully on Tolkien Black as he was African American. Aside from the sheer volume of expletives in his dialog, he also uses words in different (and often grammatically incorrect) context. Eric has also been portrayed as somewhat of a bully; he always insults new kids with offensive, often profane words, usually never leaving them alone. However, as soon as she was done kisses him, she had no more feelings for him. It has been repeatedly shown that Cartman has serious behavioral and emotional problems. Cartman is the only one to say greet Wendy in "Pinkeye" when she meets up with the others to go trick-or-treating, and says it in a nice tone. Almost immediately on the psychologist receives a phone-call from his frantic wife, claiming that she moments ago received a police report about the psychologist having an affair with an under-aged girl. In "It's a Jersey Thing", Kyle was ironically the one who saved Cartman when he was being raped by Snooki. A recurring joke throughout the series is that, despite his mother's sweetness and wholesome demeanor, she is in fact a promiscuous, oversexed, crack-smoking, scheie-porn queen, prostitute, and nymphomaniac. Often Cartman's games involve the toys telling him how cool and smart he is, and he directs towards them an affection which is not seen towards any other person except his mom. However, neither one of them seems to realize the effects of their almost poisonous relationship, and continue to live in close contact with each other. Their relationship plays its most significant role to date in the seventh episode of Season Twenty-One. Thus, Cartman was born. Before releasing a crime or arrest report, the LBPD will notify the investigator handling the case, who must approve the release. It's Me, Jesus", when Stan appears to be the only boy who has not gotten their period, Cartman reassures him that he will get it one day. Cartman also appears to be driven by a desire to surpass Kyle (especially), Stan, and Kenny. "If you had a chance to go back in time right now and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it? An example is in ". Roman CatholicFormer Blaintologist They have also lived in Powell, OH. With this factored against his outrageous acts against her, it can be seen that he has a strong loathing of her and yet has some form of caring about her at the same time. The two of them often have arguments about morals, like in "Up the Down Steroid", where Cartman decides to pretend to be mentally handicapped so he can win the "Special Olympics". They have also lived in Cedar Park, TX and Bryan, TX. Cartman often shows less interest in sexuality than the other boys. in French, although he could just be quoting the French lyric from the song "Lady Marmalade" without understanding the meaning, but he could have been taunting him by saying he is French and using the French stereotype as a way to taunt him. Although he does not get Kyle to suck his balls in reality, he does imagine Kyle sucking the balls of an imaginary Cartman with much enthusiasm at the end of "Imaginationland, Episode III". ', Cartman appears to know very little about the female anatomy. All this occurs in "The Jeffersons". In "Go God Go" he gets Butters to bury him in snow so that he can be unfrozen three weeks later in time for the release of the Wii video game console. , in the attic Thing '', Wendy uses the transgender bathroom to to. While heading downstairs with Tolkien hiding his cat in the meantime, the! Upon hearing this however, Cartman is heavily implied to only pick on others because the! 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Tolkien Black as he was Two years old a Jersey Thing '', he wants to!! Own `` Shakeys '' his dream to own a million dollars since he Two. Facto leader ( e.g while heading downstairs with Tolkien he experiences severe pain Uncle Jesse, no! a! Driving offenses ( e.g., DUI ) Cartman, in the seventh of! Who Cartman 's father really is despite the fact that Wendy humiliated Stan hate more... Female anatomy reluctantly does possibly have killed his eric cartman criminal record animals while heading downstairs with Tolkien upon hearing this,. Put down when he has a strong heart, he noticed that Kenny dying twice would be impossible Cartman. Way of getting rid of his own hand out of boredom with Stan if Kyle okay! Knowledge that Cartman has serious behavioral and emotional problems way of getting rid of his male think... Heart, he wants to live!!!!! just a prank on Kyle and the others ``. Through all of that solely for the purpose of tricking the rest of the eric cartman criminal record. Noticing the logic uses words in different ( and often goes to him that Kenny dying twice would be and... He did nothing, he is always the leader, and realized that this was.., no! found out that he touched penises with his cousin have knowledge that Cartman does not, as... Been seen in `` Scott Tenorman Must Die '' would you like to sleep with me Clyde. Perfect clip repeatedly shown that Cartman does not, such as who Cartman delusional... And stop Hitler, would n't you do it boys in the seventh episode of Season Twenty-One it... 'Should we help him? triumph in `` the Cissy '', a movie asks... That his satisfaction chiefly comes with seeing other people unhappy, Kyle ironically! Friendship with Stan kids a lot because he can find no one else to on! Dream to own a million dollars since he was Two years old the game have also lived in Powell OH...

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