he stopped giving me attention

We met online and in a long distance relationship and we have not met in person. LOL. These are no games. The first 4-5 months were amazing, a classic honeymoon phase for sure. I was the one who then initiated contact and although he has apologised he isnt making effort but says he cares for me and doesnt want to hurt me, Im starting to get frustrated about his lack of action still and dont know what to do! I feel in this kind of limbo where expressing dissatisfaction with a relationship that doesnt actually exist makes me sound like a basket case. Im still in high school. It was coming across the needle in the haystack that you placed in a way that someone was bound to find it. I still have ticket stubs from all the movies we saw and how much trouble weve gotten into together. Wanting me to be available for him. So, literally, he gives me a quick peck before he goes to work and at least TELLS me he loves me. After his birthday he left his sisters and moved in with his mom. I dont always have it my way though because hes dealing with personal problems that have stretched for months. I am not sure what to think or how to react, I really like him and he is a good respectable person. My boyfriend had a terrible marriage and an even worse divorce. Even though he always said he would try. I told him 3 times that this has bothered me and he has made no effort to change this. But he was not my husband and my family didnt approve of such activities before marriage. I decided to go back to my place, after wards he decided to send me a text saying we should take a break just like that. You arent asking for too much. Its going to make me fall out of love as he is so defensive and cannot solve the issue. You believe your boyfriend loves you, but he stopped showing his love in tangible ways. Since the beginning Ive always been the one making sure we talk, that we see each other. I go to his house on Sundays and help with his kids. Meaning if he doesnt step up when you pull back. I discussed all these issues with him 2 days before. I miss my best friend and I hate that it feels like maybe hes not missing me as much as I do. I tried to be understanding and not ask for a lot but it just got worse. He always said that its his first relationship and he doesnt know how to behave like a boyfriend. I have tried these and it really made me respect and love myself way more than I used to do over past. i dont know what i should do since i know that he has feelings for me but i feel like he treats me like a friend a lot of the time. Here are just some of the effects if one partner will fail to pay full time & attention not just with their partner but with the relationship itself. His plan to get a better job (he was very cocky and confident a massive promotion would just land on his lap as soon as he graduated like one day someone would email him out of the blue from Linkedin and offer him a CEO job or something) so he has become depressed. So any advice would be helpful. I am not happy in this relationship at all. should i stay or let go? Im hoping this isnt becoming a pattern. IT IS A VERY HUGE PROBLEM. He has issues, related to Pyrones disease. In Feb it will be our 6 year anniversary. No dates, no presents, no initiating anything or trying to make me feel special. okay so how i try to avoid causing a scene over tht is i would comeover to his place, thts the only place he would be fine because if i ask him to meet me at my area or anywhr else he wouldnt want to. Maybe hes just tired from working too much? I would like him to make effort, look up someplace Id like and invite me to go. After that I had to go home cause it was starting to get dark. my bf and i are long distance. As well BALANCE is a VERY hard thing for men I have learned. But If they are not- I think you have to consider moving on. We live in one of the coolest states in the world, Orlando Fl. But,to my surprise, his lil cousin(whos staying at his place rn) told me he was playing games earlier. That he put them in their box where he can find them easily when hes getting dressed in the morning and didnt remember where. It was about the same time he stopped replying. I do want to believe its because of all his family issues that all this is happening but I am well known for making excuses for boyfriends when things arent right. Is it bad that I miss being just friends with him?. I bought so much things to do for his birthday . Life is too short to waste it being miserable and stressed out and fighting over stupid shit. I have huge expectations but Ive accepted that hes not the guy that throw big surprises and continue to fear that the more I lower my expectations, the more he thinks im willing to settle for less even after his military is over. I am feeling, like my expectations may be too high. I love drinking with him and having a laugh but he doesnt seem to feel the same. X. I know this is a late reply but do you feel like he respects you? If you succumb to what you wish your relationship and boyfriend was, then youll find yourself begging or manipulating your boyfriend into making an effort in your relationship. We do get a long very well and we are highly mature people. I know youre ignoring me, but I just want to know why or what I did to you? If you You can let go slowly at first and just start seeing other people. Hes the opposite. Is it too much to expect from a boyfriend to ask out his girlfriend one a month? I have no family and feel really lonely. but thats what made me fall in love with him and now that i feel like the efforts arent made or not even made but not wanted, not driven, not desired as he felt before. You can adjust your expectations and change your reactions. Hi Looloo, My partner is the same. Feel so down on a Friday night. He has some really great qualities and some sh**y ones. It feels awful when you feel like you care about him more than he does about you. You can do it xoxox, I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years. And now a year & half down the line we seem to be in a rut. Heres what to do: write down the three strongest emotions you feel about your boyfriends lack of effort in your relationship. He dosnt wnt to sex i know that well. I dont know if I am being unreasonable. i cried a lot i asked myself will i love him back after knowing everything. I feel like my boyfriend of 5 years doesnt really care anymore. Next thing I woke up to a text. But he still makes no effort in even recognizing relationship milestones like anniversaries, but he has done romantic things for the girl he chased for 6 years. Im fed up of being sad all the time and just want to be happy and feel loved again. He dresses professionally. If you always cook dinner, take a night off. 1. For example, he never said that he was looking forward to seeing me when he made plans to hang out, so I stopped doing that. I guess subconsciously I acted that way because hes quite lazy and I didnt want to cut him any slack in fear that he would put in less effort to maintain the long distance. i want to try to talk to him about it since we never argued or anything but ive been feeling this way for quite a while and i dont want to just break up with him like that. There are plenty more examples. Its about dealing with regret, coping with guilt, and healing shame. he is a loyal person i know that but hes too self centered and he makes me feel like im not important. WebBut when you give so much attention and interest to a guy, but he just doesnt feel the same way, it can actually push him away from you. I know he is a shy guy, this isnt personal to me hes like it with his friends and they have shared this with me. Feel like I am too grown for him. He was wearing them every day when he started his new job. I take it very personally and feel disrespected by this, alone, that he has such little respect for my comfort or opinion of him he just doesnt bother but he will shower and shave and brush his hair even to go get a haircut. I am slowly trying to make new friendships and to enjoy myself with people who love me. His complaint is that no matter what he does is never enough and that I dont contribution anything. Follow these tips on what to do when he stops calling and texting you. He says he works so hard for me or us so we can have the things we want in life and Im so grateful but money isnt everything. any improvement? I am retired. So he does nothing. Ask yourself what could be causing your boyfriend to pull away from you. Been with my a few years. Damn this just made me cry because this is exactly what Im going through rn. It is just hurtful to know that he could not even think of doing this one thing for me. But with the current situation with the virus we will probably meet even less. We live like 30-35 minutes away but I have friends who have relationships similar and they see their boyfriends all the time. And im an amazing girlfriend. I trust him and I wanna keep trusting him. Sometimes I felt that he was mad at me, he would say that I was a show off or that I always took things too seriously. I dont know what to do and need some advice. But I clearly have seen enough examples of the ones who simply stops caring when they are sure that we will be theirs and we will always care about them no matter what. My boyfriend is exactly the same and Ive been relating so much to what youve said in your post! He Thinks You Are Bored. Ive thought of letting him go because hes not what I want in a relationship, but hes the only one in this world that knows every single thing thats been in my head. Say you have a date tomorrow night. But he never tells me how he feels when I ask. good luck to you. Ask them, I feel like youre ignoring me. He did have a hard time texting back or talking and thats what brought me to posting the initial question. I have trust issues as well. Its sad when other give you the compliments that you are looking from in one person. Ive tried to initiate intimacy and have been rejected because hes tired. The straw that broke me was when he didnt bother to do anything special for my 40th birthday and our anniversary, which fall on the same day. I hope you work things out- either way. SHE STILL HAD HER HARNOUS ON HER. What would you do? If you havent recognized it yet, you are in an abusive relationship. Also be prepared to lose him. I have been dating my boyfriend for 4 years and weve known each other for 10 years. I have no idea what this is all about, but the roller coaster needs to stop, its too hard for me to deal with. It isnt fair. I clean, cook, bring him sandwiches to his work, take care of the dog while he does nothing. Hes always been so affectionate towards me, always wanted us to be happy so we got together. He expressed his anger in silence. I am right there with you and share very similar feelings. Would you like to come along? Now he is deliberately NOT doing it because I keep trying to remind him or motivate him but his thought is that had he known it was going to become one more thing I expect him to do and hound him over he would have told me not to buy it. Were both going to France in September as part of college and were going to different parts of France. Or also he went out and was feeling confused about the relationship where he didnt come home therefore he ended things in the morning after having a long night prob thinking about it. Just about two weeks ago, the cycle broke. Libido has infinitely dropped. When we talked about moving in together I did it all. Im so tired picking up after someone that cant even lift a finger to help me clean the mess he made. He texts me every morning and night and we often text during the day. When I ask whats wrong my boyfriend bites my head off, shouts at me, tells me Im just trying to cause trouble when Im totally calm and just asking a question. Losing the Am I being needy too much? He tells me he is going to bed and we will talk about tomorrow. He years later, i went to my facebook to unblock some people in my list, including him. Although he did not tell me this beforehand, we have been trying to work on these issues and improve our relationship. Maybe he no longer loves you the way he used to. Im ready to just get out of this soon. Just stop talking to him and stop making so much effort. Honestly, I cant feel good about myself because I gave an attention hungry narcissist permission to treat me like crap for 7 years. I think this self reflection is important to ensure I dont repeat this again. He said he is trying to change. is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Just torn and dont know what to do. You dont have to ask him to take care of you or pull you out of that sorrow. He used to call me at night before he sleeps,now he doesnt anymore,he takes days to reply my whatsapp messages. Letting go means opening your heart and being your true self in all aspects of your life whether youre in a healthy relationship or starting over after a breakup. Its just making me feel awful but its so difficult because he is my life Ive been with him that long and he is a sensitive person I dont want to hurt his feelings as he isnt bad at all hes just lazy, but I really feel like Im wasting my time now. It helped me calm down. That should be enough. There is a lot more to it that Im frustrated about, and recently Ive become I guess depressed about everything in general and find myself thinking about how it used to be and what I miss the most and to be honest all that ends up happening is me ending up crying, falling asleep and it starts all over again. yes I did give myself to him.he was my first.. and it was the second time I snuck out but I did everything for him and I get ignored. You will end up hating yourself. You need to allow yourself to do something else. Let me know your thoughts! Im an emotional person but I always try to talk and let him know Im upset so that he knows not to act a certain way. I decided to tell him how I felt because its always best to tell the other person how you feel. Let him go! Im sorry. We have had sex, one time. I also pay all the bills, budgeting, grocery shopping. Its been almost two years and weve been inseparable ever since but lately it seems like something has changed. The thing is there seemed to be no problem in our relationship, i love him and i feel like its mutual but about two weeks ago he began to claim that i was cheating on him (which Im not) and well ik its happened to him before. Hes talking about going to a rave and doing drugs and asked me to go.Tbh I just think he wants me to pay for everything. But again, ask if he wants to just get anything off of his chest about his father, and just let him talk. He came up with a lot of excuses such as traffic is bad, I have homework (hes a grad school), oh and the one that always gets on my nerve Im tired. Thank you Sumiah, for your response and your concern. I am not allowed upstairs in their house either, it just makes me feel uncomfortable if I go to his. My boyfriend is a gifts/ Provider type of love which is always been difficult and I try to be super vocal about the ways I feel loved. and even whn im thr at his place, he would play his game until its time to sleep and then repeat the same thing everyday. When you're unpredictable, he'll get more excited when you reach out. Are you still in your relationship? He then told me it was the appropriate setting to tell me I was super cute. Love your reply and I agree with it all Im struggling right now as Im conflicted with wht to do how long do you wait how long do you keep understanding he has issues he is dealing with but makes minimal effort with our relationship.. Im just sad angry and confused. My brother did tell me that he may be going through some things in his personal life that he is not ready to share with me. Now my mom did not know about my boyfriend i was afraid to tell her cause she probably wouldnt approve that he didnt go to school. Hes doing it deliberately. He understood, admitted he takes me fore granted and he would try harder. Id rather focus my energy on someone who can! ?pretty much hurts and also my first. everything stopped. I sacrifice so much for him & he doesnt even show it. What if he says he doesnt want to acknowledge the time weve been together? We could barely recover from the last blowout and a month or two later boom! Its easy for him to say he crashed at a friends, but let him get over the guilt or offers an explanation before he comes back. Listen to your intuition, it never lies. I been communicating with him about his lack of effort , no improvement. Im right there with you though, I feel the same way about my bf of 2 years. I so desperately want a date once in a while wether its once a month so we can enjoy each other and so i can feel like hes doing something special with me AND so i wont go crazy spending every moment in the HOUSE. Youre still young and should take that same advice youd give your daughter. You may find it helpful to write about your relationship. But hes not different. My boyfriend of three years got me a card. Maybe what you see as your boyfriends lack of effort is simply a normal part of being in a solid, comfortable relationship. However, if my boyfriend was gaming with another girl I would have broken up with him. Should I tell him how I feel about not talking enough or should I just let it fade away? He hasnt asked me out or made an effort to spend anytime with me for 4 weekends in a row. It can make you feel insecure like theres something wrong with you. Now I am sitting alone in my room crying and reading online articles about how to feel better about myself. Hi Ella. WIth or without them. If I try to tell him how much I care he insists I dont. Please tell me whatbi should do. Interestingly I dont really like his love, yet Im the one trying to maintain a sex life and hes the one being cold and avoidant? Like by shouting Im gonna get scared or intimated. Im in a similar situation. I love my boyfriend, but just cant get the feeling that he feels the same. I dont deserve this. He will never be that boyfriend ever again. If youre last on your boyfriends list of priorities, then you need to stop wondering what to do when he makes no effort in your relationship. Which really confuses me. You will be happy, trust me. from there we started to be friend. I know that feeling. This quarantine also suddenly ruined my relationship. But I needed to know if he still wanted the relationship with me because he has been so distant. I live in London and met him just outside the city and weve been together 5 years this summer but we are currently having ZERO sex he texts me NEVER and calls me NEVER! And silly me, I was waiting for his reply all night.I know hes got alot to deal with rn and all Im asking for is a time-to-time update so I can be at peace.Is that too much to ask for? I think his lack of effort is reflective of being afraid of going through all of that again. Somehow I always felt that he did it because of something I did. The worst of all, Hes so Unforgiven, if we have misunderstanding ill sent a text of apology, after that ill try to call him, but, he wont pickup on several occasions. But all in reality I wouldnt feel like this if he just showed me some type of effort and love and I get that it wont be a all the time thing but youre telling me its going to be never and I just have to sit here quiet and not say how I feel because apparently its unfair on him but what he is doing is unfair for me. Around that time, he moved to the same part of the city as me and started going to the skate park too. He never comes to see me, I always have to go to him. She told him to break up with me so he emailed me and said we needed to take a break until the situation gets better. He Is Nervous. Men go through depression, hurt and sorrow just like us women do. I didnt get to ask him for his number or anything so I only had his name. My issue lately is, he will tell me he will come to my house on Saturday after work, then later he will call and say he has to go get his dogs and pick them up. We then will start to accept crumbs and feel sick inside. Stop yourself from bombarding him with messages. Im feeling pained and upset with myself the concessions Ive made and feeling as though theres no room for compromise. Im so upset. We had romantic dates and fell in love at first sight. I am tired of him not making a plan and his sudden switch in personalities. im not saying there isnt things wrong with me but i havent done anything to deserve this kind of treatment i wait on him hand and foot and im just getting exhausted but i dont want give up. Something went down and he doesnt want to confess. I had to call him! Like we will be having a nice time and something sets him off and he just spirals. He has been going through a lot, with an unsupportive family, a broken ankle, financial troubles, depressionbut I have been steady and I have been supportiveI have loved him so well. OR 2) He just might not care at all. What do you think? he is such a mystery. Im a stay home mom right now but still help my BF with reports, programs etc for work. Sry forgot to put this i didnt know if I could or not but where Im at its not illegal plus I was 16 and he was 18 but. Time weve been inseparable ever since but lately it seems like something has changed presents, no initiating or! 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he stopped giving me attention