karate framework for ui automation

This gives you some powerful options, for example you can simulate Ajax and XHR failures, or even replace entire widgets or sections of the page with fake HTML. By now, it should be clear that JsonPath can be very useful for extracting JSON trees out of a given object. This is rarely used, unless you are expecting binary content returned by the server. It is a great example of how to effectively use the unique combination of Cucumber and JsonPath that Karate provides. For suppressing sensitive information such as secrets and passwords from the log and reports, see Log Masking and Report Verbosity. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. So even if your next step is the ENTER key, you can do this: Karate will do the best it can to detect a page change and wait for the load to complete before proceeding to any step that follows. Note how even calls to Java code can be made if needed. odd: '#(oddSchema)', This is useful for testing payloads with JSON arrays whose members have a few essential keys that you wish to validate. driver.getTitle() becomes driver.title. { They can be very useful in some situations. Since a scroll() + click() (or input()) is a common combination, you can chain these: This returns an instance of Mouse on which you can chain actions. Finally, the page is updated to display the first-name, last-name and the image. To avoid problems, stick to the pattern of using double-quotes to wrap the JavaScript snippet, and you can use single-quotes within. Passing the data from one feature file to another file. Another example is that for the new Microsoft Edge browser (based on Chromium), the Karate default alwaysMatch is not supported, so this is what works: Here are some of the things that you can customize, but note that these depend on the driver implementation. Karate has the following short-cut symbols designed to be mixed into embedded expressions: For completeness, == and != also belong in the above list. A set of real-life examples can be found here: Karate Demos. 5678 An additional-level of auto-conversion happens when objects cross the boundary between JS and Java. It so happens that the karate object has a field called properties which can read a Java system-property by name like this: karate.properties['myName']. There are multiple options, choose the one that fits you best. Format of the trustStore file. Note that this mode can be also triggered via the command-line by adding -D or --dryrun to the karate.options. For example you can get a nice feature coverage report, provided you have a rich set of tags. Use the classpath: prefix to load from the classpath instead. This is great for testing boundary conditions against a single end-point, with the added bonus that your test becomes even more readable. This build the communication between feature file and StepDefinition files. You can use * char instead of Gherkin keyword. Another good thing that Karate inherits is the nice IDE support for Cucumber that IntelliJ and Eclipse have. Karate Framework Test Automation Made Simple. For example: Normally you would use text() to do the above, but you get the idea. Karate will scan the log for any string that starts with ws:// and kick things off from there. There are examples of calling JVM classes in the section on Java Interop and in the file-upload demo. It typically ends up being a one-liner that appears in the Background section at the start of your test-scripts. There are multiple Karate API testing examples we are going to show you in this series. return jd.doWork(arg); The keywords Given When Then are only for decoration and should not be thought of as similar to an if - then - else statement. Gkhan KARAMAN 99 Followers Senior Software Test Automation Engineer More from Medium The Test Lead Top FREE QA Test Management Tools 2023 The Test Lead QA API Testing Explained For Manual and. It is worth taking a few minutes to go through the documentation and examples here: JsonPath Examples. Only 1 import is needed, and instead of a class-level annotation, you use a nice DRY and fluent-api to express which tests and tags you want to use. """, # optional (can be null) and if present should be an array of size greater than zero, # should be an array of size equal to $.count, # use a predicate function to validate each array element, # if you prefer using 'pure' JsonPath, you can do this, # using the karate object if the expression is dynamic, """ It can look something like this. B efore to start talking, How I have learned and show an example How to connect on database with Karate Framework, let me introduce It. Checking if a string is contained within another string is a very common need and match (name) contains works just like youd expect: For case-insensitive string comparisons, see how to create custom utilities or karate.lowerCase(). You can also use driver.startRecordingScreen() and driver.stopRecordingScreen(), and both methods take recording options as JSON input. They are param, header, cookie, form field and multipart field. If you are behind a corporate proxy, or especially if your local Maven installation has been configured to point to a repository within your local network, the command below may not work. In the example below, note the use of the karate.get() helper for getting the value of a dynamic variable (which was not set at the time this JS function was declared). "hotels": [ This means that all your. c Just like script(), but will perform the script eval() on all matching elements (not just the first) - and return the results as a JSON array / list. Since Karate uses Gherkin, you can also employ data-driven techniques such as expressing data-tables in test scripts. So if you return complex objects such as a custom Java instance or a JS function that depends on complex objects, this may cause issues when you run in parallel. The argument can be provided after the function name, without parentheses, which makes things slightly more readable (and less cluttered) especially when the solitary argument is JSON. To run only a single scenario, append the line number on which the scenario is defined, de-limited by :. It was first published by Peter Thomas in early 2017, and it gained traction pretty fast. If you are looking for ways to do something only once per feature or across all your tests, see Hooks. """, # normal 'equality' match. Karate an Open source framework developed by Karatelabs has made Test Automation simple and unified for both API testing and UI Automation using Gherkins. You should take a minute to compare this with the exact same example implemented in REST-assured and TestNG. var SimpleDateFormat = Java.type('java.text.SimpleDateFormat'); This example actually calls into existing Java code, and being able to do this opens up a whole lot of possibilities. You could even have all the steps start with When and Karate wont care. Normally an undefined variable results in nasty JavaScript errors. For details of scope and visibility of variables, see Script Structure. And also note that instead of using the match keyword, you can use karate.match() for very advanced conditional checks. Since multiple values are supported, you can also do this: A little-known capability of the Cucumber / Gherkin syntax is to be able to tag even specific rows in a bunch of examples ! Especially since strings can be easily coerced to numbers (and vice-versa) in Javascript, you can combine built-in validators with the self-validation predicate form like this: '#number? You simply do something like this: A common need is to send the same header(s) for every request, and configure headers (with JSON) is how you can set this up once for all subsequent requests. Heres a reminder that the #notpresent marker can be mixed into an equality match (==) to assert that some keys exist and at the same time ensure that some keys do not exist: The ! Instead, Karate gives you all you need as part of the syntax. Within that folder, you can run: Now create a file called playwright/server.js with the following code: The main thing here is that the server URL should be logged to the console when it starts. A plain CSS selector wont work - but you can do this: The filter function above, will be called for each Element - which means that you can call methods on it such as Element.attribute(name) in this case. The retry keyword is designed to extend the existing method syntax (and should appear before a method step) like so: Any JavaScript expression that uses any variable in scope can be placed after the retry until part. To do that, add the following: And then the above command in Gradle would look like: The recommended way to define and run test-suites and reporting in Karate is to use the parallel runner, described in the next section. When targeting a W3C WebDriver implementation, either as a local executable or Remote WebDriver, you can specify the JSON that will be passed as the payload to the Create Session API. This is useful in any situation where you need to concatenate dynamic string fragments to form content such as GraphQL or SQL. The responseCookies variable is set upon any HTTP response and is a map-like (or JSON-like) object. Watch launch recording here. But in that case you should de-dupe them using a name: And since it is common to run a @setup Scenario only once per-feature you can call karate.setupOnce(). And this framework is the only API testing tool that has combined API Automation and performance testing into a single standalone tool. If you need to actually do something with each returned Element, see locateAll() or the option below. The get keyword allows you to save the results of a JsonPath expression for later use - which is especially useful for dynamic data-driven testing. The most important part of this payload is the capabilities. The syntax is easy to understand by non-programmers. Most of the time, you just want to wait until a certain number of matching elements, and then move on with your flow, and in that case, the above is sufficient. Note that this example only does a string equals check on parts of the JSON, but with Karate you are always encouraged to match the entire payload in one step. So you could have also done something like: Also refer to the configure keyword on how to switch on pretty-printing of all HTTP requests and responses. """, # in this case the solitary 'call' argument is of type string. That said, if you want to stick to JavaScript, but find yourself accumulating a lot of helper functions that you need to use in multiple feature files, the following pattern is recommended. Here are some examples: Refer to this file for a comprehensive set of XML examples: xml.feature. In cases where the data-source needs multiple steps, for e.g. Note that there is a karate.fail() API that may be handy when you want to fail a test after advanced / conditional checks. # but using karate.range() you can even do this ! The listenResult magic variable will hold the value passed to the call to karate.signal(). If you need the position of an element relative to the current viewport, you can pass an extra boolean argument set to true (false will return the absolute position) : 2 string arguments: locator and value to enter. Note that even the scenario name can accept placeholders - which is very useful in reports. This comes in useful because depending on how you organize your files and folders - you can have multiple feature files executed by a single JUnit test-class. Prefer classpath: when a file is expected to be heavily re-used all across your project. Note that Content-Type had to be enclosed in quotes in the JSON above because the - (hyphen character) would cause problems otherwise. Billie,LOL But you will never need to worry about this internal data-representation most of the time. The keywords def, set, match, request and eval take multi-line input as the last argument. If you dont want to use Java, you have the option of just downloading and extracting the ZIP release. Karate framework is developed by Peter Thomas employed at Intuit. And it is used to create a variable. The default is 30000 (30 seconds). This is exactly like match == but the order of arrays does not matter. return sdf.parse(s).time; // '.getTime()' would also have worked instead of '.time' Full Time position. """, """ For e.g. var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd'); If you wanted to check if the Element returned exists, you can use the present property getter as follows: But what is most useful is how you can now click only if element exists. From a file in the same package. } In rare cases you may want to suppress the default of Scenario-s executing in parallel and the special tag @parallel=false can be used. status: '#number? You can use callonce instead of call within the Background in case you have multiple Scenario sections or Examples. sportName: '#string', Which suggests that the step should be in the When form, for example: When method post. ] Also note how you can wrap the LHS of the match in parentheses in the rare cases where the parser expects JsonPath by default. match each can be combined with contains deep so that for each JSON object a deep contains match is performed within nested lists or objects. Also note that ; charset=UTF-8 would be appended to the Content-Type header that Karate sends by default, and in some rare cases, you may need to suppress this behavior completely. You can even perform a conversion from XML to JSON if you want. This can be done via the maven-surefire-plugin configuration. Note that more builder methods are available from the Runner.Builder class such as reportDir() etc. Note that this is not supported for arrays like above, and you can have only one value column. You can run tests with this directly, but teams can choose the JUnit variant (shown below) that pulls in JUnit 5 and slightly improves the in-IDE experience. stop(): Karate will call this method at the end of every top-level Scenario (that has not been call-ed by another Scenario). The set of built-in functions that start with wait handle all the cases you would need to typically worry about. This is actually the intent most of the time and is convenient. Comma delimited values are supported which can be more convenient, and takes care of URL-encoding and appending / between path segments as needed. Note that Karate will fail the test if the waitUntil() returned false - even after the configured number of re-tries were attempted. It can be used instead of waitForUrl() and you can still perform a page URL assertion as seen below. return 'this text will be displayed to the user when they click the rebase button' There are 2 variants, one that takes an integer as the param, in which case the frame is selected based on the order of appearance in the page: Or you use a locator that points to the