lost my nursing license allnurses

I was made to be charge nurse of this trauma center and did not want to do it. The BON also regulates LNAs. They are unmerciful, mean and need to be investigated. In the State of California, Registered nurses are required by law (California Code of Regulations, Section 1451, Article 5) to complete 30 contact hours of continuing education every two years, in addition to paying the renewal fee, to maintain an active license.Continuing education courses must have been . Let us take the hard work out of your job search with the new Nurse.com Jobs. Neglecting her patients. Setting us up for failure with ridiculous stipulations scarring of our nursing licenses, charging exorbitant fees for drug screens and reporting our private activities all over the internet. I was a licensed addiction counselor in Arizona. Best of luck with things, if you ever need to talk you have a great support network here! Anyway, these nurses find small errors in charting and Use other preposterous accusations as evidence that your incapable or detrimental. I just wish the OBN would have some level of compassion and understand how theyre ruining peoples lives! This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Two of the 3 were given a 'second' chance so to speak. They have zero experience in employee law or any law. I am finding it difficult to convince potential employers to give me a chance to prove that I am not an addict and am an honest and ethical RN. I knew an extremely addicted meth head- the biggest drug addict I had ever known- who is now a Paramedic. We have also made the group hidden as well as private now. After explaining, simply ask for a chance to show them your worth. Present only positivity and above all PROFESSIONALISM! Be careful with words and sentence structure. Find a nurse career coach by asking around, doing an Internet search, or getting a referral from the International Coach Federation (www.coachfederation.org). when not at work, what would stop you from engaging in those behaviors at work? By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. Thank you. I said, no its not Im talking to my parents about it. They rarely ever side with the nurse. Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU. Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development. I had never used before but had migraines and started taking vicodin in early 2009. You DO know, or I suspect you SHOULD, most people dont get caught breaking the law. Side note: Home health care could be your best option at this time (until allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 1 . Please create an account or log in to view your dashboard. You tell them what remains of your disciplinary action (how much longer and what is involved) and you sincerely tell them that you want to move forward because you love nursing and want to prove that you are ethical, compassionate AND that this experience, although horrible has made you a more conscientious nurse. The person gets their license revoked when they don't comply with the probation. Reprimand recommendations for nurse readers. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. ABC Advertisement 1. new dewalt tools coming 2023; kevin robinson cause of death; CC THNG HIU. Answer (1 of 56): Been there, done that. Including you! If so what were the stipulations? Stick with them for several months after youve completed the BON stuff, out of loyalty and gratitude. Specializes in Orthopedic, LTC, STR, Med-Surg, Tele. Has 26 years experience. In the top it off the board simulator saying that they want $6,000 for me. Use internet at work, or in a public library. There issues are not posted all over the internet like the nurses. We have created a list to help you understand the potential reasons for nurses losing their licenses. I haven't heard of any from med errors or basic mistakes. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. I am going to make this as short and sweet as possibleI was an LPN, diverted demerolfrom my job in 2009 (still cant beleive I did this) I gave up my license called the NCBON, went through all their hoops got my restricted license back. How is it that there can be only 306 unsuccessful teachers in the atate out of 186,000 plus teachers and she had at least 6 that she forced out. (I am aware that if the BON presents you with documentation copies, the patients name is redacted and yet they expect you to EXPLAIN when you dont know the patients name and the date has been some time in the past. Nobody is perfect everybody makes mistakes thats life. (b) Duties, powers. I had disciplinary action taken against my license in the past year, because of some poor choices and charting errors, made 18 months before in another state. Check your dependency upon the external vs internal. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. America's nurses are running on empty almost one year into the pandemic. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. I was retaliated against. I do not use now. 1-612-816-8773. 1-612-816-8773. hebrew word generator; Emphasize how you were an outstanding RN for years w/o incident until, unbeknownst to you, you made A documentation error and you werent given the chance to give an informed explanation. The 4th one had her license revoked after it was found that she was physically, mentally and emotionally abusing a paralized patient that she was the private duty nurse for. Who would? Ends up I was transferred away from him( the aid) and then when EPIC went live I was reported for documentation errors and fired and my license was probated. The nursing board is out of their minds! The Texas BON revoked her license a year after she was convicted. 12). Stealing medication and supplies from the hospital. After all, a social security number is required to apply for many jobs. Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU. 11,303 Posts. I was stressed, overworked, and in way over my head at the time. We have a group for Nurses facing disciplinary action by the board of nursing & support group for nurses in recovery. I recently ran into a situation with an individual and I was wondering if there was a website that will post an easy way to find out why someone has lost thier nursing license. I dont drink or smoke Ive never taken any narcotics. So- sleep well, with your judgments and naivete. I had given up everything to get my license back but my addiction took control. There are many laws that govern a nurse's medical practice and any businesses they . It doesnt pay as well and can be boring, but its a job and a stepping stone. Because you will need to rely heavily on person-to-person networking, you also will need to learn how to do this properly and to your best advantage. In this matter, the board ordered a revocation but later allowed the nurse to reinstate her license albeit with a two-year probationary period. I sued the Board in circuit court and the Judge sided with the boardI fought my ass off..after 3 years of homelessness and loss of most family and friends I have not signed it! My evaluator died and they lost her positive evaluations of me. a. I believe it would be safe to SERIOUSLY ABBREVIATE what led to the discipline and the discipline itself. in 2000 my first husband got killed on job, I came into significant $s.and did not have to work.but got bored some 2-3 years laterI wanted to return to health care, but did not want to jump thru the hoops of my nursing stipulations. Very sad. I hope that one day the BON will change and become a better organization to help those nurses who had a mistake or to them another chance. Then tell you to do it all over again. So, with only $6.00 in my pocket, on welfare with a little boy to take care of alone, I signed their papers but then things got worse, they wanted me to move back to the state to work, they did not want to do interstate agreements. I was fired from my job I worked in a trauma ICU. I had my dream job I loved it and the people that I worked with so much. I went to their monkey court and refused to sign so they suspended me. Get in touch at 323-794-070 or fill out our form for a free consultation. If you recall, a revocation of a license is the most serious of all disciplinary actions that can be taken by a board of nursing. A joke ! Please allow 1-2 weeks for receipt of your new nursing license. I charted every drug in narrative charting but they never looked at that.. if I am in charge of this ER the last thing im going to do is run around and pass meds for other nurses, have my own assignment, run and waste if a trauma arrives or be a slave to the damn Pixes machine. Yes nursing school is obviously hard and not comparable to other bachelor degrees but I still dwell on it occasionally. It was too much. Your license is a matter of public record it should not be too hard to find this info out. Has 16 years experience. I stood up against the education reformers, they violated both federal and state statutes and the organized labor groups sold out every teacher by not requiring them to follow their own rules they made. My best advice is to be up front with potential employers. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. Do more! If these nazis warriors want to use the tax payers money under the false pretense protect the public !! I currently work in treatment as a Detox Technician. How has their recovery program aided you in your recovery? The Arizona state board of nursing contacted me when the complaint reached them. Again, you must adhere to the BON requirements without fail. The people who dont understand are a new generation that will find out for themselves how duped they were by a system that will do the same or worse to them. Hope this helps. Hello family. 7,907 Posts. I asked for that money back and I was a big no. and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Its time to fight back. Many states will suspend a nurse's license if she has been arrested or convicted of a DUI, public intoxication or diversion, which is taking drugs intended for patients. 1-612-816-8773. 2). There was a guy in Philly who lured women into his home, killed them, chopped them up and kept their body parts in his freezer. This frustrates me cause Id hate to complete the 2 year program not knowing what the future holds. Again, if faced with that, NEVER comment or suppose because you DONT know!!!! Once I received my license back, it was under restriction, again related to the monitoring program. NO FAILED drug screenings, meeting all requirements ON TIME etc etc. In the meantime I had moved, became employed and was working successfully in critical care areas of nursing. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Specializes in PDN; Burn; Phone triage. I took my case to circuit court and the judge sided with the board because thats what Judges do. Adversity. The most common reason for an LNA to lose their license is theft. One did a goluntary surrender, sought help / rehab, cleaned up, then petitioned to get it reinstated, and was able to. 7,349 Posts. But no one will give me a chance to see that, and thats heartbreaking! Practicing nurses need to be aware of many legal issues including a patient's right to privacy, when fees can be split, when and how they can work for a medical spa. Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. It's usually a string of errors that occur despite remediation or a failure to comply with probationary requirements that are occasionally imposed on the more serious one-time med errors. (9) Declaratory order of eligibility: Please follow this link and follow the directions to join the group http://www.nurseboards.com/nurses-in-recovery/ Well see you there. Find a nurse attorney through a referral from your state chapter of the American Nurses Association (www.nursingworld.org) and The American Association of Nurse Attorneys (www.taana.org). Hi.. looking for some advice on the reinstatement process. You case is clearly complex. You want to take responsibility and yet present doubt in the sense that your actions that led to disciplinary action were debatable. Statistically, the lion's share of nursing licenses are revoked due to issues revolving around addiction: impaired practice, theft, diversion, and/or failure to complete the terms of impaired nurse programs as contractually agreed. Home; Licensees; Duplicate Requests; Duplicate Requests Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Certificates. 5). And if youre telling me youve never broken a law, I am telling you MR/MS Irritated- you are a liar!! Committing a serious crime, such as murder. Texas took 118 days on average to license new graduates as RNs in 2021. exams, and national certifications. but all of this would have been mute, without mature, stable recovery. The CA BON is one that lists everything on their website. Pennsylvania averaged 97 days both well over three months, with many . The next most common finding by the BON is for working impaired and/or diversion. How do I approach the interview process and successfully become employed when faced with questions such as why was your license suspended? and if there was sketchy proof regarding the facility that placed the complaint against your license, why didnt you fight it with a lawyer? How can I present my experience and positive changes in my personal life that makes me worth taking a chance on? Lots of narcotic diversion and stealing from patients in my neck of the woods. All I want is to be succesfull. Nobody needs evidence any more to destroy a life. Missing an important finding? He is now a Paramedic. Another 2 years of massive cash and time dolled out so they can get paid. Home; Licensees; Continuing Education; Continuing Education for License Renewal. According to my state's BON website, the most common reason for nurses to lose a license is drug abuse. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. GN/GPN status is lost when you fail to take your scheduled examination. Has 12 years experience. I'm not asking about drug use, intentional fraud etc but due to clinical/medical errors. Filing an Appeal After a Nursing License Denial. (6) Approval of new nursing education programs: $2,500. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. If you really want to know what can cause a nurse to lose their license, go to your BON's website and read the meeting minutes, especially if they have disciplinary meetings. Dental hygiene schools, BTW, have the most stringent admission requirements I've seen aside from nursing schools. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. My lawyer stood and said, no your not unless you want a law suit. They proudly call themselves the nurse police., This has to stop and NONE of us can do it alone. Probably a good place to start. Based on the license restrictions you mention and the experience you relay in applying for jobs, it might be best to go after non-clinical nursing positions for now where this will be less of an issue. You need to fight for yourself (if you can afford it). I say that those who hurt others will eventually be enveloped into their own Karma, what goes around comes around. He lost his license! That seems to be the trend that I have noticed. It is nice to see at least one BON protecting nurses' privacy. they have no state reportables no patient problems no medication errors no nothing. They post your discipline, and court records if any on the internet for 10 years; in some states for LIFE! Thats what happened to me. NON-NURSYS: If your original and/or current state of licensure does not participate in NURSYS (CA, MI, PA, Canada, other countries), please contact . Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. lost Nursing license..starting reinstatement process looking for advice. Should I call the agency? The number is typically under or next to the words "License," "License No." or "ID Number.". The 3rd actually only had her licenses maybe 2 months and had been arrested with a trunk full of the diverted meds. At one time I made more money than I did as a nurse but now Im retired. All it takes is one person who doesnt like you only one and a bogus complaint can be filed with the State Board, and the Board will run with it. In 2014 the Ca. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. The BON paints the rehab as the lesser of all evils and that MANY nurses complete the program successfully and return to work. I waited 5 months to sign some screwed up consent agreement but I was starving and lost my home. Having a personal problem, off the clock, does not equate to being incompetant on-the-job! I will tell you that you do not have to do anything wrong to be investigated by the AZ BON. Two years ago, my license free and clear, the state granted me an unencumbered multistate license, but Im struggling to find a job. Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU. They are not medical doctors. I was told resign or youll never teach again. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. The majority of people investigated are able come out ok depending on the reason and their own determination to do what they need to do to keep it. You must have your ATT email to schedule an appointment to take the NCLEX. Email: opregfee@nysed.gov. Ive been on many interviews and theyre all saying the same thing the restrictions are to much. The part that took the longest for me, was because I had to have our support group therapist do a new 'intake evaluation' and submit that to the state. I do not know the dates she lost her license, but we were curious if there was such a posting about licensing information. Nurses, your stories of what its like to be a nurse are inspirations to all of us, and we would love to hear yours. Falsifying records. Our editors are publishing real nurse stories each month, so share yours today for a chance to see it on our blog soon. Then freeze your checking account. Hello nurses, My advice is to clean up your first mess as best you can before moving forward into anything else, it makes you accountable to your past and holds promise for your future. Most people dont understand the power of networking or how to use it to find a job, especially in challenging circumstances. After numerous attempts of finding a job after I reagained y restricted license at no luck, I had a migraine and relapsed. There is no due process which is a civil rights violation and so many other issues. Patient care issues would have to be really egregious for a nurse to lose her license. Probation Complete - A nurse completed probation. Reach out and help someone else with no expectations. If you can, get out! or other? I've Been "Invited" To A Root Cause Analysis, Now What? In 2016 I was offered a letter of public reproval (plea) and told if I paid $30,000 for the cost of the BRNs investigation, they would remove the inaccurate reporting from my license and I could go back to work. I had been out of work for 2 years from their illegal reporting. Period! Select license to be verified. (18) Establish programs for aiding in the recovery and rehabilitation of nurses who experience chemical addiction or abuse or mental or physical disabilities and. They know the patients name and the situation but when you see the document the patients name and other info has been redacted. But we follow like sheeps to the slaughter. More importantly, you need to know what to do to protect your professional reputation. Since when do Board nurses have a Juris Doctorate? The Obama medical and educational reforms have forced experienced educated professionals from their livelyhoods with absolutely no respect for education level or experience. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 1-612 . Home-laundered scrubs: What are you really wearing? If you applied since July 1, 2022, and . Call the big 3 credit bureaus and notify them that you are most likely the victim of identity theft. If she refuses, the board can then take steps to initiate an administrative hearing against her. just an arrest record that no longer shows up anywhere. I was really done with nursing by that time. Then. When you go to work even as a food server, go beyond the the basics. (18) Establish programs for aiding in the recovery and rehabilitation of nurses who experience chemical addiction or abuse or mental or physical disabilities and. Do not be ashamed, many people have issues. Several options, but I am speaking from Texas Bon, and Texas Board of Health, that granted me my respiratory care practioner lis. It happened to you. NOTE: If your license has been expired for longer than eight years, but you do not meet the above requirements, you must apply to the Board to take the NCLEX-RN examination. Management refused to let me call the police over violence to my staff..I didnt listen and called every time one of my staff was assaulted. He was able to have it expunged. It has been 1 year since I relapsed and lost my restricted license. So I signedi didnt even initial where I was supposed to do it wasnt even legal. Wake up! Your license is a matter of public record it should not be too hard to find this info out. [3] I know it's just a piece of paper but I'm still pretty sad about it. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. My own experience was mostly ER, but I had been teaching all. NPDB reports can lead to: The loss of your license, including investigations and sanctions. I always thought narcotics didn't act in a way that could affect the dilation of those blood vessels? Volunteering often leads to paid employment. The Nursys nurse licensure and disciplinary database is the repository of the license and disciplinary data of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing ("NCSBN") member boards of nursing. but i dont knwo about pennsylvania. I really dont believe that sealing my case would have protected me for future employment. I lost my Administrative Hearing based on hearsay evidence and some nurse administrator that had a vested interest in the hospital that had reported me to the Board as making a medication error. My question is.what do I do now?? Seems Judges would find healthcare workers incapable to make such decisions without a Juris Doctorate beside their name? I wouldnt work at a licensed position again, its too dangerous. I received a complaint in California in 2012. Tell them the story from the beginning and how REHAB was presented to you as the best case scenario. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. You didn't say what kind of nursing you did before your license issue so it limits my response. Can you explain more about your relapse, if do not mind was it through a prescribed medication by a MD? 1-612-816-8773. Has 17 years experience. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. Instead of being revoked, my license was suspended for 12 months and I now am seeking work in the field of nursing. Primary source equivalent: The Nursys licensure and disciplinary database is the repository of the data provided directly from state boards of nursing. my feeling is joey ridenour has been in charge to long and the man made power has gone to her head. How can I find out the places of employment where my license is active? I think it's here: NYS Professions - Contact Us. Official results are ONLY available through your NRB and will be sent to you . but I believe the BON documents the issue and the discipline. You do not want to badmouth the BON or former employer) . Contact all online retailers you used over the last year and ask to freeze accounts and report all activity to the police. Ive never ever ever done drugs, drank or broken the lawno tickets, no felonies, no arrests ever! DO NOT complain of your hardships and again do not speak poorly of anyone. To gain access to the NCLEX, you will be required to present one form of . Nurse License Verification service enables nurses to verify their license (s) from a Nursys verification participating board when applying for endorsement into another state. Ac cording to the American Addiction . But I did have a record. programs for monitoring such nurses for safe practice. However, unless those are clearly defined in the employee handbook, they are subject to personal interpretation. DO NOT call agency. student, and educator. Has 30 years experience. There is a chance that you will have to change it. They will have to delete your accounts and start new one. Outright revocation typically occurs when the accusations are of a more serious nature, and even then, many times there is a probationary period. I am so lost. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. Write: Office of the Professions, Registration Unit, State Education Building - 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12234. AFTER police begins its job. Despite the consequences of a professional disciplinary action, it is most likely in the reader's best interest to accept the offer by her board of nursing. Some nurses think that consulting an attorney is an admission of guilt, but it is not. Peoples lives are destroyed by this organization and time after time professional nurses have reached out to the politicians, governor etc and their cry has fallen on deaf ears. My lawyer stood and said, no your not unless you want a law suit. 3. Diverting drugs for personal use, sale, or distribution to other patients also provides grounds for losing a license. No failed or missed drug screenings and submit EVERYTHING on time. I caught shoplifters, and hed steal from the store to see if Id go after him. 4 Articles; Courts allow board appointed nurses to make Judicial decisions on other nurses? The BRN investigated it for 2 years, then reported in 2014 I was on probation through consumer affairs when I was not. The only reason I found out was through a friend of a friend of a friend that so happened to remember her saying my not so common name. Specializes in Pedi. 27,608 Posts. This service is available for $7.95 from your candidate profile. Three were due to drugs (diversion, working impaired, etc). By nurses around the globe and understand how lost my nursing license allnurses ruining peoples lives things if... Then take steps to initiate an administrative hearing against her lost nursing license or suppose because dont! Are a liar!!!!!!!!! lost my nursing license allnurses!!!!. That could affect the dilation of those blood vessels center and did not want take. 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lost my nursing license allnurses