mahan six principles of sea power

From time to time, he wrote, the superstructure of tactics has to be altered or wholly torn down; but the old foundations of strategy so far remain, as though laid upon a rock.[78] The strategic principles of concentration, decisive engagement, control of communications, and offensive action all translated from the Age of Sail, while specific tactics required revision as a result of technical advances. Peter Karsten, The Naval Aristocracy: The Golden Age of Annapolis and the Emergence of Modem American Navalism (New York: Free Press, 1972). [73] Andrew Lamberts ambitious and engaging Seapower States (2018) is the most critical and provocative of this vein (though Lamberts larger project is much more than a refutation of Mahanian sea power). The book was an immediate hitat least overseas. Click here to subscribe for full access. As Captain William H. J. Manthorpe wrote on page 133 of the May 1978 Proceedings: In the Soviet Navy, the authorities can depend on a young mans patriotism, his idealism, his suspicion of foreigners, and his fear of attack to make him ready to accept military service. Mahan argued that maritime trade is the most important national characteristic in the development of sea power, including having a robust merchant fleet.6 At the time of his writing, this was true for the United States. Naval Academy graduated more officers than there were positions on ships. Rodger, Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain, 1659-1815 (New York: Norton, 2005). Nov 23, 2022; 6 min; ALL. However, in the combined 840 pages of The Influence of Sea Power Upon History:16601783 and The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future, Mahan does not investigate the role of a nations coast guard. of State, World War I and the Sign up to get updates about new releases and event invitations. 6 days ago; 13 min; Relevance of Submarines as the Game Changer in Future Wars - Indian Context By Cmde V Venugopal (R) Dec 10, 2022; 9 min; China's Militarisation and Weaponisation of Space; By Subramanyam Sridharan. Mahan on Naval Warfare: Selections from the Writings of Rear Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan, ed. Writing at the turn of the 20 th century, Mahan was explicitly thinking about the role of sea power for the United States as it emerged onto the world stage, and his ideas, though very influential at the time, have fallen somewhat out of favor in more recent thinking about sea power. Chapter 1 analyzes the ideas of the naval strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan. During, I his course of study, he spent a semester as an exchange student at West Point and participated in Queen Elizabeth s Silver Anniversary Naval Re- ^ , view in 1977 while on board the USS California. affected sea power. The Battle of Rhode Island (also known as the Battle of Quaker Hill) took place on August 29, 1778. After all, it was the cruiser Aurora that helped spark. [70] Kennedy, Rise and Fall of British Naval Mastery, 8. Mahan never let inconvenient truths get in the way of his political goals: in this case, the revitalization of U.S. Sea Power as a means of controlling a future Panama Canal and defending U.S. coastlines. Mahan links naval activities to wider national and international issues and proposed a series of principles for professional naval officer to use in the formulation of naval strategy. This is [31] (Semi-)Colonial peoples the world over could no doubt empathize. Beyond this tripartite definition, Mahan also sketches out a related, but more systematic means of predicting Sea Power in Influences first chapter, Six Elements of Sea Power. This list is unusually explicit and does not necessarily track across the texts empirical core. Mahan believed that the U.S. economy would soon be unable to absorb the massive amounts of industrial and commercial goods being produced domestically, and he argued that the United States should seek new markets abroad. Asia, Central [15] See also: George Grote, A History of Greece, Vol II, 2nd Edition (London: John Murray, 1849), 152; Andrew Lambert, Seapower States: Maritime Culture, Continental Empires, and the Conflict that Made the Modern World (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2018), 2. Combining these facts with the knowledge that the Soviet Union has a tremendously large and influential army, we see that the determined Soviet drive at sea rests upon fairly unstable political foundations, straying from the precedents of Russian history and challenging previous policy. Index, A Short History Deployment of ships at sea means the Soviet government must relinquish some of its cherished authority into the hands of naval officers, even though these officers are considered thoroughly dependable. Two years later, he completed a supplementary volume, The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Lieutenant Commander Clark is a Coast Guard response ashore officer and is currently assigned as a personnel recovery and search-and-rescue planner at U.S. Northern Command. [21] Furthermore, most of the tactical and naval-strategic insights Mahan articulated in 1890 are derivative of works produced by theorists of land power, notably Antoine-Henri Jomini: an emphasis on decisive engagement; concentration on strategic points; and the imperative of protecting logistics (what Mahan would call communications). British naval mastery, Kennedy stresses, tracked closely with the relative economic and industrial vitality of the home base and with it the Royal Navys ability to sustain imperial networks. Vol. Philip Crowl, Alfred Thayer Mahan: The Naval Historian, in Makers of Modern Strategy: From Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age, ed. [56] For an account of the parallels and interplay see: Dirk Bonker, Militarism in a Global Age: Naval Ambitions in Germany and the United States Before World War One (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2012). Timeline, Biographies Mahana product of his timestakes for granted that nations have innate and often racialized characteristics. Largely in response to these circumstances, Mahan took matters into his own hands, making a historical argument (or polemic) for naval expansion. [58] Benjamin Cooling, Benjamin Franklin Tracy: Father of the Modern American Fighting Navy (Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1973). While there, Mahan took to Theodor Mommsens account of the Hannibalic episode in The History of Rome. Information, United States Department of In the wake of the Civil War, however, Congress became preoccupied with Reconstruction in the South, and the Senate rejected all of Sewards efforts to create a network of American naval bases. The essence of Mahan from a naval viewpoint is that a great navy is a mark and prerequisite of national greatness. [20] Mahans only book dedicated to strategy and tactics as such was, by his own admission, the worst writing he ever produced. This is 'defined as the condition that exists when an adversary is denied the ability to use an area of sea for its own purposes of the British Empire. People. For example, the introduction of steamships in the 19th century made previously irrelevant insular possessions essential as coaling stations; saber rattling and land grabs followed. There was an emerging power with . The acquisition of Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam and Cienfuegos *n Cuba, for example, has greatly enhanced Soviet naval strategic positioning. Like Germany before the First World War, China in the 21st century has embraced Mahan. Are Mahans six principles still valid in the highly technological world of today? Volume 1 of 2. 22-07-2011 17:40:30 ZULU. The publication of Mahans books preceded much of the disorder associated with Thomas Tommy Jamison isa military historian and assistant professor of strategic studies in the Defense Analysis Department at the Naval Postgraduate School. Even before Halford Mackinder's 1904 article "The Geographical Pivot of History," Mahan was contemplating a great fight between offshore sea powers and continental land empires. As the two Soviet seameti on the facing page ride their hydrofoil torpedo boat, a lot is riding on them and their shipmates as well. guaranteed the independence of Mexico from Spanish control. Further, he postulates that maritime commerce is not only the guarantor of naval sea power, but also the reason to sustain a navy.3. 1867, and increasing American influence over Hawaii by concluding a 6 days ago; By contrast, with sea control in hand, the U.S. Navy devastated Japans merchant marine with submarine and aerial attacks. 5 (May 2017): 28. This has resulted in the notion that military power deployed at or from the sea is the key component of a state's sea power. John Hattendorf (Newport, RI: Naval War College Press, 1991). Mahan and some leading American politicians believed that these He also recognized the power potential of China and foresaw a time when the United States would need to be concerned with Chinas rise. Sea Power Theory - Development - I. These geographical features, while foundational to Mahans theory, are not destiny. In later writings, Mahan reviewed the successive moves toward European continental hegemony by the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs, Louis XIVs France, and Revolutionary and Napoleonic France, and the great coalitions, supported by sea power, that successfully thwarted those would-be hegemons. Great Britainan island nation with free access to the high seashad strong geographic incentives and advantages in the race for Sea Power vis--vis its continental rivals France and later Germany. Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. [80] Peter A. Shulman, Coal & Empire: The Birth of Energy Security in Industrial America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015); David Allan Snyder, Petroleum and Power: Naval Fuel Technology and the Anglo-American Struggle for Core Hegemony, 1889-1922, Ph.D. Alfred T. Mahan, Influence of Sea Power, 1890 Von der rmischen Geschichte und seinen Untersuchungen zum 17. und 18. Extrapolating from the history of Northern Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, Mahan concluded that sea powernaval superiority rooted in commercial vitality, shipping, and foreign territorial acquisitionswas the key to national power and influence. [I]t is scarcely desirable, Mahan wrote, that so vast a proportion of mankind as the Chinese constitute should be animated by but one spirit and moved as a single man. Mahan knew that Western science and technology would at some point be globalized and wrote that under such circumstances it is difficult to contemplate with equanimity such a vast mass as the four hundred millions of China concentrated into one effective political organization, equipped with modern appliances, and cooped within a territory already narrow for it.. The 1890s were marked by social and economic unrest throughout the United States, which culminated in the onset of an economic depression between 1893 and 1894. Mahan happened upon his thesis in Lima in the immediate aftermath of the War of the Pacificfought between Peru, Bolivia, and Chile between 1879-1884a conflict that, as much as any in the industrial era, illustrated the concrete influences of Sea Power on regional order. NB originally published in 1911, pre-WWI. Mahan on Naval Strategy is a compilation of Mahan's works including The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660 - 1783 and his lectures at the US Naval War College. Mahan, armed with his faith in Sea Power as a determinative factor in history, was well prepared to catch the growing wave of navalist sentiment in the United States. Indeed, he might be considered the thinker on sea power, the essential starting point for studying the course and conduct of war at sea and for understanding the strategic importance of the maritime commons in determining the rise and fall of great powers. For all of its success, criticsand there have been manyhave found ample fault with Mahans method and conclusions. He is a graduate of Marine Corps Command and Staff College and a doctoral candidate in atmospheric and oceanic science at the University of Maryland, College Park. Mahans emphasis upon the acquisition of naval bases was not completely new. Naval War College, in 1890 he selectively compiled lecture notes into the body-text of Influence. Wedded together, these elements greatly advantaged British political aims and regional influence. Today, however, the U.S.-flagged commercial fleet accounts for less than 1 percent of the worlds commercial shipping vessels.7 Critical to mitigating this deficit is the Coast Guards port state control program, which inspects foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.8 The Coast Guard completes more than 9,000 inspections and 130,000 security screening of foreign vessels annually, enabling these vessels to become a de facto part of the U.S. trade fleet. That wealth, reciprocally, financed and justified a powerful navy capable of protecting the trade routes that linked colonies, markets, and the national base. Letters and Papers of Alfred Thayer Mahan, Vol I-III, ed. As an analysis of purely naval strategy, it is also a thesis emphasizing concentrated battle fleet engagements as a means of achieving command of the sea. [17], But given the concepts prevalence in military and strategic jargon, Mahan fails to define sea power with any real precision. Like France, the Soviet Union is potentially strong, but it has four seas to defend. [63] Rather than controlling the sea or retreating behind it, Spykman argued for consistent engagement with the rimlands of Western Europe, the Middle East, and the Asian Monsoon lands as a means of balancing power and controlling potential hegemons. Mahan perceived colonies as valuable locations for coaling stations for a steam-driven battleship Navy. Southeast Robert Seager, Ten Years Before Mahan: The Unofficial Case for the New Navy, 1880-1890, Mississippi Valley Historical Review (December 1953), 491-512. He concludes that Influence is not so much history as it is a naked warning to the United States about the cautionary example of continental France and the need to build a navy. [55] John Laughton to S.B. The very terms navalism and navalist were originally coined in the 1890s as a pejorative (an analog of militarism) to describe irrational and unnecessary spending on navies. #ga-ad {display: none;} [57] Sadao Asada, From Mahan to Peral Harbor: The Imperial Japanese Navy and the United States (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2006), 26-27. Furthermore, for centuries the Russian social caste sys-. His biography covers an interesting span of history in the 74 years between 1840 and 1914. [81], For those interested in a more granular assessment of tactics and operations, Mahan pairs well with his British contemporary Julian Corbett. Written during a period of U.S. naval reform and expansion, Mahans research is at once a parochial argument about the need to revitalize U.S. sea power, and a broader account of the relationships between the ocean, trade, and national strength. Suzanne Geissler, God and Sea Power: The Influence of Religion on Alfred Thayer Mahan (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2015). Contemporary discussions of Mahanian strategy overlook the importance of the Coast Guard in maintaining domestic maritime power. Finally, he attempted to ratify a treaty with the Colombian Government that Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840-1914) was the first modern military theorist to attempt to explain the influence of sea power in a systematic way; arguably, he claimed to have coined the term itself.5 Mahan's seminal book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783, was published in 1890. [33] Without the former, the latter rests on weak foundations. [86] Perhaps it was for the best. Fast on the heels of these authors, the best comprehensive revision of Mahans argument came from the British naval historian Paul Kennedy in the 1970s. This study will then examine each of the following elements of national power in light of Mahan's six principal conditions: - Sea Power (The combination of military strength afloat and peaceful commerce through shipping) in the 21st century. The books structure still bears some of this pedagogical DNA: readers will note a repetitive formula in the chapters as he delivered his thesis from lecture to lecture. In 1890, United States Navy Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan published a book titled "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History." The monumental text addressed the importance of both military and commercial fleets in the success of a nation in war and peacetime. it will be found that by sea, as [85] Admiral Mahan, New York Times, December 2, 1914. A final geographic disadvantage is the number of straits Soviet ships must pass through in order to gain the open seas. by Kevin Baker 8/30/2017. Tactics were conditioned by changing types of naval armaments. [80] Hughes also tracked tactics that endured across waves of technological innovation from ships-of-the-line to battleships to the missile age. The basic principles of Mahan's maritime strategy were instrumental in evolution of the United States Navy and shaped its operations across two World Wars, the Cold War, and violent peace of the 20th and 21st centuries. Large landmasses with small populations and weak naval establishments are a liability for sea power, whereas heavily populated, long coastlines (like the U.S. East Coast) are a source of strength. Under these circumstances, Chinas embrace of Mahan is reason enough for Americans to reacquaint themselves with the writings of that great American strategic thinker. Peter Paret (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986). Nicholas J. Spykman, The Geography of the Peace (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1944). 2023 Diplomat Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. Yeah, reviewing a books Battleship Victory Principles Of Sea Power In The War In The Pacific could grow your close friends listings. He will bring great strength, endurance, and patience to his work and, on occasion, will be capable of short bursts of feverish activity. The Russian climate, however, is so frigid that more than 90% of this total is icebound the entire year, rendering it useless to naval operations. 4. Halford J. Mackinder, Geographical Pivot of History, The Geographical Journal 23, No. The extent of territory can be a great advantage because of the tremendous resources therein. 3 (Summer 2001): 100101. In light of still more recent technical developments such as nuclear weapons, autonomous vehicles, and information technologies, it is tempting to leave the densely written Influence on the shelf, preserving it as a Victorian artifact of antiquarian value but with little or no relevance to modern-day problems. A Great Wall 236 submarine of the . Allan Westcott (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1918). As he noted in his 1902 Presidential Address to the AHA, the artistic unity of a historical project often necessitated the subordination of contradictory evidence around a central theme, lest a more subtle argument mislead lay readers. Physical Conformation and Extent of Territory: Mahans discussion of the importance of the physical conformation and the extent of territory of a state is concerned with the number and position of seaports, the climate of the land, the extent of the coastline, the total population per area, and the degree of i" ternal development. We must assume any Soviet fleet would be without sea-based air cover, because the Soviets lack carriers of sufficient size to handle such aircraft. In many ways, the Dutch Provinces make for an awkward departure point for Mahans comparative project. [60] E.L. Godkin, Navalism, Nation, Vol. All the whileand strange as it sounds to twenty-first century readers long accustomed to post-1945 U.S. maritime preponderanceU.S. As the Peoples Liberation Army Navyto name one obvious examplebuilds an increasingly capable force, the tension between Chinas identity as a continental and maritime power is an issue of global importance. by | Sep 22, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Sep 22, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments [84], When Mahan died in 1914, Influence was the literal headline of his New York Times obituary: Admiral Mahan, Naval Critic, Dies: Gained Fame from Book.[85] That same year World War I broke out in Europe and the Panama Canal opened as a thoroughfare across the Americas. Report, Trans-Pacific The dominant evidence was Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan's book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660- 1763 (1890). Surprisingly, Mahan omits the role of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service in preserving the commercial and financial elements of sea power.4 Perhaps he neglected the service because he felt it fell under the umbrella of the greater naval service or that its inclusion diverted attention from his larger focus on the U.S. imperative for blue water naval projection. (CGN-36). Mahan was a middling sailor and a still worse intelligence collector. [79] Hughes argued that as technology changes it alters not only tactics, but also the naval-strategic principles Mahan took as constants. Alfred Thayer Mahan, Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812, vol. Summary of Theory Alfred Mahan, the originator of the North - Studocu Development theory summary of theory alfred mahan, the originator of the north american school of geopolitics and an american naval officer and historian, DismissTry Ask an Expert Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home William P. Dickson (London: R. Bentley, 1862-1866). China is drawing lessons from Russias invasion of Ukraine. After the outbreak of hostilities with Spain in May 1898, President William McKinley finally secured the annexation of Hawaii by means of joint resolution of Congress. Indeed, many contemporary maritime strategists regard the Coast Guard as a white-hulled extension of the Navy rather than the linchpin in preserving U.S. maritime trade.9. An armed force at sea, Mahan writes with serene confidence, naturally and healthfully springs from the need to defend seaborne commerce. The revelation that a Chinese surveillance balloon entered the country's airspace earlier this month has been met with a curiously muted government response. [91] Control of points, too, remains a vital consideration, justifying Freedom of Navigation Operations from the South China Sea to the Persian Gulf. In doing so it encourages readers to consider the text through three lenses: polemic, naval strategy, and grand strategy. Mahan, a naval strategist and the author of The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, argued that national prosperity and power depended on control of the world's sea-lanes. of the Department, Mahans The Influence of Sea Power upon History: Securing International Mahan identifies some important "strategic questions": What are navies' functions? He famously listed six fundamental elements of sea. Mahan provided a powerful argument for achieving and preserving sea power. Rather, it is designed point-by-point to illustrate didactically the importance of Sea Power to policymakers in the United States. 15-30 (16 pages) About this issue Dirk Bonker, Militarism in a Global Age: Naval Ambitions in Germany and the United States Before World War One (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2012). . Between Mackinder and Mahan, the Dutch-American thinker Nicholas Spykman struck something of Solomonic balance. You've read 1 out of 5 free articles of Proceedings this month. as the coaling stations and naval bases that Mahan had discussed, such as Puerto Then in 1892, he published The Inluence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812. As a matter of naval strategy, Mahans argument is relatively straightforward. Two related, but discrete definitions come through in the textwhat might be called little and big s/Sea p/Powerthough to be clear Mahan uses only the former. may yield to one of those impulses which have in past ages buried civilization under a wave of barbaric invasion. Should China burst her barriers eastward, he wrote, it would be impossible to exaggerate the momentous issues dependent upon a firm hold of the [Hawaiian] Islands by a great civilized maritime power., Similarly, in The Problem of Asia, Mahan depicted a future struggle for power in the area of central Asia he called the debatable and debated ground, and identified the immense latent force of China as a potential geopolitical rival. Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power, 53. The dominant evidence. Stephen Roberts (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987). Mahan believed that the U.S. economy would soon be unable Answer: "To command the seas" How should navies be concentrated? that westward migration across the North American continent and the countrys It describes his life and his "America," which was socially and politically at war with itself. A nation possessing sea power can enrich itself through trade, protect and expand its commerce and possessions abroad, and "make possible the most glorious and most useful enterprises."6 Mahan elaborated six conditions that define a nation's seapower: geographical position; physical conformation; extent of Despite these similarities, Mahan affirms that the Dutch lost out in the competition for Sea Power because of a lack of political consensus and the need to divert resources against continental threats from France and Spain. Consider the strategic indecisiveness of Confederate cruiser warfare during the U.S. Civil War. @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) { Mahan's book became an instant success in military circles in the United . Today, as it was in Mahans day, the character of a nations peopletheir inclination toward the seais one of a handful of factors that will determine Russias role and rank on the seas in the years ahead. Mahans prescience did not end there, however. Highly technological World of today century has embraced Mahan is a mark and prerequisite of national greatness Confederate Warfare... Through three lenses: polemic, naval strategy, Mahans argument is relatively straightforward timeline, Mahana... Mahans comparative project, Geographical Pivot of History in the Pacific could grow your close friends listings naval. And prerequisite of national greatness writes with serene confidence, naturally and springs... 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mahan six principles of sea power