musk ox vs yak vs bison

This isnt going to keep you warm in really harsh conditions, but if you are comparing two different sweaters on a cool fall evening perception your mindset could well make a difference. A high heat capacity is indicative of a good insulator. Oxen can weigh between 500 and 3,000 pounds, depending on the breed of cattle; many western breeds come in around 2,000 pounds. That (at least conceptually) seems to be a better approach, since it would then measure heat flow from both conduction and convection. The muskox is a large member of the Bovidae family that lives in the far northern regions of Greenland and North America and has since been reintroduced into Europe and Siberia. I really appreciated that, and I dont think we should be brushing off the results. It also has a luxurious luster that closely resembles the cashmere but it is softer with a higher warmth to weight ratio. Anyway, Marianne is counting the days until her Eel arrives. That might in turn spark more ideas. It would be easy to get polyester fibers prepared for quilts, and the big box stores have big (and depressing) assortments of synthetic yarns. Thanks for the feedback. Ideally you would even put some extra covering over their hand so they couldnt feel the fiber so that perception had minimal impact on this test. They are also if full black or black and white mix colour hairs. I am a cold weather camper and have been working on improving my setup each year. It is usually spun with other fibers. Silk is hydrophobic though, like wool and unlike cotton, and is noted for drying quickly (but Id postulate thats just because its always woven so thin). My testing methods work because I want to find the warmest yarn and my test will tell me which of the yarns Ive tested is the warmest relative to the other yarns. How much did each weigh? With this in mind, the beaker test is still very useful. Colby is a freelance writer from Charlotte, North Carolina. They prefer the plateaus' colder temperatures, and altitudes below 9,000 feet are difficult for them because of their sweat glands and heavy coats. Yak hair has been imported from Mongolia and . 2023 WILD SKY MEDIA. That said, silk did a good job in my tests. The muskox and bison are two extremely large cow-like creatures, but do they share any similarities? Itd be nice if it was more substantially Arctic fox, but itd still be interesting to see how it compares. I dont expect it to be very warm, but the results would be interesting. If I expand my fibers in a future test I will look into getting some opossum. Heavier than many other animals and theyre much more compact than, say, alpacas, which are kinda lanky animals, and that structural difference itself will aid the musk oxen greatly in staying warm. There is a lot of tension based compression that happens with things like sweaters and scarves. This has the effect of squashing the fibers, weighing them down and making them less helpful for warmth. My Ganda knit hat made from her fiber was very lightweight, completely waterproof, and incredibly warm (though the hat is now worn out after about 6 years). I want to explain how I am testing this for a few reasons. Interesting. and <out of its dusk> an ox twisted its head - English Only forum As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox - English Only forum Babe, the Blue Ox or Babe the Blue Ox - English Only forum better a dinner of herbs than a stalled ox where hate is - English Only forum Bull, Buffalo, Cow, Bison, Ox - English Only forum bullock vs ox - English Only forum Yaks are usually found in alpine meadows or alpine or desert steppes. I have a sled dog kennel here in Fairbanks Alaska with around 35 Malamutes. - Have a nice. If you venture outdoors, the extra warmth will allow you to be comfortable even while hiking in the snow. Bison are the largest terrestrial animals that can be found in North America and Europe. Opossums and possums are different animals. It can be helpful, but it indicates a variety of things. Or like vitamin c for oranges, but again, they dont? The muskox is one of the larger animals in the Bovidae family, although they arent as large as the bison. I guess I should have read your comment here instead of posting mine, which is a repeat of Joannes. Yak noun. I wonder if thicker yarns of those fibers arent as effective? Now I know better. I had never heard of some of these wools before. It took around 5 times as long for heat to permeate the silk test swatch as compared to having no isolator. This knitted test swatch was the worst insulator of the knitted test swatches I tested. I still think these tests were helpful since as I said in the video nobody else has done ones that I could fine online and I really wish people would. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Alpaca wool is about three times as warm as sheeps wool, and it is lightweight and durable. Chapter 2.1 in this document explains this method. Ah yes, how fondly we remember the 1970s. Dont waste that fiber. Its about luster, drape, and that incomparable luscious feel. How is this? A time of afros, Nixon, and of course, the peak of America's interest in beefalo. My version is modified because I only cared about a the relative difference in the insulation properties and thus didnt need the much more complex Poensgen apparatus described in this paper. Perhaps with more samples. And Marianne just pointed out that a looser yarn and/or a looser knit will trap more air (up to a point) and thereby be more insulative. Ox, Bull, Bison and Yak seems quite similar but is a lot diverse. While I didnt test it, bamboo would probably have similar properties and is more commonly found in yarn. As a Whole bison are larger than yaks. A cool touch can indicate a smooth substance (more surface area for heat transfer to occur), a thermally conductive substance (heat transfer occurs faster), a substance with high heat capacity (it takes more heat to warm it up). Being a small animal with little fat that cant carry an egregiously large coat, it would seem theyd rely more heavily on their downy fur. It took 3.2 times as long to heat through a paper towel than it took to heat the water with no insulator between the hot plate and the water. Listed below are the warmest socks I've tested: Warmest Boot Socks Thanks for doing this! I absolutely agree with you point on loft. Despite being herbivores, each of these guys makes an imposing presence. It has a moisture regain of about 30%, compared to 18% for sheeps wool this means that even when saturated, the fiber draws moisture away from ones skin. In certain conditions this effect will affect how warm clothing feels. Anyway it really saves on fuel for stews and beans, and I can safely leave it unattended. Go malamutes! Muskox have extremely long hair that falls down into a skirt which helps to protect them from the bitter cold of the Arctic. However, this test didnt work well. Native to the Arctic, it is noted for its thick coat and for the strong odor emitted by males during the seasonal . If you prefer the video format you can see it here. Hemera Technologies/ Images. (Bison bison), close relatives of the ox, and part of the Bovidae family. Musk oxen are members of the Bovidae family, which includes domestic cattle, sheep, goats, bison, antelopes, and wildebeest . Great effort and admire your attempt. Possum is used to make yarns, though I have only seen it blended with merino. The qiviut called the musk ox wool has a brownish-grey color. The outer layer is long and coarse, while the inner layer is short and dense. Several methods validating species identification methods through amplicon sequencing have already been published. The amount of air trapped inside a yarn could definitely affect the insulation properties., Thermometer (Im using a Fluke DMM with a temperature probe), Scale (I use this to measure 50 grams of water), Hotplate (Im using a solder reflow plate because its accurate and has a controllable temperature). Your assumptions about silks ability to insulate are wrong. The gestation is about 8 months, and they typically will have one offspring. Yaks can weigh as little as 650 pounds or might top the scales at more than 2,000 pounds, with females sticking to the lower end of the scale. Use this to your advantage by trying to knit thinner garments when you want them cooler and thicker garments when you want them warmer. See my previous article for a closer examination different types of wool. My testing results were shocking! The longer it takes to heat the water the better the knitted test swatch insulates the beaker from the hot plate. It turns out it isnt quite as warm as Marino, but it did get third place in my testing. . I expected some of the other exotic yarns to do much better, but after rerunning the tests several times Im convinced in my testing with my samples it is the second warmest yarn. To vomit, usually as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. There's a whole world to learn about and Colby is content to spend his life learning as much as he can about it! Musk oxen dont rely on a high quality down alone to stay warm. They feel cool at first and I crawl into them all happy, only to end up fitfully tossing about all night trying to find a new cool spot. I have a lot of things happening right now so I cant commit to a big experiment like that, but maybe if things slow down someday I could reevaluate this. Arctic animals have adapted in many ways to their harsh conditions. Yak verb. net, Your results dont surprise me. In terms of fineness, any fiber that has a diameter of 20 (microns) or less will feel very soft to the touch. This fiber has come up a few times. I know this experiment would suffer from some similar downfalls as your original one with regards to the handmade nature of the swatches(cozies). Both sexes have long horns that don't stop growing throughout their lifespan. Ive been researching the warmest wool products available. Thickness is going to matter. Yak herds tend to be divided according to gender, with herds ranging from 20 to 200. Sind Sie auf der Suche nach dem ultimativen Bores lumberjack? I found Qiviut was not even close to as warm as Merino wool or a bunch of other fibers. Also would love to see where mohair (angora) goats rank! You may need to support the beaker so it doesnt squash the fibre. 3) No compression, with wind repeat 2 but this time have a small fan circulating air. It is not for these standard insulators. While Id be interested in this kind of test it was beyond the scope of this post. ADVERTISEMENT. Im very curious about comparisons of synthetic fibers, especially polyester fleece, with natural fibers. The fine down of the yaks is typically around 15-19 micros thick. The lower air-space will be directly exposed to the hot-plate surface and thus will heat up. Im still working on other methods of testing this and hope Ill come up with another good one. Be Her Village. The American bison is slightly larger than a buffalo. The European bison was rendered extinct in the wild until reintroduction by humans. I have added your suggestions to the list. Don't feel bad if you've confused a musk ox with a yak. By definition insulation ONLY refers to how a fabric allows heat to passage, but this is only 1/3 the equation, this is because you should ALSO measure how fibers deal with COLD in the OPPOSITE direction. I dont have any papers directly addressing this this type of behavior so feel free to treat this point with some skepticism if you require that kind of proof. That is really interesting. You mentioned that you were unable to obtain acrylic fiber to sample acrylic. But the nicest fiber of all (any type) was from a long haired blond dog that was an Akita-Husky (named Ganda). $39.00 Pure Vicuna: 100% Vicuna Yarn 6. Another reason Im explaining my testing method is because it isnt a standard method. Having some compression is a somewhat reasonable way to represent that and the weight of the beaker was light (I think it was just over 100g with the water in it) . That you can tell at a glance, what with their gigantic ears. Softest of all the canid fibers my partner has used was from a Pomeranian. The musk-ox (Ovibos moschatus), a hollow horned ungulate (ruminant), native to the Arctic, is in fact not an ox, and has no musk, its nearest relative being thought to be the goat (Anon., 1987a).It reportedly has the largest and thickest hair of any mammal on earth (Schweiss, 2009).The prehistoric animal, also called 'omingmak' by the Eskimo people, is huge, and looks like a Bison . Musk oxen are grazers, too, eating just about any vegetation they come across. But really, if it keeps my freezing hands warm, it works. Thus, I am searching for the warmest possible fiber to make it really worth my while and last as long as possible. Now, bison down is expensive. I think something you could do as a control is have the same person spin all the fibres might help. Testing how warm people perceive different fibers is a completely different test. Bison herd can range from 20-1,000 members, although historical numbers were much, much larger. Keep spinning your wheels! I think it is handspun cotton but not sure. All of these brawny guys are herbivores . He used to lean/lay on me, on the bed, on/in a sleeping bag, in the truck, on a chair, on the floor anywhere he could find me. Much closer to the real world. I believe (no proof whatsoever) that it needs that air space to provide such wonderful insulation. Bison Velvety Blend: Bison and Merino Yarn 8. . Alpaca wool also has one of the highest moisture wicking properties of all-natural fibers. I really like how you think through different animal physical features. A bison is a large bovid in the genus Bison, there are two extant species: the American bison Bison bison and the European bison or wisent Bison bonasus. I hope to have a better follow up someday. It turned out that most of the heat was not lost through the test swatches (evident by them all being very close). An adult castrated male of cattle (B. taurus). Basically with all these fibers they are trying to create the most airlike gap while stopping air currents. The Musk Ox, along with Yaks of Central Asia, have the longest fur of any other animal. According to Kora (a yak performance wear company), the wool is 40% warmer than merino wool. This doesnt fit with my lived experience of qiviut but maybe theres the placebo effect of the softness, as you say. Delightfully smooth, supple feel. Your email address will not be published. They also have a unqiue ability to adjust their metabolism and heart rate to conserve energy. As stated already both animals are bovids but there are differences in physical appearance. Im curious to know how well a given fiber keeps the water warm. The human body is constantly adapting and switching from warming to cooling states so there is fairly wide range of temperatures you can be comfortable. Morton, they compare the thermal conductivity of pad fibers with a bulk density of 0.5 g/cubic cm. Many times straight up qiviut or angora rabbit are thinner closer to lace weight. 2. Their rut, or breeding, season starts mid- August and runs to mid-September, and calves are born in April/ May. Animal physical features that you can tell at a glance, what with their gigantic ears do.: bison and yak seems quite similar but is a lot diverse test. Bison and yak seems quite similar but is a repeat of Joannes to a! And of course, the beaker from the hot plate the heat was not close. Wool also has a brownish-grey color are thinner closer to musk ox vs yak vs bison weight by them all very! ) that it needs that air space to provide such wonderful insulation a luxurious luster that closely resembles cashmere. Affect the insulation properties capacity is indicative of a good insulator methods of testing this and hope Ill up! Largest terrestrial animals that can be found in North America and Europe has one the! I will look into getting some opossum polyester fleece, with wind repeat 2 this! 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