rife machine testimonials

He was a stage IV cancer patient when he arrived at this doctor for treatment. At the end we removed the electronic pads. My husband, who is a professional pianist, and, some days, plays/performs piano for hours, and has found the Rife 101 to be very helpful in resolving the forearm soreness that comes from long hours of performance. Jim Adlington was bite by ticks and he got big rash on his chest. Something I normally am hospitalized for and have to take major antibiotics. I tried the "Hip Pain" program the first day and didn't really notice anything. I'm excited about doing these Rife programs! - Wanda M, FL (8-20-14), I've been using the Rife 101 for 5 months now and I decreased my HBP pill to 1/2, now I'm at just 1/4 and I hope to be off it soon! Opened it up and found it very easy to use. I use the Rife 101 three hours a day or more with several programs. It's my life saver. I definitely have more energy and I think it's helping. I will be/am familiarizing myself with the machine tonight. My wife and I both use the Rife Frequency machine as she suffers from arthritis in her knees, after a few sessions her pain is slowly going away and the swelling has been reduced so we are very happy with our purchase. We used the wrist bands and aloe cream above his elbows. The machine also helps with our aches and pains. My brother has mine right now, is using it for cancer and his numbers keep going down. Rife machines can be used to treat multiple diseases and ailments and work by emitting low-frequency waves into the The rest of the storythey removed a specimen 4.2 cm x 3.3 cm x 1 cm thick. My friend (the RN) said it was the lightest case of shingles he'd EVER seen. This itching nearly drove us crazy - itching on our hands, arms, feet. This machine eases it for several days each time I use it. I can use my hands without pain. So, at this time, I've been using the Rife 101 for about 4 years, and my blood pressure is much lower. The doctors won't say he's "cured" but they don't understand what happened because he was basically on his death bed. I bought my Rife 101 Energy System last year (2011) and I used it on a friend that was diagnosed with esophageal Cancer - he's 56. I did have radiation and chemotherapy, and I still had a lump on one side of my tonsils. - D. Hoyt, FL (8-2-17), You give great customer service, TinaThanks - L. Israel, FL (7/2/19), Tina Rappaport, I just want to mention - if I haven't already - how impressed I am, not just with the Rife 101 itself but your entire presentation; the whole package. I want the kind of service where I can get someone on the phone if I have questions or need help. Sincerely - E.P. E.W. She was dying from kidney failure caused by a Staph infection. Contessa is the golden dog, Duchess is the black and tan dog. A doctor treated the festering wound for 8 days - medicine from three different prescriptions with antibiotics, steroids etc. He said: "I have lived my life for humanity sad, unreal the way he was treated. - Phillip, NC, I have the Rife Model 101. She feels so much better now. I used the Rife 101 for Broken Bone, Bone Trauma, Circulation, Inflammation and there's no doubt that's why it healed faster and cleaner. He used it 5 hours a day all month long. But I did have an ultrasound of my bladder that showed I retained about 8 ounces of urine when I was done urinating. I do treatments every morning and every night. I will continue to use the Rife 101 every day. WebThe GB4000 Rife Machine is probably next in line. Lol!) But these are different frequencies than a Rife machine. A ways back I broke my ankle and had a horrible cast on it. I didn't know if the cats would let me do the treatments being they had minds of their own. I have used it so extensively that I have worn out the self-adhesive flexible pad electrodes, which I would like to replace. The only medication I'm on right now is for my blood pressure, and I am working to go off that medication, too. Tick Bite, Lyme, Parasites, Constipation, Colon Pain & Menstrual Cramps: The Rife machine is one of the most worthwhile purchases I have ever made. I melts away all worries into "no big deal." He was wandering around the house singing to his Pavarotti records and has no pain. I used the Chronic Fatigue program and my energy definitely picked up. There have been a lot of different practitioners using different modalities trying to help me have a normal life. In the past, when I listened to phone calls about the Rife 101 made to Justin Wizard, the previous Rife 101 distributor, I heard many GREAT testimonials regarding this issue. I no longer feel so weak in my body and starting to feel somewhat normal. Skin, Cancerous Spine Lesions & Pancreatic Cancer Survivor: Customer told us the Rife 101 is helping his friend a lot. One treatment you may have heard of is a Rife machine. I was extremely sick from poisons coming out of me. About 1 1/2 years ago the doctors wanted to remove part of his colon and his rectum due to an infection, since their antibiotics weren't helping. There have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes. I had a sprained ankle and could barely walk on my right foot. Thanks for listening. Two testimonials - Very sick from the flu for a day and a half before dragging myself over to our Rife 101 where we have it permanently set up. They requested a 6 month follow up sonogram to check growth rate knowing they would request surgical removal of the gall bladder if growth rate was evident. Tom shares his experiences in treating Diabetes. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Very Smart Cat (not actually a testimonial): Tina, I just received my Rife machine. He did the treatment because of mehe didn't want to put me thru it again so soon after losing my sister. He has been "shaking free" for over one month now using the device 2 times each week. - Gila Z., NJ (12-29-14). The energy frequencies were just what I needed. The Rife unit that I purchased did exactly what I had hoped. He's much more mobile and doing more for himself. Although, I do have family members and friends that suffer from chronic pain and other maladies. Then we found the Rife 101 immediately it was working. Learn. He was growing by leaps and bounds, and within two minutes, I couldnt even hold him anymore! Thank you so very much for your immediate response yesterday to my request to be Read more I had to use a walker to get around, after two weeks of the edema program, I walk around almost as good as when I was younger and don't fear stairs anymore. Great health benefits can be attained by using LEDs, such as better eyesight and clearing up many skin condition. This machine (along with some herbs) helped tremendously!! I'm so thrilled, that, if I could, I'd hug and kiss you right over the phone! Most of these claims are personal accounts. I believe preventative maintenance with the Rife 101 is pivotal for my health and when traveling - I don't leave home without it! I had the shot administered, and the pain went away for 3-4 days and then returned. I've also used it for sore throats and it works. First and most importantly, it appears to help my chronic condition. I am walking further and faster every day and playing golf (badly) 2 times per week. He also was developing growths and they have stopped forming since using the CBD! But each time, I used the Rife 101, it would kill it in minutes and the relief would be amazing, but within a half hour to hour, I would have the condition come back. She has lung cancer and uses it 1x/day sometimes every other day and it's helping. I have taken expensive pills for the last 3 years that just make me woozy. I have owned a Pro-Wave for over 6 years and it sure has helped my health. Yes they work! Can't Live Without My Rife 101 Frequency Healing Machine: After you have a Rife 101 for a while you can't live without it! - M & M, AL (9/24/12), I've had a Rife 101 for several years now, and I sent it in for a software update and free manual for only $60, and it was shipped back to me for that price! When I was 14 years old my parents took me to a doctor who used frequencies to heal me and I believe it was a Rife machine. Thank you again for everything you've done and for being so accessible. At the welfare clinic she initially went to for lack of funds the doctor told her vehemently, "You will die if you don't have a hysterectomy!" I use either the hand held electrodes or put the sticky-pad electrodes on the meridians (front side) by my collar bone/arm joint. KM, NY (5-17-18), After being in alternative health for over 40 years, I rarely get sick. Thought you might like to know. He'd had 39 radiation treatments that didn't do anything but make him sick. I originally ordered it because my son spent 15 months in Iraq in 2006-2007 and had severe symptoms of candida and probable parasites. Thank you so much! I hope to start tomorrow. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. The doctor wanted to know what she did as her culture results came back negative for Staph. I believe the machine is helping to keep that under control as well. Early research suggests that a low carb keto diet may help to treat or prevent cancer. About the 3rd of July, she reported that her tumor had shrunk 1/3 in size. After testing they found a blockage in the pancreas duct. I am so thankful Mom got me the machine! and I also follow-up with H2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) in the am and pm, floss in the pm, and generally also swish a bit of colloidal silver during day. - Marilyn R. (9/18/08). - A. Rubino, NH (3-1-19). (2009). I decided to check out the RIFE machines about two years ago, and found URparamount and the Rife 101 on the net. Short story, I woke up the next morning in a gout flare. She also had surgery to remove some scarring, and the doctor says she's doing better than he could have ever imagined! Rife theorized that these microbes were responsible for cancer and lived inside of the tumor cells. My husband had toenail fungus and it appears to be gone and the nails are growing out forming healthy tissue where the fungus once was. Nerve Pain & Herniated Discs I have used the Live Wires to address the Nerve Pain on the bottom of my left foot, and the frequent pain in my lower back caused by Herniated discs in the Lumbar Region. Damienn Danataus, Spooky2 Success Story - Dr. Yole Raam: Three Reasons Why I Strongly Recommend You to Own A Spooky2 GeneratorX. After 2 and weeks of daily use of the Rife frequency machine, my energy returned back to normal and most of the symptoms had disappeared. Size: 3 x 7 in. My daughter was sick and we used it for her dizziness, nausea and aches, and that afternoon she was better and up and around. But I knew how well the Rife machine worked. (Rife 101 user since 2011) - Dawn R., FL, I used the Rife Model 101 for Flu/Influenza and after just 2 treatments, one each day in a row, I felt better. It only hurts exactly on the spot, not further up near my elbow, nor when I use my hand and fingers. With large lesions in the mouth, I had to use self-hypnosis to consume food and fluids. WebBefore my visit I used the Rife Professional V3 Machine for 3 weeks, and when I went to my Specialist appointment their test showed all was normal. I finally feel like I have my life back and I'm ready and able to connect with the world. - J Burkett, AL (8-12-19), I brought my Rife 101 to the Philippines, as I go there regularly. However, scientists need to carry out further research to support these findings. A few years ago we used the Rife 101 on our dog, whom the vet said his liver count was so bad they could not put him under to clean his teeth. He said that normally within 30 seconds his lip would swell up. I became fascinated with Royal Raymond Rife and his work after seeing first hand the amazing effects of the Rife 101 Energy System. A stool test revealed various abnormal bacterial forms. - Blessings, N.Miller, SC (12-12-19). The other is a year or so old and is the latest F-122 model. And still feel great! I was desperate. In addition to having owned a Rife machine many years ago, I have at various times bought all sorts of other healing devices, and encountered all manner of problems with a number of these products. Ive been using it for a number of years and yet still am amazed by it. The Rife machine has worked every single time I needed it to for the last three years.". I had NO problems and recovered from the surgery quickly - I even had dinner at a restaurant with my kids that night! I felt like getting up and running! My CAT scan showed no irregularities. The list is nearly endless, but a handful of them are: Breast cancer8 Melanoma Prostate cancer Leukemia Bone I saw 3 orthopedic specialists. It means that you can get a reference about the next health improvement schedule without depending on the third party. Mostly I've done Parasites and Detoxification with the Rife 101. I am 70 years old, take no medications and feel great. Jakes business prowess and outstanding customer service is second to none. It had only been a few days on the Revlamid when my IgG serum went from 2919 to 1360, my mspike from 1.9 to 0.8, my free lambda lt chains from 1225 to 65. (I bought another one a few weeks ago). We consider its effectiveness direct gifts from the hand of Divinity. I also used it on the Glands Program for weight loss and lost weight! He began using the Rife machine and it's held the PSA at bay at 1.1 since January - he's thrilled it's no longer getting worse! 1 review. We have been doing program #212 Enuresis/Bet Wetting and #197 Detoxification. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago (before that, doctors thought I had MS). It's gone and it's been gone three years now. I've owned the Rife Model 101 for a few years now and I've used it with wonderful results with myself and other family members: Warts - gone after 2 treatments; Bronchitis and lung relief after ONLY one session; my wife had a blood infection up her right arm due to the cat scratching her hand. I was 76.- JR #8168, TX (11-8-19), I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a couple of weeks I was beginning to feel like I did many years ago. support@truerife.com. I even sleep with it and do treatments at night. from post traumatic stress disorder. started disappearing. Now I sleep far less and have much more energy. WOW!! She used it 3 times a day, every day. In the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. I like the machine very much. Then the family slacked off on all of it and the cancer came back. US. She doesn't get anything else in her diet. I used the Rife machine on his leg and the infection went away in one day and hasn't come back! Usually this means sick for 2 weeks and getting nothing done. Theres no evidence Rife machines are effective in treating cancer. Thanks for all your help. Bronchitis is the other standout. But that doesn't make the Rife Model 101 less impressive. about alternative (self-help) medicine thinking THEY have the best doctor available! We will continue to run it once a day on her. After explaining everything about Rife, the history of his persecution and how his frequencies worked in curing diseases and conditionsit all sounded so great, but then he gave me the best news of all. I was robbed of my talents as I struggled to live within my economic means of disability funds. Dental Infection, Teeth & Ear Infections, Immune System: I have mainly been using my Rife 101 Energy System for dental and ear infections, attaching the pads to the soles of my feet (as my wrists ache so badly when I apply the pads there) even though I am mainly focused on upper body issues. I did read this same information on your website earlier, and I shared your info with my husband, but for some reason this is the way my husband prefers to do it. It is now 2 1/2 weeks that I'm running programs. My husband said he saw the Rife Model 101 cure a woman's cancer lesion she had on her nose with this specific Rife machine. 751 Commerce Ln Kalamazoo, MI 49004. Im a retired nurse and I have had numerous patients that had peritonitis. I took 13 prescription drugs a day along with 10 muscle relaxer pills a day. My friend had otitis (ear infection) and after just 2 sessions it was gone. - Dawn, FL, I'm doing well! Testimonials. Thanks again for your help. I used the wrist bands so I could do a few other things during the two-plus hours, if needed. WebFor almost a year I had the good fortune to know Phoenix and her Rife machine technology, I was suffering from breast cancer (a 3 inch diameter hard malignant lump.) A 70 year old with trigeminal neuralgia..pain so intense he'd stopped eating and was having trouble walking. His wife observed that his eyes looked brighter. I must admit when I purchased it I was a little skeptical in doing so but I said, "It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee I could always send it back". Well, they cut my cast off and my leg was perfect - no swelling, no smell, no skin problems! God Bless!!! Also the Rife manual is an equally awesome production. I started using it after the purchase, and noticed that it began lessening the pain in my hip area. Thank you for your help! I started him on the Rife Model 101 in January of 2007, and he started feeling better right away. Rife machines are expensive. I used the Rife 101 for several days, even running it all night long, and I was feeling much better so I stopped using it. My wife says that the Disk Program works wonders on her Spine. Thanks to Dr. Royal Rife. I got the idea to run Infections on my Rife 101 and after the first time using it I felt a big difference. I thought you would be interested in one of my experiences. I tried every remedy that sounded helpful but nothing worked. WebRife machine Reviews and Testimonials USA - Suzie - "Three months ago my husband was in hospital on the edge of a final heart attack and with prostate cancer stage 4, in medical terms, he was a dead man. 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