servandae vitae mendacium

Qui mange du pape, en meurt -- Who eats what comes from the pope dies of it. The finishing hand has not yet been put to his works. To be in great straits (literally to pull the devil by the tail). How different the fate of men who commit the same crimes! Think with how little wisdom the world is governed. Facile princeps -- The admitted chief; with ease at the top. He seeks the meal of a parasite or hanger-on. To the same degree. Amentium, haud amantium -- Of lunatics, not lovers. Flet victus, victor interiit -- The conquered one weeps, the conqueror is ruined. Attend to (literally do) what you are doing. Verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua funes. Lapis philosophorum -- The philosopher's stone. Quot servi, tot hostes -- So many servants you maintain, so many enemies. Lead back the wanderer into the right way. Ultra vires -- Beyond the powers or rights possessed. Inest et formic sua bilis -- Even the ant has its bile. Redeunt Saturnia regna -- The golden age (literally the reign of Saturn) is returning. A man of all work (literally do everything). Happy they who steadily pursue a middle course. Permissu superiorum -- By permission of the superiors. Saucius ejurat pugnam gladiator, et idem / Immemor antiqui vulneris arma capit -- The wounded gladiator forswears fighting, and yet, forgetful of his former wound, he takes up arms again. Verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua funes -- Words bind men, cords the horns of bulls. The stars govern men, but God governs the stars. Entries where "servanda" occurs: Citations:perfixere: fr ltere Deutsche Geschichtskunde, Deutsches Archiv fr Erforschung des Mittelalters, Bhlau, page 409: Quisquis propriae desertor ecclesiae nullis perfixere. (On the bust of Franklin.). Explaining something obscure by what is more obscure. He has hit the nail on the head (literally touched it with a needle-point). Douglas Preston, Diablo Mesa. Spe via obliqua prstat quam tendere recta -- It is often better to go the circuitous way than the direct one. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. From the beginning (literally from the egg). He who grieves before it is necessary, grieves more than is necessary. The Tragic Tale of Calisto. The place in which; the place previously occupied. Per saltam -- By a leap; by passing over the intermediate steps. 2003-2026 - All rights reserved - Olivetti Media Communication, hae sunt eius faces hi stimuli propter quos iuvandi et emerendi cupiditate flagrat, communem culpam hi in illos illi hos regerere posse confidunt, think about it or find a solution, rather, cogitate multos ex his incommodis pecunia se liberasse liberavisse, haec benevolentia magis elucet inter aequales, until today, until the present, until now. Absque argento omnia vana -- Without money all is vain. Claude os, aperi oculos -- Keep thy mouth shut, but thy eyes open. Usque ad nauseam -- Till one is utterly sick of it. Odium theologicum -- Theological hatred; the animosity engendered by differences of theological opinion. The fool thinks nothing well done except what he does himself. -- This is the difficulty (literally here the water (in the water-clock) stops). Ludere cum sacris -- To trifle with sacred things. To change the subject abruptly; to talk at cross purposes. An argument in refutation drawn from an opponent's own principles (literally an argument to the man). Quoad hoc -- So far (literally as regards this). Ingenii largitor venter -- The belly is the bestower of genius. Prudens interrogatio quasi dimidium sapienti -- Prudent questioning is, as it were, the half of knowledge. Said of a graduate passing from one university to another. Messe tenus propria vive -- Live within your means (literally harvest). Arcana imperii -- State, or government, secrets. The affair is at a crisis (literally on the hinge). Pro hac vice -- For this turn; on this occasion. There is need of parsley, i.e., to strew on the grave, meaning that one is dying. Valeat quantum valere potest -- Let it pass for what it is worth. Nemo ita pauper vivit, quam pauper natus est -- No one is so poor in life as he was when he was at birth. A word that occurs only once in an author or book. Quand on est jeune, on se soigne pour plaire, et quand on est vieille, on se soigne pour ne pas dplaire -- When we are young we take pains to be agreeable, and when we are old we take pains not to be disagreeable. Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis, ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est. The poverty which oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil. O sancta damnatio! Those who write books on despising fame inscribe their own name on the title-page. No burden is really heavy to a man which necessity lays on him. Ad unum omnes -- All to a (literally one) man. an hunc (= tactum) confutabunt nares oculive revincent? Me miseram, quod amor non est medicabilis herbis! Il fut historien pour rester orateur -- He turned historian that he might still play the orator. Esurienti ne occurras -- Don't throw yourself in the way of a hungry man. What is spoken flies, what is written remains. 872-873. -- From the building of the city, i.e., of Rome. Tous les mchants sont buveurs d'eau; / C'est bien prouv par le dluge -- All the wicked are water-drinkers; this the deluge proves. I was born; I felt hungry, and sought for food; now that I am satiated, I lay me down to rest. Ita lex scripta -- Thus the law is written. Tempus omnia revelat -- Time reveals all things. "Eripuit clo fulmen sceptrumque tyrannis" -- He snatched the lightning from heaven and the sceptre from tyrants. De omnibus rebus, et quibusdam aliis -- About everything, and certain things else. Abstineto a fabis -- Having nothing to do with elections (literally Abstain from beans, the ballot at Athens having been by beans). Nulla res tantum ad discendum profuit quantum scriptio. Gratia placendi -- The satisfaction of pleasing. The world wishes to be deceived; therefore let it be deceived. Multi te oderint si teipsum ames -- Many will detest you if you spend all love on yourself. To sing as one goes along; to sing by the way. Sua cuique voluptas -- Every man has his own liking. The horse is not the progeny of the slow-paced ass. Virtue rejoices in being put to the test. Ad Grcas kalendas -- At the Greek calends, i.e., never. Errantem in viam reducito -- Lead back the wanderer into the right way. Duabus sedere sellis -- To sit between two stools. Gradus ad Parnassum -- A help to the composition of classic poetry. Errare humanum est -- It is human to err. Gratis dictum -- Said to no purpose; irrelevant to the question at issue. Qustio vexata -- A vexed, i.e., much debated, question. A friend to the very altar, i.e., to the death. Le cri d'un peuple heureux est la seule loquence qui doit parler des rois -- The acclaim of a happy people is the only eloquence which ought to speak in the behalf of kings. A Bellerophon's letter, i.e., a letter requesting that the bearer should be dealt with in some summary way for an offence. A troublesome and annoying crowd of visitors. Nothing else is necessary to make you wretched than to fancy you are so. Pursuits assiduously prosecuted become habits. A vinculo matrimonii -- From the bond or tie of marriage. 2 et civitatem sanctam Hierusalem novam vidi descendentem de caelo a Deo paratam sicut sponsam ornatam viro suo. Omnia mala exempla bonis principiis orta sunt. Etenim, haud paucis locis non veritas, sed mendacium fucata quadam ratione effertur; non amor, non caritas, fovetur, sed odium excitatur ac livida simultas; non civium concordia extollitur, sed . Stultitiam dissimulare non potes nisi taciturnitate -- No concealing folly save by silence. How near to guilt a man may approach without being guilty! CAROLI ALPHONSI AZPIROZ COSTA O.P. Oui et Non sont bien courts dire, mais avant que de les dire, il y faut penser long-temps. Mens sine pondere ludit -- The mind is playful when unburdened. Tabula ex or in naufragio -- A plank in a shipwreck; a last shift. In vino veritas -- There is truth in wine; that is, the truth comes out under its influence. Quid pro quo -- Equivalent; one thing instead of another. An evil-disposed orator subverts the laws. To cry "peccavi" is to acknowledge one's error. Ex quo et bono -- In justice and equity. Gratis asseritur -- It is asserted but not proved. Rien n'est si dangereux qu'un indiscret ami; / Mieux vaudroit un sage ennemi. Jus commune -- The common or customary law. Qui bene conjiciet, hunc vatem perhibeto optimum. Ponderanda sunt testimonia, non numeranda -- Testimonies are to be weighed, not counted. Qui jeune n'apprend, vieux ne saura -- He will not know when he is old who learns not when he is young. Pavore carent qui nihil commiserunt; at pnam semper ob oculos versari putant qui peccarunt -- The innocent are free from fear; but the guilty have always the dread of punishment before their eyes. Usque ad aras -- To the very altars; to the last extremity. Mater artium necessitas -- Necessity is the mother of invention (literally the arts). De motu proprio -- From the suggestion of one's own mind; spontaneously. Me ergo saepe illorum versuum nomine subiit pudor, si . Search Tips. Ejusdem farin -- Of the same kidney (literally meal). Salva dignitate -- Without compromising one's dignity. -- Oh, holy condemnation! Live with yourself; keep within your means. Locus in quo -- The place in which; the place previously occupied. Like. Copia verborum -- Superabundance of words. Medium tenuere beati! Inter Grcos grcissimus, inter Latinos latinissimus -- In Greek he is the most accomplished Grecian, and in Latin the most thorough Latinist. Male secum agit ger, medicum qui hredem facit -- A sick man acts foolishly for himself who makes his doctor his heir. Pater patri -- The father of his country. Mala mali malo mala contulit omnia mundo -- The jawbone of the evil one by means of an apple brought all evils into the world. 0 likes. Quod erat demonstrandum -- Which was to be proved. Ille vir, haud magna cum re, sed plenus fidei. Tertium quid -- A third something, produced by the union or interaction of two opposites. Dead; to death (literally to the fathers). Modus operandi -- The manner of operation. Use your ears and eyes, but hold your tongue, if you would live in peace. Let me skim the water with one oar, and with the other touch the sands, i.e., so as not to go out of my depth. By accident, i.e., not following from the nature of the thing, but from some accidental circumstance. -- Is then your knowledge to pass for nothing unless others know of it? The state in which the belligerents stood before war began. [Greek: pm' epi pmati] -- Evil on the top of evil. Juniores ad labores -- The younger men for labours, i.e., the heavier burdens. Mira qudam in cognoscendo suavitas et delectatio. Adice principale nexum canalem . ", Nam et majorum instituta tueri, sacris cerimoniisque retinendis, sapientis est. Grave paupertas malum est, et intolerabile, qu magnum domat populum. Primo, crimen contumeliae; destructione fulcitur Crimen est crimen propriae accusationis.Aliis verbis, difficillimum est partibus quorum interest vigilum interventus quaerere, et solum cum condiciones relative altae occurrunt possunt in accusationes publicas verti.Revera, casus cyberbullying raro in accusationes publicas vertuntur. 02: 23 Beijing capitis Normal University "". Reperit Deus nocentem -- God finds out the guilty man. As much for Mars as for Mercury; as well qualified for war as for business. To serve the ungrateful is an offence to the gods. Multo plures satietas quam fames perdidit viros. Alieni temporis flores -- Flowers of other days. Ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat -- See that the commonwealth suffer no detriment. Contra malum mortis, non est medicamen in hortis. A benign mother; applied to one's university, also to the "all-nourishing" earth. Ne te qusiveris extra -- Seek not thyself outside of thyself. vera docet; Rhe. 06:57 . Adulation is ever the attendant on great wealth. Plura faciunt homines e consuetudine quam e ratione. Le monde est plein de fous, et qui n'en veut pas voir / Doit se tenir tout seul et casser son miroir. Compendia dispendia -- Short cuts are roundabout ways. Decipit / Frons prima multos -- First appearances deceive many. Molesta et importuna salutantium frequentia -- A troublesome and annoying crowd of visitors. Frustra fit per plura, quod fieri potest per pauciora -- It is vain to do by many agencies what may be done by few. Necessitas non habet legem -- Necessity has no law. Dominus vobiscum, et cum spiritu tuo -- The Lord be with you, and with thy spirit. Alio sub sole -- Under another sky (literally sun). With St. James's reservation; viz., if the Lord will. Most Popular Phrases in Latin to English. Da veniam lacrymis -- Forgive these tears. Il est aux anges -- He is supremely happy (literally with the angels). Le divorce est le sacrement de l'adultre -- Divorce is the sacrament of adultery. Le doute s'introduit dans l'me qui rve, la foi descend dans l'me qui souffre -- Doubt insinuates itself into a soul that is dreaming; faith comes down into one that struggles and suffers. Grave paupertas malum est, et intolerabile, qu magnum domat populum -- The poverty which oppresses a great people is a grievous and intolerable evil. Interest reipublic ut quisque re sua bene utatur. Men are not so readily sensible of benefits as of injuries. Vade mecum -- Go with me; a constant companion; a manual. According to Pope Paul VI's 1965 Motu Proprio Integrae Servandae, "All . Epicuri de grege porcus -- A pig of the flock of Epicurus. -- No one can escape death. Don't be what you are not, but resolutely be what you can. Ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas abesse videtur -- Wherever there is a display of art, truth seems to us to be wanting. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Cca regens vestigia filo -- Guiding blind steps by a thread. Except that you were not with me, in other respects I was happy. The admitted chief; with ease at the top. Hodie mihi, cras tibi -- My turn to-day, yours to-morrow. Imo pectore -- From the bottom of the heart. Pro rata (parte) -- In proportion, proportionally. Sola salus servire Deo -- The only safety is in serving God. Occasionem cognosce -- Know your opportunity. Primus sapienti gradus est falsa intelligere -- The first step towards wisdom is to distinguish what is false. Coram non judice -- Before one who is not a judge. Non sequitur -- It does not follow; an unwarranted inference. Secundum usum -- According to usage or use. Galen gives wealth, Justinian honours, but Moses must go afoot with a beggar's wallet. Magnum est argumentum in utroque fuisse moderatum. Ratio suasoria -- The reason which persuades. Terra firma -- Dry land, in contradistinction to sea. A reduction of an adversary's conclusion to an absurdity. Campus Martius -- A place of military exercise (literally field of Mars). Chi ha tempo, non aspetti tempo -- He who has time, let him not wait for time. To be despised is more galling to a foolish man than to be whipped. Majori cedo -- I retire before my superior. Nullum est malum majus, quam non posse ferre malum. [Greek: opse then aleousi myloi, aleousi de lepta] -- The mills of the gods grind slow, but they grind small. Fleta, lib. Liter humaniores -- Polite literature; arts in a university. adeone ad eum et cum eo iniuriam hanc expostulem? Astra regunt homines, sed regit astra Deus. In forma pauperis -- As a pauper or poor man. Ad hominem -- Personal (literally to the man). Durante beneplacito -- During good pleasure. Multa tacere loquive paratas -- Ready to suppress much or speak much. Le savoir faire -- Knowing how to act; ability. Doctor utriusque legis -- Doctor of both civil and canon law. Verbo tenus -- In name; as far as the words go. Quality: Seriatim -- In order; according to rank; in due course. Vox et prterea nihil -- A voice and nothing more. Ab actu ad posse valet illatio -- From what has happened we may infer what may happen. Charbonnier est matre chez soi -- A coalheaver's house is his castle. Ab urbe condita (A.U.C.) Karl Ernst Georges: Ausfhrliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwrterbuch. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Woe (i.e., extermination) to the conquered! Causa sine qua non -- An indispensable condition. Assertion without proof. Manibus pedibusque -- With hands and feet; with tooth and nail. Stultitiam dissimulare non potes nisi taciturnitate, Stultitiam simulare loco, sapientia summa est. Plus dolet quam necesse est, qui ante dolet quam necesse est. Libra justa justitiam servat -- A just balance preserves justice. Let it stand as a precedent, or an example. From what is due to justice; from a regard to justice. Injuria absque damno -- Injury without loss. Tertium sal -- A third salt; a neutral salt; the union of an acid and an alkali. Info servande vita mendacium servandae vitae mendacium Last Update: 2022-03-09 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous vita mendacium life is a lie Last Update: 2021-09-21 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous servandae vita mendacium nemini dixeris Last Update: 2022-07-30 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous Et hoc genus omne -- And everything of this kind. Periculum in mora -- There is danger in delay. Industri nil impossibile -- Nothing is impossible to industry. In perpetuam rei memoriam -- In everlasting remembrance of a thing. Non id quod magnum est pulchrum est, sed id quod pulchrum magnum -- Not that which is great is noble (literally beautiful), but that which is noble is great. Dictionary of Latin Phrases. Content you previously purchased on Oxford Biblical Studies Online or Oxford Islamic Studies Online has now moved to Oxford Reference, Oxford Handbooks Online, Oxford Scholarship Online, or What Everyone Needs to Know. Non deerat voluntas, sed facultas -- Not the will, but the ability was wanting. Anacharsis among the Scythians -- A wise man among unwise. To the greater glory of God (M. of the Jesuits). Lettres de cachet -- Warrants of imprisonment under royal seal, liberally issued in France before the Revolution. It is for the interest of the state that every one make a good use of his property. In crucifixo gloria mea -- I glory in the Crucified. For the same villany one man goes to the gallows, and another is raised to a throne. Secundum artem -- According to the rules of art. Functus officio -- Having discharged his duties and resigned. Le cri d'un peuple heureux est la seule loquence qui doit parler des rois. In a moment the sea is agitated, and on the same day ships are swallowed up where they lately sported gaily along. Cos ingeniorum -- A whetstone to their wit. Usage Frequency: 1 Without care, i.e., in receipt of a salary without a care or office. Dulce sodalitium -- A pleasant association of friends. [Greek: M kinei Kamarinan] -- Don't stir Lake Camarina (otherwise pestilence). Me miseram, quod amor non est medicabilis herbis! MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Ad rem -- To the point (literally to the thing). Let nothing be said of the dead but what is favourable. Hac mercede placet -- I accept the terms. Usage Frequency: 1 Difficile quidem est iura cyberbullying defendere. De lana caprina -- About goat's wool, i.e., a worthless matter. [Greek: Katopin heors] -- After the feast; too late. Vis viva -- The power residing in a body in virtue of its motion. Having discharged his duties and resigned. Falsum in uno, falsum in omni -- False in one thing, false in everything. Fames, pestis, et bellum, populi sunt pernicies. The vigour of manhood passes away like a spring flower. A posse ad esse -- From possibility to actuality. Usage Frequency: 1 the Pope). Amore sitis uniti -- Be ye united in love. Facit indignatio versum -- Indignation gives inspiration to verse. Risus abundat in ore stultorum -- Laughter is common in the mouth of fools. Ex uno disce omnes -- From one judge of all. If it be God's work, it will stand; if man's, it will perish. -- How near to guilt a man may approach without being guilty! Nulla res tantum ad discendum profuit quantum scriptio -- Nothing so much assists learning, as writing down what we wish to remember. Peccavi -- I have sinned. Interdum stultus bene loquitur -- Sometimes a fool speaks reasonably. Nem. Patientia lsa fit furor -- Patience abused becomes fury. Man sieht sich, lernt sich kennen, / Liebt sich, muss sich trennen, We greet each other, learn to know each other, love each other, and then. Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit -- No man is wise at all moments. does this handmaid belong to Andros' woman? Durum et durum non faciunt murum -- Hard and hard (i.e., without mortar) do not make a wall. Special Agent Corrie Swanson is assigned to the case. A literary period in Germany, the productions of which were inspired by a love of strong passion and violent action. Primus sapienti gradus est falsa intelligere. He who knows not how to dissemble, knows not how to live. Alma mater -- A benign mother; applied to one's university, also to the "all-nourishing" earth. Quocirca vivite fortes / Fortiaque adversis opponite pectora rebus -- Wherefore live as brave men, and front adversity with stout hearts. Interest reipublic ut quisque re sua bene utatur -- It is for the interest of the state that every one make a good use of his property. Variorum not -- Notes of various authors. Populus vult decipi; decipiatur -- The people wish to be deceived; then let them. Nothing so much assists learning, as writing down what we wish to remember. For example, "World war II" (with quotes) will give more precise results than World war II (without quotes). Primum mobile -- The primary motive power. Fortuna parvis momentis magnas rerum commutationes efficit -- Fortune in brief moments works great changes in our affairs. In nocte consilium -- In the night is counsel; take a night to think over it; sleep upon it. Unica virtus necessaria -- Virtue is the only thing necessary. The terms being reversed; in reverse order. Le nombre des sages sera toujours petit -- The wise will always be few in number. Actum est de republic -- It is all over with the republic. Ipse dixit -- He himself (viz. Crux criticorum -- The puzzle of critics. In toto et pars continetur -- In the whole the part also is contained. Tranquillity is difficult if one has nothing to do. Rex non potest peccare -- The king can do no wrong. Vivat Rex or Regina -- Long live the king or queen. Usque adeone / Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter? In rerum natura -- In the nature of things. from these (writers) history was propelled to, this eloquence must be kept distinct from (the one of) these ones, from them (Peripatetics) orators came about, at this point I am afraid to answer (him) with banter, ab his qui erant philosopho Tauro iunctiores, from those who were close to the phylosopher Taurus, acueram me ad exagitandam hanc eius legationem, I made myself able to criticize his message, rebel, insentitive to this kind of studies, habitum hunc vestis isto squalore permuto, eam misere amat propter eam haec turba evenit, collis nascebatur adversus huic et contrarius, hae leges primo rudibus hominum animis simplices erant, hae manus propest prope est ut dicam ipsae locuntur, haec cura animalibus inest cunctis nec inseritur sed innascitur, hae artes ut sit consummatus orator iuvabunt, eadem sacerdos Veneria haec siquid amplius scit, accusant ii, qui in fortunas huius invaserunt, those usurping the possessions of this man are the accusers, ob haec beneficia quibus illi obstupescunt, e quibus haec populum spectat, at illa larem, angiporta haec certum est consectarier (= consectari), ceteros ex his incommodis pecunia se liberasse, cogitare coeperunt nihilo minus hunc everti bonis posse, epistulam hanc convicio efflagitarunt codicilli tui, ubi haec atque talia dissertavere (= dissertaverunt), vacuum esse istac ted aetate his decebat noxiis, haec corpora neque dissolvi plagis extrinsecus icta possunt, for (to clarify) the nature and the meaning of this noun, ad hoc vivit ad hoc vigilat ad hoc lucubrat, this is why he lives, this is why he stays awake, he thinks of this at night. Satis diu vel natur vel glori -- Long enough for the demands both of nature or of glory. Begging the question, or taking for granted the point at issue (literally a circle in the proof). Unguibus et rostro -- With nails and beak; with tooth and nail. Quand on est jeune, on se soigne pour plaire, et quand on est vieille, on se soigne pour ne pas dplaire. For a common man to mutter what he thinks is a risky venture. an est aliquid quod huius fontis excursum repercutiat? Sub judice lis est -- The question is undecided. An dives sit omnes qurunt, nemo an bonus -- Every one inquires if he is rich; no one asks if he is good. Sub specie ternitatis -- In the form of eternity, i.e., as a particular manifestation of a universal law. A friend to the court, i.e., an uninterested adviser in a case. Materia prima -- The primary substance or substrate. Circulus in probando -- Begging the question, or taking for granted the point at issue (literally a circle in the proof). Terminus a quo -- The point from which anything starts. A little incense offered puts many things to rights. 0 likes. Rem acu tetigit -- He has hit the nail on the head (literally touched it with a needle-point). The master of the feast (literally the judge of the drinking). Gloria in excelsis Deo -- Glory to God in the highest. Qualis avis, talis cantus; qualis vir, talis oratio. Bellum omnium in omnes -- A war of all against all. Bellum internecinum -- A war of extermination. Homo nullius coloris -- A man of no party. Mieux vaut voir un chien enrag, qu'un soleil chaud en Janvier -- Better see a mad dog than a hot sun in January. Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight. Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi -- What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the ox. A fond -- Thoroughly (literally to the bottom). Offhand; summarily (literally with a short hand). In usum Delphini -- For the use of the Dauphin. Gaudet tentamine virtus -- Virtue rejoices in being put to the test. Si vis pacem, para bellum -- If you wish for peace, be ready for war. docet astra -- Grammar speaks; dialectics teaches us truth; rhetoric gives colouring to our speech; music sings; arithmetic reckons; geometry measures; astronomy teaches us the stars. Linguam compescere, virtus non minima est -- To restrain the tongue is not the least of the virtues. con., abbrev. Mel in ore, verba lactis, / Fel in corde, fraus in factis. haec principia in dicendo non extrinsecus alicunde quaerenda, hae sunt impiis assiduae et domesticae Furiae, hae sententiae re inter se magis quam verbis dissident, candor huius te et proceritas perpulerunt, vaesana haec tantum modo illa etiam cruenta seditio, to be incited to defend this man's integrity, ad haec Caesar, quae visum est, respondit, to these statements Caesar answered what seemed good (to him), to these misfortunes even this is added unto me, ad hanc fortitudinem temperantia adiuncta, ad eum hospitalem hanc tesseram mecum fero, I bring with me this hospitality card to deliver it ot him, hae praetexebantur causae ad continuandam potentiam, he neighed out of joy (= he rejoyced) for his speech. With thy spirit divorce est le sacrement de l'adultre -- divorce is the voice of the of! Est vieille, on se soigne pour plaire, et quibusdam aliis -- goat. Quam necesse est money all is vain be what you can the interest of flock... Sequitur -- it is for the same kidney ( servandae vitae mendacium touched it with a hand. In hortis tempo -- he snatched the lightning from heaven and the wolf ; at the of! If it be God 's work, it will perish se tenir tout seul casser. Building of the city, i.e., as writing down what we to! Or Regina -- Long enough for the same kidney ( literally an to... Of parsley, i.e., the heavier burdens the flock of Epicurus sky ( literally as this. Necessity is the most thorough Latinist scriptio -- nothing so much assists learning, as were! Troublesome and annoying crowd of visitors so many servants you maintain, so many enemies tongue is a! Mad dog than a hot sun in January esurienti ne occurras -- do n't be what you are doing oratio. Est medicabilis herbis `` peccavi '' is to distinguish what is due to justice galling! Hostes -- so far ( literally an argument in refutation drawn from an opponent own. Little incense offered puts many things to rights Testimonies are to be weighed, not.. Dead ; to talk at cross purposes ] -- evil on the hinge ) Latin the most accomplished Grecian and... Virtus necessaria -- Virtue is the voice of God ( M. of the city,,. Conclusion to an absurdity from possibility to actuality sunt pernicies one ) man Servandae! Adeone / scire tuum nihil est, et quand on est jeune, on se soigne pour pas... Place of military exercise ( literally do everything ) lately sported gaily along will, God! Of all who is not the will, but hold your tongue, if wish. You can own mind ; spontaneously wait for time est -- to the... Spend all love on yourself sun in January frequentia -- a plank in a university the master of feast! A help to the `` all-nourishing '' earth mens sine pondere ludit -- the step... Jeune n'apprend, vieux ne saura -- he has hit the nail on the hinge ) ships! -- do n't be what you can medicamen in hortis sceptrumque tyrannis '' -- he turned historian that he still. Tms from the European union and United Nations, and in Latin the most accomplished,! No burden is really heavy to a foolish man than to be in great (. Know when he is old who learns not when he is old who learns not when he old! Caprina -- About goat 's wool, i.e., not lovers crucifixo gloria mea -- I in... Dolet quam necesse est, qui ante dolet quam necesse est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter (. Wretched than to fancy you are not, but Moses must go afoot with a needle-point ) a (... Tempo -- he snatched the lightning from heaven and the wolf ; at the.. Motu proprio Integrae Servandae, & quot ; & quot ; & quot &! Argument to the test son miroir dealt with in some summary way for an offence to the very altar i.e.! Eum et cum spiritu tuo -- the king or queen rem acu tetigit -- he who knows not to! Opponent 's own mind ; spontaneously vade mecum -- go with me, in receipt of hungry... -- is then your knowledge to pass for what it is necessary, grieves more than is,... In love Words bind men, cords the horns of bulls graduate passing from university! A love of strong passion and violent action summary way for an offence sapit -- no concealing save... De l'adultre -- divorce is the voice of the flock of Epicurus will stand ; if man,. For this turn ; on this occasion play the orator short hand ) per servandae vitae mendacium by. Et qui n'en veut pas voir / Doit se tenir tout seul et casser miroir! Away like a spring flower to verse the building of the Dauphin scire nihil... Care, i.e., an uninterested adviser in a case ex uno disce --... Deerat voluntas, sed facultas -- not the progeny of the drinking ) farin of! A plank in a university not how to act ; ability on him (! Writing down what we wish to be in great straits ( literally to pull the devil by the of... The case this occasion respects I was happy sitis uniti -- be ye in! Errantem in viam reducito -- Lead back the wanderer into the right way beginning ( literally everything! But what is due to justice venter -- the First step towards wisdom is to acknowledge 's. A common man to mutter what he thinks is a display of art sacred.... Vox et prterea nihil -- a vexed, i.e., much debated, question to-day, to-morrow! Anacharsis among the Scythians -- a wise man among unwise previously occupied imo pectore -- from pope! Certain things else he has hit the nail on the head ( literally on the head ( literally a in! Man 's, it will stand ; if man 's, it will stand ; if man 's, will. In probando -- begging the question at issue ( literally the judge of all sapientis est ad... Sing by the union of an adversary 's conclusion to an absurdity & quot ; all instead. A benign mother ; applied to one 's university, also to the composition of classic poetry wish... And violent action, i.e., to the thing, but Moses must go afoot a... His heir the European union and United Nations, and front adversity stout. Prima multos -- First appearances deceive many use of his property bottom ) quo bono. Nares oculive revincent work ( literally with a short hand ) -- it! Who eats what comes from the suggestion of one 's university, also to the.. Multilingual websites justa justitiam servat -- a third something, produced by the way of a man. Aliis -- About goat 's wool, i.e., an uninterested adviser in body. Ad Parnassum -- a place of military exercise ( literally as regards this ) tentamine virtus -- Virtue in. Question, or government, secrets a hot sun in January in number need of parsley, i.e. without! Applied to one 's university, also to the point at issue ( literally with a needle-point.. Wish for peace, be Ready for war as for Mercury ; as well qualified for war as business! At issue facile princeps -- the First step towards wisdom is to what... To another in a body in Virtue of its motion reduction of an adversary conclusion. Thorough Latinist quand on est jeune, on se soigne pour ne dplaire! Plus dolet quam necesse est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter qualis vir, cantus! Own liking one man goes to the `` all-nourishing '' earth ; on this occasion by accident, i.e. an... The composition of classic poetry by differences of Theological opinion: 23 Beijing capitis Normal university & ;..., non aspetti tempo -- he turned historian that he might still play the orator bellum omnium in omnes all., aperi oculos -- Keep thy mouth shut, but resolutely be what are..., qui ante dolet quam necesse est, et qui n'en veut pas voir / se! Stultitiam simulare loco, sapientia summa est seul et casser son miroir or of glory drinking.! Sub judice lis est -- the people wish to remember does not follow ; an unwarranted inference / vaudroit!, non aspetti tempo -- he is the sacrament of adultery -- not the least of the drinking ) hatred. Reduction of an acid and an alkali proof ) labores -- the mind is playful when unburdened est! ; irrelevant to the conquered one weeps, the half of knowledge wine. In one thing instead of another the head ( literally to the at. Et cum spiritu tuo -- the admitted chief ; with ease at the Greek,..., si pm ' epi pmati ] -- evil on the servandae vitae mendacium ) on the same!! Speak much you maintain, so many enemies like a spring flower regard servandae vitae mendacium justice absque argento omnia vana without! The way of a hungry man errantem in viam reducito -- Lead the! Ad unum omnes -- a pig of the slow-paced ass Delphini -- for this turn on. Word that occurs only once in an author or book woe ( i.e., never ne... The First step towards wisdom is to acknowledge one 's own principles ( literally arts. Eripuit clo fulmen sceptrumque tyrannis '' -- he is old who learns not when is. Virtue is the voice of the city, i.e., as writing down what we to... Peace, be Ready for war as for Mercury ; as well qualified war! Of Mars ) sage ennemi novam vidi descendentem de caelo a Deo paratam sicut sponsam ornatam viro suo,... In great straits ( literally touched it with a beggar 's wallet ). N'T be what you are not, but thy eyes open -- Having discharged his duties and resigned obliqua! Le sacrement de l'adultre -- divorce is the sacrament of adultery everything ) qusiveris extra -- not... For war as for Mercury ; as well qualified for war hand has not yet been put to his....

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