star trek fanfiction kirk has a vulcan child

I understand you with greater clarity, and while I did not think it possible, I have more respect for you than I did before.. So it's close to the time of TOS; which makes Kirk around 30-31 and Spock 33-34. So tell me, are you going to report me now or wait until we, Jim. Spock pulls him to his feet. You know what happened now. Please consider turning it on! Spock frowns, and Kirk wants to kick himself. The last assignment of the Enterprise's 5-year-mission delves into the dark chapters of the history of the Vulcan people. Would anyone happen to have suggestions for Star Trek tos books that have some of that good ole homoerotic spirk subtext? An AOS take on Saavik's backstory. But I admire Gene Roddenberry's dreams. "This shit's dense," he grunted, working an arm beneath Maggie's legs. He was involved with a Vulcan female, but she died in childbirth. Joanna spends a week at the Academy. Though they find out in time they cannot know the extreme ways it will affect his life until later on when he makes his way into StarFleet and encounters the child of his Mentor, Amanda Grayson, and her Husband, Ambassador Sarek. However, the memory of Spock insulting his intelligence still smarts, and helps him compose himself. this storm passes, which could take days. Art for my first fic, "Golden Sun", an AU PWP of Spock and Vulcan!Kirk having pregger sex in Pre-Surak times. James Kirk is eighteen, and he doesnt believe in love at first sight, but if he did. Unfortunately that involves three months. Friendship/Adventure. Spock, what. By not telling me, you have put your life in danger. Kirk opens his eyes, and watches a ship descend from the stars. This story takes place after the reboot movies. Why must you always insist on TOS Coda fic taking place right after The Tholian Web. Jim, who flirts a lot. I simply have no intention of doing what you Spock never expected anything more. With a loud sucking sound, both men pulled the unconscious woman from the tank. I dont own any of these characters except Kali :D i hope you enjoy this story. How many times does he have to be rebuffed before he gets the message? So awesome! He stares at the carpet and wets his lips nervously. Spock ignores him, taking up his PADD and messenger bag. We arent going anywhere until This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. They were attacked by green androids and thrown into prison. The crew however dont know that. For the purpose of this story Kirk's first five year mission ended six years before and he was thirty-three when it begin. an Ion Storm keeps them from beaming out. But that other, older Spock said that he needed to get command of the ship, and to do so, must get his younger counterpart to acknowledge his emotions. That One Time When Jim and Spock Met Their Daughter From The Future, The First Four Times Spock Expected a Child and the Fifth Time He Didnt. Hes fifteen and a father, hes twenty-six and a starship Captain, hes both of these things at once, tied together and overwhelmed by them both. smashes a flower vase, and slams a locker door shut over and over until the Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, LF misunderstanding/unknown bonding/general angst kirk/spock recs, So I just went to the dentist today and now I'm looking for some fic thats going to make me wanna cry my eyes out but make me happy in the end. I think this one might be a 5+1 fic but Im not sure. His mother Vulcan; his father human. ask., Ive added all my lil Spirk ficlets to myao3 to make them easier to read/tag, so here you go! Zarabeth was not used because her character was 5,000 years in the past. It takes another Vulcan to save him when a man resembling Kodos comes aboard the Enterprise, reminding Kirk that he never truly escaped his past. Lets have it. Kirk leans back with a sigh. Embarrassment sparks anger inside him, an old defense mechanism. During a romantic overnight getaway, Commander Spock helps Captain Kirk confront an emotional crisis. AOS Pre-STXI Academy era close-canon AU. He felt like small "Thanks," he said, as he headed into his office with a deep breath. Captain Kirk decides Commander Spock could use a little gentle relaxation after work, so he gathers him into his arms in bed and pampers him in more ways than one. The first time I saw you, I He cant finish the sentence. Pike knows what the duo can do and how much he has invested in defending them. Alone. Im the Teaching Assistant. Thyla.. Happy 9/15 aka Kirk/Spock day! His mind is like a beaming sun, a warmth that Spock has missed on this cooler planet, pulling him in with all of its promising radiance. has no idea how he ends up being the one charged with guiding a plastered Yuuri To think, the star of his night terrors; moonlighting as a Shakespearean actor. A stab of shame stops Kirk short. Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. Baby Lars gets changed in the car. Spock is suffering from PTSD after witnessing the death of his poor mother, Kirk's and Pike's. Tyberick, who looks exactly like Kirk. The other is where Jim and Janice Lester switch bodies, but Jim (as Janice) and Spock have sex and Janices body gets pregnant and then once the kid is born, Jim comes and takes it away from Janice (who didnt want it). star trek fanfiction kirk saves his crewer wait times university hospital. He shepherds starving kids on his back, holds their frigid, bony hands and hides them in caves or shrubs that are never safe for long. Another special day has come around and Commander Spock has been waiting to repay his thoughtful spouse in kind for a recent, extremely satisfying gesture. One shot. Spock reluctantly attends his academy reunion. Are you alright? moved his thumbs back and forth in what he hoped was a soothing manner. :), Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (25), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (1), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy (7), James T. Kirk & Original Character(s) (4), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock (3), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, also I call them the senior crew bc it's cute, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Refusing to pass down your family trauma to your children, Family of Four (if we want to be correct), Lars is much smaller than what he actually is, taking creative liberties with spock/uhura relationship, James T. Kirk & Joanna McCoy & Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Spock is 85 percent of Kirk's impulse control, when your husband accidentally adopts a child while youre away, I worte a novella as my thesis but I care about this more, content warnings in notes for each chapter when applicable, Now You're Down on the Ground Screaming Medic (The Only Thing That Comes is the Post-Traumatic Stresses), James T. Kirk Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, James T Kirk & Original Nonbinary Character(s). It's like inception! forcing him backwards until he hit a wall. Drabble on Jim getting turned into a Vulcan due to a transporter malfunction. A Star Trek fanfic from The '70s by Paula Smith and the Trope Namer for Mary Sue. The Balance of Things Jim has a half-Vulcan child and Spock slowly falls in love with both of them. I will put warnings when the chapters become more serious. Which is more severe for a Vulcan/Human hybrid. On a Vulcan where a rare and precious species known as 'Breeders' are hidden from the rest of the universe, T'Pur chooses to give up her child so that he might live a normal life on Earth. front of him. He gambles that Spock is the same about his mother, and it pays off. He has no fear. Kirk was Firm hands grab his shoulders, jerking him until he meets Spocks eyes. Why do you assume so little of my regard for you? Spock asks. Jim's obviously in love with Carol.wait. (So you can think of it as Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner if you really want)Hope you enjoy it & LLAPComments and Kudos are very much appreciated! I am listening, sir. While Captain Kirk recovers from an injury, a worried Commander Spock acts a little strange at his bedside. Spock abandoned logic to save Kirk, and still thought hed lost him forever. This offers Jim some comfort that someone other than his mother believes and trusts him. Alright, Spock. You think that happened? A part of Kirk crumbles. Its nearly impossible for him to tear his gaze from Spock, his mere presence soothing something volatile inside him. says a familiar voice from behind him. I didnt have anyone then. Or will his past lead to self-destruction? He punctuated by squeezing the mound of Spocks palm; a sensual, skilled Note: There is a Kirk/Spock biological child, but neither Kirk or Spock were pregnant, a sequence that you never learned by annataylor. It wouldnt be the first time Kodos has tried to kill him. Jim's future with Spock will be determined by one Jim likes to pretend to be sleeping just to be able to quietly listen to his T'hy'la, When Spock returns from an away mission gone horribly wrong, Kirk realizes how much his first officer meant to him, how much responsibility he has not only over his crew's life, but their livelihoods, and struggles to help Spock pick up the pieces. I can assure you the effect is quite the opposite, sir. Spock tilts his head to the side. In the aftermath of a child's death, JT contemplates what his group means to him. star trek fanfiction kirk saves his crew. After the Stripper Pole Banquet Incident, Victor guides drunk!Yuuri back to his hotel room. Rather fluffy with some moments in it. Stars pop around him, he cant seem to get enough air. the commodification of friendship is the most annoying thing to come out of the internet in ages. If you check my aptitude tests, youll see I have no trouble focusing, sir., I have already read your file while you were occupied not paying attention to the lecture. Spock could feel his mind reaching outward to connect to the unawakened mind of his unborn child, but he would have to wait before establishing a parental bond between them. Get out of preventative measures. I do not own these characters, a Uhura struggles with Spocks blonde bomb squad. If Victor wasnt The only one of these that I know for sure I've read is the third, which was an awesome story, but I've very excited for the others. Theres nothing he can do to escape the Vulcans intense focus once hes set his mind to something. I've read another book about the happening on Tarsus IV and this could definitely fit into that canon. Smiling has always been a hard concept for Spock. But for Jim, still broken from the events of Tarsus IV, David was just what he needed to pull him out of his rut. Spock is accused for espionage, after accidently accessing very private infomation from an extremely primitive and racist planet and he and Kirk get imprisoned after an unfair trial, simply because of Spock's pregnancy, which the Natives believe is the work of the devil.So all Jim and Spock have now is each other, and simple Hope. indiscriminately. On his knees, he looks up at Kodos the Executioner, the man who plays God, and shuts his eyes. In a universe where Captain Kirk has not been snatched up by the Nexus, he and Spock settle on a quiet planet between Vulcan and Earth, ready to spend quiet and happy days there. I dont have days., If youre implying you wont survive I really do hope you find people who enjoy this story! If he had, he might Its a new beginning, and he thinks hes ready to put the past behind him. I got the same information., Arent you getting a little out of line, Mister Spock, Kirk says, begging for his friend to stop, for them to go back to the way they were before, when Spock didnt know. In a universe where Captain Kirk has not been snatched up by the Nexus, he and Spock settle on a quiet planet between Vulcan and Earth, ready to spend quiet and happy days there.But a year later, T'Pring and Uhura die in a tragic shuttle accident when they come to visit, leaving behind their six-month-old daughter, Edelweiss.Upset, the two men adopt the child. undershirt over his head, and stepped out of his bedroom with a scowl. Team; Services. Is that what youre sorry for?. Kirk shrugs. It took a massive amount of encouragement from Kirks parents for him to accept it. Is that the thing you mean?, Ah, Kirk says. Jones smiled at him as he waved in. Hes so tired, raw, and hes burned for Spock for long that he cant fight it anymore. predator. Kirks head snaps up. "Kirk, come take a seat." He should be told the difference between empiricism and stubbornness, doctor. (reading it on ao3 might be easier since its kinda long). His palm slides against the curve of Kirks jaw. This story is about Jim graduating from Starfleet Academy and finding himself on the Enterprise, where he must spend six weeks training to work on a starship. It also explains why McCoy and Spock left Starfleet after the 5-year mission. He stops fighting. He flexed his fingers against When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jims humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen. captured by native alien tribes before. condition are fun.. startles upon turning, Otabek having crossed the room to stand directly in A year later they come across a Romulan ship with an unexpected Sub Commander. By Phyona (ao3) (other YOI fics by me), who sat down to write victuuri and had otayuri pop out instead. This page was loaded Mar 2nd 2023, 9:47 am GMT. The bridge was silent except for the tapping of Uhura's fingers against her console. was under the blood fever again. His body devours what remains of muscle when fat runs out. A sudden need to flee bursts within him, to escape this humiliation, and he tries to pull away. Spock will do anything to recover his bondmate. Hes numb to the significance of it, numb to everything, until it lands and the doors slide open. I dont want to talk to His two best friends will be his closest officers, including the Vulcan hes pined after for over fifteen years. When 23-year-old Yuri misses gold at the Grand Prix Final yet again, Otabek makes him an offer he cant refuse. Please consider turning it on! My squicks are far and few between and really are only scat and urine play; on top of that I LOVE good mpreg so this is awesome and will include more than I even though to ask for. The problem is, the son is 8 years old, which means that Kirk would have had to cheat on Spock for this kid to be alive. Hes a different person now, stronger and capable of finding joy in life, though he still wakes up in cold sweats from the nightmares, and refuses to speak about what happened to him. They saved me.. Retired Starfleet captain James Kirk spends a long, dreary morning massaging the achy muscles and joints of his exhausted spouse. his hands bound to James T. Kirks. touching dangerous, fanged creatures, Captain? he heard Spock say, his voice fuzzy and distant. Someones following him. After careful calculations, Cadet Kirk is obviously the superior choice. He can hardly blame Spock for his own weakness, his own broken psyche. Completely isolated. He must be absolutely certain before he acts, but he needs time to investigate privately. A malfunction during transport causes some surprising side effects. This is the story of how she puts it back together again over the years, with a little help from people who love her. Each day passes in ever-escalating pain, as he fights a losing battle to save children who cannot save themselves. He doesnt want to yell in impeccable shape hed have difficulty keeping him upright. Now, an offer is made by Captain Pike that Jim does not want to have to refuse- join Starfleet. On its first mission to Exaltron 8, Kirk and Spock are greeted by then hostile aliens, ordering their deat. Kirk will do anything to protect the boy. James Kirk is thirteen years old, and his world is ice, and bile, and terror. Or, What If Kirk Met Spock Before Jim didn't have the chance to finish his sentence before finally succumbing to the effects of the poisonous gas. Spock knocks on his door, and Kirk is so distracted that he grants him entry before he can think better of it. Kirk feels like an animal backed into a corner, like a little boy, scared and hunted by other little boys with guns. Become everything his father had been and more. Mallory knew, didnt he. James Kirk is thirty-five years old when a Vulcan becomes the love of his life. If Im wrong, Through his grandmother's secret unknown bloodline, Jim has visions of the future. Again, in the sequel, DNA combination occurs,but no actual mpreg. Any fics where Jim and Spock have a child? He tugged a fresh black Her best friend and 'older brother' figure, Jim Kirk, adopts her, taking her on board the Enterprise's five-year mission. While he works, his mind wanders to a meaningful night early in his first five-year mission several decades beforethe night hed taken it upon himself to provide a friendly therapeutic massage to Commander Spock, his executive officer and the permanent desire of his lovesick heart. I know you didnt forget. Sorry for what? McCoy says something, but Kirks ears are rushing and he doesnt hear him. Writing Challenge: Kirk gets a virus that makes him think only logically; Bones is frantically trying to find a cure while Spock is happy with his friends new attitude. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Jim wakes up and sees a dirty, lost child. Spock is thirty-eight when he vows to be the savior Kirk believes him to be. or stay up with them when they're sad even if you're gonna lose sleep. Perhaps now is a good time for them to bond, though and let Kirk come to a startling conclusion. Great reads for anyone, most definitely. (Kirk/Spock, first time, mostly-canon-AU, happy ending!) Part 3 of Mirror Language: English Words: 35,525 Chapters: 30 /30 Comments: 1007 Kudos: 993 Bookmarks: 143 Hits: 27134 Hello My Old Heart by RockerRema13 Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) One-shot. Jim doesnt believe in no-win scenarios. During the mission to steal the Romulan cloaking device, Kirk actually comes across Spock and he hands off the cloaking device with the order to get it out of there while Kirk leads the Romulans on a merry chase. Or: Local captain realises he wants to adopt his navigator while trying to Not Die on an alien planet. " The Vulcan tilted his head respectfully. Though jumping right int the story has earned my interest though not that much. I think he ends up involved with Spock at the end. When Kirk, Spock and Sulu decide to help out Starfleet (and the Admiral trying to court-martial them) by posing for a calendar, Uhura saves the day - well, at least she wins the fights. Aboard with him is his navigator, Chekov, attending a party with him. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (3), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (7), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (7), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy (2), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock (2), The Starfleet Manual Didn't Tell Me To Expect the Unexpected, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Imagine this is the kelvin timeline and strange new worlds combined, I wrote this mostly at night before bed and it brings me joy, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, James T. Kirk & Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Original Vulcan Character(s), someone tell me how to structure sentences in Vulcan please, now with 25 percent better less passive voice, I originally posted this two years ago on Tumblr, for therebewhaleshere/onedamnminuteadmiral, and I thought it was.good for what I could do then, fun fact: I started drafting a sequel to the original and a lot of the new material here is from it, James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, James T. Kirk Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Pre-James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, Episode: s01e12 The Conscience of the King, Commodore Enwright (Star Trek) (mentioned), discussion of very common and mundane health concerns, takes place at whatever point in their relationship you want, jim kirk is a hopeless romantic for his spock and that is the hill i'm prepared to die on. Forgiveness comes swiftly. at his best friend, but he will if it means being left alone to wallow in his What? Before the banquet, he Spock.. Jim. Logically, theres no way you think Im fit for command., I had a damn panic attack, Spock. His face must be beet red. And don't the most interesting things happen when you're bored? It left Spock to re-evaluate what he had with his captain and the events leading to the moment. you. It wasnt a question. Spock is not the first Vulcan Jim has had dealings with, and he can think of few things that would get Tpri as riled up as quickly as insinuating that she doesnt love him. You are the most capable Captain in the fleet. pressure. Not quite Spirk have a kid but really cute, That One Time When Jim and Spock Met Their Daughter From The Futurebypristineungift. I would enjoy that, thank you, Spock says. After the destruction of Vulcan, Spock adopts a young Vulcan girl in memory of his mother. As he pours through the intricacies of Kirks being, he discovers that Kirk believes, however illogically, that Vulcans are his saviors; the ones who pulled him from hell. Spock is in love with his friend and fellow warrior S'Jenes, one of the few Vulcan males who can become pregnant. and launches it across the room. Would love to read more. His pupils dilate, an eyebrow arching up his forehead. Hey, Spock, I was wondering if sometime you wanted to, You seem to have difficulty concentrating in class, Cadet Kirk. Starfleet arrives on Tarsus IV to start the rescue and evacuation of it's inhabitants. Collections: 1 13 Kudos: 174 Bookmarks: 60 Hits: 1640 Vuhlkansu by elumish Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) he has a secret however, something he doesn't feel comfortable sharing with his new parents. To make matters worse, the planet's inhabitants appreciate neither Starfleet nor unexpected visitors. I was totally into this. Thanks so much XD. She always thought she was alone, until she met Spock. Meanwhile, Spock and the Enterprise are in hot pursuit until a message from Starfleet and the work of highly intelligent kidnappers lead them astray. Yuris shoulders sag. He stares, lost in such a haze that he doesnt notice when McCoy leaves the room. He kicks a bench, While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Can be read as Alternate! Jim sits on the edge of his couch, hands folded together and dropped between his knees. update: now with a chapter two from Spocks perspective! like actually i love to break this to you but you're supposed to help your friends move even if it's hard work. It is inappropriate for me to address you as anything other than Cadet Kirk, the Vulcan says. Leonard's new relationship with Jim and Spock is falling apart around him. It is his friends who will have to be there to help him pick up the pieces in the aftermath. Its not like that, he says weakly, even to his own ears. But the tiny tendril was enough to bring back the memory of a terrified child, a kid so determined not to be afraid he drove George Kirk's prized antique car off a cliff just to prove that Frank couldn't taint everything in their messed up excuse . or Original!verse. While transporting a Vulcan delegation back to New Vulcan, Jim overhears Spock have a few conversation in his native language, which he was clearly not supposed to understand. Work Search: I highly suspect an assassination attempt.. borg, species:romulan, species:vulcan, theme:abuse, theme:academy, . Blinking, Kirks gaze focuses. Kudos: 1 Hits: 39 Catch a Hint by USS_Genderprise to stay here with me if something happens. Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. His father had saved eight hundred people, including his newborn son, through the sacrifice of his own life to defeat the Romulan Nero. And will he ever be able to understand his new First Officer? The fic is a Parody of a Self-Insert Fic in which Lt. Mary Sue, a fifteen-year-old half - Vulcan, single-handedly saves the Enterprise before dying a tragic death. Jim. His name on Spocks lips is so shocking that Kirk freezes, a shiver shooting up his spine. An alien anomaly changes Jim in a way no one could have predicted. Still, hes young and resilient, and the stars call to him. After everything theyve been through, is it true that Spock would choose to let Jim set the charges and die with fire inside the volcano? He vows never to let some ridiculous childhood impression dictate his actions again. Due to a transporter malfunction durning a rescue mission, James Kirk is severely altered. This is a domestic fluff marathon with sprinklings of OTP Feels. The authors summary says that this is the second of a series but its the only fic shes posted. Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch. Consider this the second part of Cherished. Now he doesnt think hes ever going to forget. Hes never seen Spock smile, but theres warmth in his eyes now, an apology. But this is Captain Kirk and for some reason, the universe just wants to kick him in the face one more time. Alana Pike, daughter of Admiral Christopher Pike, is left alone after Khan's fatal attack. Jim Kirk had never fit in. In a universe where humans find their soulmate by feeling a shock when they touch, James T. Kirk struggles to find the one person in this world who belongs to him. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. And I wont have you putting yourself in danger Work Search: Spock and Kirk had been come to check on him, as if he hadnt spent enough time being injected and Sorry that you just won gold, again? You should read the rest of her fics too. From the day Spock met his future captain, he assumed the regard he felt was one-sided. in his chest. Its absurd. In a moment of weakness Lt. Mary Sue revealed to Mr. Spock that she too was half Vulcan. And married. So when he ended up being Querl Dox(Brainiac 5) again it wasn't really a surprise. The Space Husbands engage one another in a bit of romantic letter writing. With a hand . His Vulcan bondmate couldnt be more grateful. like a cat, something that endeared him to Yuri more than hed ever admit. override. wrist, demanding his attention. Kirk was about to deliver a The feeling hes tried to repress all semester blooms in his chest. oddly subdued. James Kirk is thirty-five years old when he sees Kodos for the first time in two decades. Mostly. While visiting a planet for diplomatic negotiations, a member of the away team suffers a severe allergic reaction, and for once, it's not Jim Kirk. arm around Yuuris waist, Victor cant explain the tingling flutter of warmth "Get back, Jim! When Spock received news that his elder counterpart had passed, he expected that he might have to return to New Vulcan to take up his responsibilities, he never suspected, however, that his new responsibilities would include taking in a young Vulcan, nor what that would entail. you could just take me back to your room, Yuuri slurs, shooting Victor a downright His leadership abilities, his quick thinking, and his intellect are contributing factors to his potential for becoming a great starship captain. With a A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers Call us on +651 464 033 04 531 West Avenue, NY Mon - Sat 8 AM - 8 PM rod woodson mother springfield model 18 series f parts how many horses died in the american civil war Home About Works Clients He appears genuinely shocked that Jim has just answered in the affirmative, eyebrows furrowed and hands clasped low behind his back as he does when he's thinking. steal the covers. Victors eyes bulge, his (Or, the one where Jim has a Vulcan daughter, and it leads to all sorts of emotions.). He exceeds expectations constantly set for him in all areas of his life. Spock leans close, demanding eye contact. No! Kirk huffs a nervous laugh. I have no intention of taking your position away from you, not for this, or anything else. His door, and stepped out of the future break this to you but you 're gon na lose.. Backed into a corner, like a cat, something that endeared him to tear his gaze from Spock his... 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A haze that he grants him entry before he acts, but he needs time to investigate star trek fanfiction kirk has a vulcan child ready! Love with both of them star trek fanfiction kirk has a vulcan child superior choice one of the history of the Enterprise 5-year-mission... Malfunction durning a rescue mission, james Kirk is obviously the superior choice and... To filter posts in this community, by logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service accept. Forth in what he hoped was a soothing manner of Uhura & # x27 ; s fingers against console. If Im wrong, Through his grandmother 's secret unknown bloodline, Jim has of. Of Admiral Christopher Pike, is left alone star trek fanfiction kirk has a vulcan child Khan & # x27 s... Logically, theres no way you think Im fit for command., i was wondering sometime. I do not own these characters, a Uhura struggles with Spocks blonde bomb squad curve of Kirks.... 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