vaers underreporting harvard

Thanks to Dear Pandemic, who did similar back-of-the-envelope calculations, as did Mark Hoofnagle on Twitter, we can make a reasonable estimate for Norway: What does that mean? The weaponization of VAERS by anti-vaccine activists serves as a reminder that having access to more information does not always lead to better decisions. Then they invoke the deaths in nursing homes in Norway gambit. The article then regurgitates RFK Jr.s quote that he used to deny coincidence: Coincidence is turning out to be quite lethal to COVID vaccine recipients, said Childrens Health Defense (CHD) Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. If the clinical trials are good predictors, the rate of coincidence is likely to increase dramatically after the second shot.. Her pre-study laboratory values were completely normal. risk The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. HHS needs a certificate that covers both and Moreover, the CDC and FDA do not restrict what people can report, as long as it happened at some point following a vaccination. Ds mother was initially fearful and refused the varicella vaccine for her daughter. Practically no one is going to report an adverse reaction like a sore arm or transient fever to VAERS, but you know damned well theyll report more serious ones, such as a seizure. For instance, in todays newsletter there is an article summarizing Dr. Mercolas interview with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. This provides a useful policy contrast to the unfettered publication of unverified claims by the U.S. CDC and FDA. If you are a potential patient and found this page through a Google search, please check out Dr. Gorski's biographical information, disclaimers regarding his writings, and notice to patients here. Zh. I fully expect that, just as soon as a COVID-19 vaccine is approved for use in children, antivaxxers will start claiming that the vaccine causes autism and SIDS. It would be a dramatic improvement over the current health-care-worker-initiated reports. An adult female, age 47, became disabled following varicella vaccination. VAERS accepts all reports of suspected adverse events, in all age groups. So, roughly the baseline death rate is roughly 2.4/100,000 per day. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a valuable tool for post-marketing safety surveillance (monitoring after a product has been approved and is on the market). Raw data is available from 1990- May 14, 2013 and can be downloaded using ZIP files or Comma-Separated Value (CSV) files. officials rely on a system that reports fewer than 1% of adverse effects? While the CDC and FDA disclaimers go to great lengths to point out that reports within VAERS are not verified causal claims, in a world where users absorb headline information and where small-scale disinformation campaigns have been shown to have calamitous consequences, one must question whether publishing VAERS vaccine data in its current form achieves more harm than good. * Adults that developed gliomas were more likely to never have had varicella. The research, which assessed the safety of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, is based on analysis of data from nearly 2 million individuals in Israel and represents one of the largest real-world assessments of COVID-19 vaccine safety to date. associated with RotaTeq would translate to an extra 4000 U.S. cases He remains permanently disabled. In the time since the CDC was approached for comment by the HPR, the shareable buttons have been removed from the site. Covid-19 was the eighth leading cause of death among children in recent months, according to a study published Monday. 2020 Jul 22;38(34):5464-5473. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.06.038. If youve been reading this blog a while, you can probably guess. Gradually she was able to work for a few hours at a time. It relies on people to submit reports of adverse reactions to vaccines; it doesnt actively look for them, as active surveillance systems do. Epub 2021 Feb 23. An HPR Keyhole analysis of social media indicates that over a 24-hour period in March, an expected 350,000 people had viewed or interacted with anti-vaccine information originating from the VAERS database. With the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines continuing apace, so are the efforts of antivaxxers to portray the vaccines as dangerous. It might be true that such a small percentage of adverse events is reported for self-limited minor events, such as sore arms, fever, nausea, and the like. This is the study everyone cites when stating that VAERS captures only 1% of vaccine-related injuries. 0.6, 239. First, you must understand that, as I alluded to above, VAERS isnt intended to give an accurate estimate of the frequency of various adverse events after vaccination. high, KD incidence as reported to VAERS was 0.11 while published This prevents researchers from determining "hot lots" since calculation of the number of adverse reactions per lot is not possible. that FDA and CDC officials used VAERS data to dismiss a placebo-controlled. Hematol. A 35-year old female who had never had varicella, was exposed to infected children. She received a first dose of the vaccine in March and the second in May 2001. In spite of treatment with Acyclovir* the rash lasted for 45 days. Her CPK was elevated to 676. to learn ESMAELI-GUTSTEIN B, WINKELMAN JZ: Uveitis associated with varicella virus vaccine. While the VAERS database numbers are sobering, according to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study, the actual number of adverse events is likely significantly higher. In 2008, patients seeking a hip or knee replacement in Stockholm County faced wait times of up to two years of sometimes debilitating pain, intermittent missed work and income, and the trials of disability. She was admitted to a hospital for rehydration after losing 12 lbs or more than 10% of her previous healthy weight. Even VAERS cautions people about how to interpret its data: When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Its a specific skill that requires deep knowledge of conspiracy theories and the specific tactic and tropes used by science denialists and conspiracy theorists like antivaxxers, coupled with a deep understanding of the scientific literature on vaccines. Vaccine. suggest a novel finding that adults who have not had prior varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection (including onset of chickenpox) are more likely to have gliomas (brain tumors) than adults who have had prior infection [10]. So even though 23 people dying shortly after a vaccine sounds scary, its not above what is expected. especially The brain tumor pathogenesis is not fully understood at this time. Indeed, I long ago discussed how lawyers have long gamed VAERS to support their litigation, reporting lots of cases of autism as supposedly an adverse reaction to vaccines. The high mean of 3,000 reports/year is attributed to the Hepatitis B vaccine, followed next by a mean of 2,350 reports/year attributed to varicella vaccine (Table 1). Prior research has shown that only a fraction of adverse events are. VAERS Data includes information about the patients demographics, and data related to their adverse event. WRENSCH M., WEINBERG A, WIENCKE J, MIIKE R., BARGER G, KELSEY K: Prevalence of Antibodies to Four Herpesviruses among Adults with Glioma [Brain Tumor] and Controls. Clearly that Harvard study is where the gold is. We developed an open-source, generalizable clinical decision support system called Electronic Support for Public Health-Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP-VAERS) to assist clinicians with AE . When the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was established in 1990, its creators at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would have scarcely imagined the government program would become a leading vector for vaccine misinformation amidst a global pandemic. Kennedy told Kessler that VAERS has been an abject failure, with fewer than 1% of adverse events ever reported. According to the VAERS data, of the 329 reported deaths, 285 were from the U.S., and 44 were from other countries. !F+% H30Dif>$cBT1n0 "|G J. Infect. During the same When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established. endstream endobj startxref As I like to say, the greatest strength of VAERS is that anyone can report anything to it, but simultaneously the greatest weakness of VAERS is that anyone can report anything to it. The government is making a sincere effort to make sure their web sites are more secure, but sometimes they mess upSSL certificates facilitate encryption of traffic between the user and web site. The problem is that the natural human tendency to seek patterns, coupled with the way antivaccine lawyers game VAERS by having their clients report all sorts of spurious adverse events to the database after vaccination, means that VAERS is a very noisy, distorted, and unreliable database. it varies but in the past 4 weeks, about 0.9-1 per 100k *per day* For anaphylaxis, VAERS captured 13-27% of cases after the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, 13% of cases after influenza vaccine, 21% of cases after varicella vaccine, 24% of cases after both the live attenuated zoster and quadrivalent human papillomavirus (4vHPV) vaccines, 25% of cases after the combined measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, and 76% of cases after the 2009 H1N1 inactivated pandemic influenza vaccine. government site. The term underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. What I want readers to understand is that, when it comes to the antivaccine movement, there is nothing new under the sun. possibilities of : Vaccine-associated uveitis following COVID-19 vaccination: vaccine adverse event reporting system database analysis. MATSUBARA K, NIGAMI H, HARIGAYA H, BABA K: Herpes zoster in a normal child after varicella vaccination. Luo C, Jiang Y, Du J, Tong J, Huang J, Lo Re V 3rd, Ellenberg SS, Poland GA, Tao C, Chen Y. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), Prevention of Varicella Updated Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), May 28, 1999; 48(RR06):1-5. FOIA 2022 Jul 29;12(8):1242. doi: 10.3390/jpm12081242. Case B VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning that reports about adverse events are not automatically collected, but require a report to be filed to VAERS. Table 1 presents a comparison of the number of adverse reactions reported to VAERS for the varicella vaccine with 4 other different vaccines. * Two-year-old boy with staggering gait and difficulty speaking. %%EOF Conclusions: This boy was born on June 30, 1998 and received the varicella vaccination on June 29, 2000. Dis. Physicians and patients _RD0rt. My topic here is not VAERS generally, but a number that recurs often in discussions about the vaccine injury reports VAERS contains. 2023 Feb;130(2):179-186. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2022.08.027. The first is: Whats the denominator? 112:495, 2003. During (1997) 126(10):833-834. Case C According to the VAERS website, only a "small fraction" of vaccine injuries are reported (2). A federal agency seeking to disabuse citizens of the expectation that government health databases are accurate should be an indicator for the CDC that VAERS has a serious problem. That study is titled Electronic Support for Public HealthVaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS), and it is the final report of a grant given to Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. Im. (1999) 127(6):733-734. Zhou W, Pool V, Iskander JK, English-Bullard R, Ball R, Wise RP, Haber P, Pless RP, Mootrey G, Ellenberg SS, Braun MM, Chen RT. Jpn. The sorts of tactics antivaxxers are using now have surprised and befuddled a lot of pro-science advocates, mainly because so many of them have not been paying attention to the antivaccine movement, in particular its longstanding tactics and its basis in conspiracy theories. As an example, a great many of the millions of vaccinations administered each year by injection cause soreness, but relatively few of these episodes lead to a VAERS report. (Pediatr Infect Dis J 28:943, 2009) From 1988 to Methods: Copyright The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Administration for Children and Families Database, Harvard T.H. Changing the hearts and minds of reticent Americans is set to become more crucial than ever to prevent transmission and limit the potential of new coronavirus variants taking hold. The CDC describes VAERS as a passive reporting system. Pre-dating the internet, the VAERS database has virtually no guards against its potential role as a source of fake news and is credulous of even the most fanciful claims of COVID-19 vaccine side-effects. hb```i Ab,X,YsbW``XddTy d`4[Y,A ! trial that found a 5-fold KD risk associated with RotaTeq--RR=4.9; 95% CI The Electronic Support for Public Health - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP: VAERS) project sought to create a generalizable system to facilitate detection and clinician reporting of vaccine adverse events. At present, demand for the vaccine is high and supply is constrained, but as the U.S. hurtles toward President Bidens May 1 deadline for universal vaccine eligibility, supply may begin to outpace demand for the injection. Background Users can access data pertaining to clinically significant medical events that occur after vaccination in the United States. Med. 15. This may sound similar to another argument that many COVID-19 deaths in older adults are deaths that would have happened anyway. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a United States program for vaccine safety, co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Signals and trends of Guillain-Barr syndrome after the introduction of live-attenuated vaccines for influenza in the US and South Korean adverse event reporting systems. Both thought that she could have Guillian-barre syndrome. Data is presented by year and is divided into three subcategories. All narrative text taken from original VAERS reports are classified with Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) concepts. RR-3. And the CDCs role in the dissemination of vaccine misinformation, unwilling though it may be, is attracting increasing scrutiny as it jeopardises what President Biden calls his administrations most important battle: the global coronavirus vaccine rollout. More generally: The chance of dying in an average week for those over 80 is about 0.2% or 1 in 500. Consequently, even though antivaxxers like to harp on how passive surveillance systems generally capture only a small fraction of adverse reactions, one thing VAERS does do is capture severe reactions. As for that last part about VAERS having been an abject failure, to support that claim RFK Jr. cites this: A critic familiar with VAERS shortcomings bluntly condemned VAERS in The BMJ as nothing more than window dressing, and a part of U.S. authorities systematic effort to reassure/deceive us about vaccine safety.. The average age of those who died was 76.5. Accessibility Physicians and patients understand that minor side effects of vaccinations often include this kind of discomfort, as well as low fevers. Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). The only browser that seems to consistently connect properly is Safari, used by only around a quarter of people accessing . The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the J Clin Pharm Ther. 0 Harvard Business Review noted that the previous vaccine development record was . VAERS reports can be submitted voluntarily by anyone, including healthcare From your lips to QAnon's ears.. She noticed some bruises and had aching in her knees, hands and feet. The CDC blocked both the data collection by the Harvard Pilgrim group, and also any implementation that could have followed from their findings. Overview of the ESP:VAERS project . "Underreporting" is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. Methods: We estimated VAERS reporting rates following vaccination for anaphylaxis and GBS. Heres what I mean: As of Jan. 22, 329 deaths a subset of 9,845 total adverse events had been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID-19 vaccinations. With the rollout of safe and effective vaccines against COVID-19 finally starting to result in tens of millions of people receiving the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines, with newer vaccines likely to be introduced in the coming months, the predictions that I (and many others) made months ago are coming to pass. A man who was vaccinated against varicella in 1995 developed encephalomyloneuritis and required hospitalization for months. Nonetheless, previous reports demonstrate substantial case capture for clinically severe adverse events (AEs), including 47% of intussusception cases after rotavirus vaccine, and 68% of vaccine associated paralytic polio after oral polio vaccine. Examples abound, including a study claiming to find a link between the H1N1 vaccine and miscarriages or one of the earliest examples that I ever encountered, Mark and David Geiers epically bad study trying to link thimerosal-containing vaccines to autism. Bookshelf Maintained/created by: Centers for Disease Control, Food and Drug AdministrationWebsite: unit of data: U.S National, U.S. State, Keywords: adverse event, CDC, FDA, Reporting, side effects, vaccination, vaccine, Users can access data pertaining to clinically significant medical events that occur after vaccination in the United States. 2023 Jan 4:S0161-6420(22)00929-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2022.11.023. Big Tech, Policymaking, and Leadership: An Interview With Journalist Kara Swisher, Unpacking the Pervasive Toxicity of Republican Loyalty, The Burden of Climate Injustice: The Catastrophic Floods in Pakistan, A Note on Equity: Why Harvard Should Be Less Secular, Food Apartheid: Bridging Disparities in Boston, Back to the Basics: Education as the Solution to Health Misinformation, Strangers in a Strange Land: Foreign Volunteers in the Struggle for Ukrainian Freedom, The Happiest and the Most Racist: Institutional Racism in Nordic Countries. Flora J, Khan W, Jin J, Jin D, Hussain A, Dajani K, Khan B. Int J Mol Sci. (1986) 8(1):78-80. The oft quoted Harvard Pilgrim Study put the reports at <1% of actual, but infants can't complain. Keep in mind, this system would have extracted probable vaccine injury information from patient charts and fed it directly into the VAERS system. Vaccine-Associated Uveitis after COVID-19 Vaccination: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Database Analysis. . anti-covid. Her physician was of the opinion that a virus probably triggered her autoimmune response. Sensitivity was reported as either a single value, or a range if data were available from >1 study. Case "B" A man who was vaccinated against varicella in 1995 developed encephalomyloneuritis and required hospitalization for months. Eight days after vaccination, she developed a fever, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, malaise and dizziness. Reports vary in quality and completeness. Vaccine. She underwent a colonoscopy and was diagnosed with the rare and more serious collagenous colitis. background rates were 23.1 (2000) and 24.6 (2006); fewer than 1 in 200 KD MMWR Surveill Summ. And of course my favorite example is the VAERS excess deaths. Psikhiatr. Her nausea and vomiting persisted for the next three months despite use of anti-nausea medication. Based on the law of large numbers, in which very small percentages translate into a large number of actual cases or people, we would expect a lot more deaths within a couple of weeks after vaccination by random chance alone. To reach such a critical mass, the federal government is in a race against time. They don't offer great . The VAERS dataset was created to manage reports of vaccine-associated side effects. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of the CDC and FDA is the nationwide early warning system that monitors the safety of vaccines once they are licensed or cleared for use by the FDA. In normal times Norway typically sees 45 deaths among nursing residents each week. 300 0 obj <>stream J. Ophthalmol. Unsurprisingly, RFK Jr. fails to mention that the BMJ article to which he refers is a BMJ Rapid Response, which is basically a comment section that is not peer-reviewed that cranks love to use to post their ramblings and then cite them as though they were legitimate articles in The BMJ. VAERS is a government database managed by the Centers for Disease. At this age, infants are at greatest risk for certain medical adverse events, including high fevers, seizures, Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 113% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). by the vaccine is required in order for VAERS to accept the report. Spoiler alert: Excess mortality during the pandemic has been VERY high. Vaccine (1999) 17(4):327-329. How VAERS is co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 12. 2022 Nov;47(11):1789-1795. doi: 10.1111/jcpt.13767. Would you like email updates of new search results? Here is the statement, with a bit of context: Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Lastly, VAERS Vaccine gives information about the origin and type of vaccine. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Surveillance for safety after immunization: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)--United States, 1991-2001. For GBS, VAERS captured 12% of cases after the 2012-13 inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine, 15-55% of cases after the 2009 H1N1 inactivated pandemic influenza vaccine, and 64% of cases after 4vHPV vaccine. The FDA has established pathways to accelerate vaccine availability before approval, such as Emergency Use Authorization, and to channel resources to high-priority products and allow more. Ophthalmology. and he teamed up with a statistician to arrive at the underreporting factor. Reports are accepted from anyone and can be submitted electronically at As such, I think it is somewhat sloppy science to reference the Harvard study as support of VAERS underreporting. Case A Of the US primary reports received between 2012 and 2016, 0.4% reported death as the outcome; 5% reported a serious nonfatal adverse event (as defined above), and 94.6% reported non-serious events (CDC, unpublished data). The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. Unsurprisingly, its one of the usual suspects responsible, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK Jr.), in the form of a post in his antivaccine publication The Defender entitled 329 Deaths + 9,516 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis. , has stirred controversy in recent days over his concerns about COVID-19 vaccine safety. (1995) 13(4):340-342. Consider this part 2 of my post from two weeks ago, the VAERS edition. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal If you look at the CHD scientific advisory board, youll soon see that its a whos-who of antivaccine cranks, including Richard Deth (what a blast from the past!) As is stated on the VAERS website: Underreporting is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. * Authors report that a healthy 5-year-old girl developed HZ in the dermatome supplied by the ophthalmic branch of the fifth cranial nerve 40 months after varicella vaccination. An EMG revealed involvement in an ulnar distribution. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and by the Food and Drug Administration. Facebook and Instagram announced earlier this year they would take steps to ban the spreading of vaccine misinformation on their platforms. 6/15/07. Her physician recommended prompt vaccination and she received a first dose of varicella vaccine on May 18, 1998. This type of propaganda is so harmful to our County residents, with The Mountaineer reporting 84 people who have lost their lives and over 3600 who have contracted Covid-19 right here in Haywood. JAMA. POSER CM: Neurological Complications of Vaccinations. We used data from VAERS safety reviews as the numerator, and estimated incidence rates of anaphylaxis and GBS following vaccination from the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) studies as the denominator. (1970) 70(10):1465-1471. An official website of the United States government. It is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, commonly known as VAERS. Its basically against public health and any collective action to protect public health. Despite this pledge, some prominent anti-vaccine Facebook pages remain online with hundreds of thousands of followers. At the end of the document is not a list of supporting citations, but only a list of publications by the organization on the topic of the automated adverse event reporting. I dont know. VAERS accepts all reports of suspected adverse events, in all age groups. Unfortunately, there was never an opportunity to perform system performance assessments because the necessary CDC contacts were no longer available and the CDC consultants responsible for receiving data were no longer responsive to our multiple requests to proceed with testing and evaluation. The literature contains a surprising number of adverse reactions following varicella vaccination [3-12] including vaccine strain HZ in children and adults [13,14]. A report to VAERS generally does not prove that the identified vaccine(s) caused the adverse event described. This is true, and EXACTLY why scientists prefer to measure EXCESS MORTALITY to assess the true toll of the pandemicwhich counts how many deaths from any cause there have been ABOVE AND BEYOND what is expected. Healthcare providers are required by law to report to VAERS: effects) are filed in VAERS. "'Underreporting' is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS," HHS says on its website. Objectives: There is another story being missed regarding that Harvard Pilgrim study, though. LEE SY, KOMP DM, ANDIMAN W: Thrombocytopenic Purpura following varicella-zoster vaccination. The second is: What is the baseline rate for such adverse events in the population studied? So far, only the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been granted Emergency Use Authorization in the U.S. by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). During the 18-year period from 1990 through 2007 just 88 cases of Kawasaki Disease in children under 5 were reported to VAERS. In the case of COVID-19 vaccines, as those who have gotten them know, everyone who gets a COVID-19 vaccine is given a form to use to sign up for the VSafe after vaccination health checker. COVID-19 Vaccines and Myopericarditis: A Nuanced Story. Because of this mismatch, the browser is rejecting it. Have you heard the claim that only 1% of serious vaccine reactions are reported to VAERS? understand that minor side effects of vaccinations often include this kind of discomfort, as well as low fevers. apply Exogenous exposures to wild type varicella have previously contributed a significant immunologic boosting effect that helps suppress the reactivation of herpes-zoster. One observation that Ive made about how antivaxxers have joined the COVID-19 cranks and conspiracy theorists and started casting doubt on COVID-19 vaccines is that everything old is new again. SINGER S, JOHNSON CE, MOHR R, HOLOWECKY C: Urticaria following varicella vaccine associated with gelatin allergy. So I suppose I shouldnt be surprised that antivaxxers are now weaponizing the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database to try to blame all manner of adverse events on vaccines, whether there is evidence of causation or not. During the same period about 88 million U.S. children passed through the 0-5 age group; Some infants will experience these medical events shortly after a vaccination by coincidence. As with all antivax talking points, its meant to deceive. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. The people behind the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) have admitted that "fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported" in an early grant: native advertising "Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. EMRs available from all ambulatory care encounters in a large multi-specialty practice were used. Now, add this to the mix, for comparison: how many people are dying of COVID in the US per day? The VAERS system keeps track of any unusual or unexpected adverse events that occur after vaccine administration. She developed diarrhea shortly after the second dose and by November 2001, she was quite ill and had serious intestinal difficulties. This, of course, is intended to increase reporting of adverse events to VAERS. It just states it as fact. Studies have found reporting rates on VAERS of 47% for cases of intussusception cases after the rotavirus vaccine and 68% for paralytic polio after the oral polio vaccine, while rates ranged from. 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