what event is portrayed in the elaborately carved lintel

They obviously, from an abundance of evidence, injected a certain life and vitality into their carving. Nonetheless, there are plans afoot to try to return to this region and to explore it in more detail. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/mayas/hd_mayas.htm (April 2016). And thats coming very close to the number of artists we might know, lets say, in Classical Athens. Now the other thing that, to me, is fascinating about even considering the problem of time, the way we might conceptualize it with respect to this carving, is that the carving itself, as we studied it, tends to prefigure later carvings by this very same sculptor, so theres a rich oeuvre, we know, of his work over a ten-year span. This limestone lintel is one of a series of three panels commissioned by Bird Jaguar IV for Structure 21 at Yaxchiln and was once set above the right-hand (north-west) doorway of the central chamber. Wearing an exquisitely woven "huipil,"Lady K'abal Xook pulls a thorned rope through her tongue in the principal form of blood sacrifice perfomed by royal women. Lintels 24, 25 and 26, set above the three doorways of Structure 23, depict a series of rituals performed by Shield Jaguar II and his wife. In the case of windows, the bottom span is instead referred to as a sill, but, unlike a lintel, does not serve to bear a load to ensure the integrity of the wall. So all of this tells us that this is obviously a changing group of peoples, but theyre so deeply grounded in this area. And down below are two other figures. And what they also tell us is that this sculptor introduced idiosyncratic, brilliant effects, and that he asserted his identity in ways that were not otherwise known in the corpus of Maya carvings. In the bowl are pieces of paper stained with her blood. Seems like a close 'cousin' to the ritual practice of the Plains Indians. The ancestors are people literally underfoot, and theyre recorded in sequence up and down the stairway. But instead, were getting this strong feeling of what linguists technically would call diglossia, in which there is a profound linguistic, or again, expressive abyss, almost, that exists between what the rulers are saying and what theyre recording in the inscriptions and what people out in farm and field might be speaking, as well. But the intent was to have a grand adventure. He was continually perplexed by this problem of sorting out where these lintels came from precisely. And so these arent just random aesthetic choices, but the colors applied to the stone are going to be carrying a lot of different meanings that were vitally important to the Maya. JIM CUNO: Hello, Im Jim Cuno, president of the J. Paul Getty Trust. 250-900), kings and queens of powerful city . We now know that it was a rope studded with obsidian blades used in the ritual, and may have the very physical shards depicted themselves. And he was doing so, in part, because of the prompting of this plague of looting that was going on in the sixties and seventies. I mentioned that he was an amateur gentleman. ti-5-EB 15-ma-AK-u-ba-hi ti-CHAB-li ti-KAK-la-ju-lu u-CHAB-4-WINIKHAB-AJAW ITZ-BALAM-ma-u-cha-CHAN-nu a-NIK-ki KUHUL-[PA]CHAN-AJAW Itzamnaaj Bahlam III was a central figure in directing the course of Yaxchilan. Scenes representing the public display of captives occur frequently in Maya art. Piedras Negras, where I excavated quite a bit in the nineties, is a good example of this, in which half the ceramics went to Philadelphia, to the University of Pennsylvania Museum; and the remainder stayed there in Guatemala City. It is the earliest monumental representation of any pharaoh: the carvings on the palette depict events in the life of King Narmer, also known as Menes, considered the founding ruler of Dynastic Egypt. In this episode, Stephen Houston, editor of A Maya Universe in Stone, explores the production and complex afterlives of these Maya objects. It was the center around which they tended to revolve. a bloodletting ritual Such Maya rituals as bloodletting were only enacted on slaves. Her pierced tongue allowed her blood to flow as part of a ritual communication with gods and spirits. And what were those pigments made of? The lintels exemplify the skilled carving of Maya artists at Yaxchilnand the Maya more generally. Direct link to a's post _"The human head worn by , Posted 7 years ago. He tended to be highly unreliable in any communications. Remember that the main figure is impersonating the sun god. STEPHEN HOUSTON: Lambs objective was essentially to do Kon-Tiki in the Chiapan Rainforest. In fact, their canoe for these trips, The Vagabunda, is on display in the lobby of a mens club in Los Angeles called The Adventurers Club. Lintel 24 is the designation given by modern archaeologists to an ancient Maya limestone sculpture from Yaxchilan, in modern Chiapas, Mexico. In The Armada Portrait, it is suggested that Queen Elizabeth is: Jean-Antoine Houdon's sculpture of George Washington was made from: Napoleon Crossing the Alps depicts the moment before Emperor Napoleon was to meet the. We also know something about the work of this artist because we have monuments that span a period of about ten years or so. Hooper 2006 A large and complete example of a type of carved panel (pare or korupe) fitted above the doorway of a chief's house, and later above the doorway of elaborately carved meeting houses (which began to be built around 1840). 2013:4; cf . A bloodletting ritual. Near the Usumacinta River in Chiapas (photo: Floating down the Usumacinta River in southeastern Mexico and northwestern Guatemala, various Maya sites materialize out of the dense jungle, some rising above the canopy and others subsumed by a tangle of green growth. Before the construction of Structure 23, there was a hiatus in building at Yaxchiln for about 150 years. Lintel 25 made the journey in 1883. But each one of them is intensively looted. And its already putting you in a kind of subordinate or supplicative position, in which youre in some discomfort trying to access them. HOUSTON: El Tunel is Laxtunich, in our opinion. The reason for this is pretty obvious to me. Other relief sculptures, such as Lintel 45 on Structure 44, show Shield Jaguar II with war captives to commemorate his victory in battles against rival city-states. During the Classic Period (ca. So in all of these, what you do see is a kind of theme that threads through them, which is the stories had to be often rather desultory, like life itself. The building itself is narrow, only one vault deep, so it was not intended to hold many people. It is carved, as are all the sculptures of Piedras Negras, of a buff-colored limestone which is soft and easily carved while wet. After the collapse of the Classic Period kingdoms, Maya artists at northern cities like Chichn Itz drew influence from Central Mexico and southern Central America as they adorned their temples and created spectacular offerings to their rulers and deities. Shell earflare frontals (1995.489a, b) depict the severed head of the Maya Maize God, the personification of a newly harvested ear of corn. He ascended to power in AD 681 and died in AD 742. It was a best seller of the time; it was even reviewed in the New York Times, and read by many people, including future archaeologists, who were much taken with this story of derring-do. A lintel is the horizontal beam that spans the opening between two upright architectural elements. Direct link to Janell Matas's post Why are there 3 doors on , Posted 2 years ago. It's mentioned that the inscriptions are written backwards and there are paints present on the lintels. [6], Structural lintel over entrance, Treasury of Atreus, Mycenae, Greece, The lintel stone at the Treasury of Atreus (external view), The lintel stone at the Treasury of Atreus (internal view), Structural lintel over the entry to main Buddhist shrine, Phimai historical park, Thailand, Shebna Inscription on a lintel of a tomb cave near Jerusalem, 8th/7th century BCE, Structural lintel with a lauburu and founders' names, above traditional Basque houses in Lower Navarre, Spain. This limestone lintel, considered one of the masterpieces of Maya art, is one of a series of three panels from Structure 23 at Yaxchiln, where it was set above the left (south-east) doorway. What effect it might have on the physical condition of the limestone of which the Mayan stones are primarily made. An inscription on the lintel reads October 20, 681, the date of Lord Shield . The relief panel would have been installed parallel to the floor of the entrance of a temple at La Pasadita. And then eventually, there is the act and process of looting itself, by which these carvings are traveling around the world by boat or jet. CUNO: How do they relate to painted vases of the same period, the same area? And that would, I think, lead to an extremely important chapter in the final century of Classic Maya civilization. In Yaxchilan, structure 23 is seen as the place of Lady Xoc's. Maya sculptors also invested a monumental amount of labor in portable goods made of stone. And therere also many, many devastations. And I would be very surprised if the great painting at Bonampak wasnt made, ultimately, by painters coming from Yaxchilan. There seems to be pretty good evidence that the known carvers at Bonampak came from Yaxchilan. Rulers needed to shed blood in order to maintain order in the cosmos. The rope falls on to an open codex. HOUSTON: There isnt a Maya ruin Ive ever visited And Ive visited literally hundreds, if not thousands, at this point, including ones that are often under heavy guard. The text comprises three discrete sections. The Hoysala Empire era was an important period in the development of art and architecture in the South Indian Kannadiga culture. So at the moment, I have documented at least about 130 named carvers. Some of the most famous lintels are those on Structure 23a yotoot (palace building . The second thing to remember about these, though, is that all of these carvings have a certain physical involvement with the viewer. Her elaborately carved huipil is trimmed with fringe and pearls. Yeah. In the case of windows, the bottom span is instead referred to as a sill, but, unlike a lintel, does not serve to bear a load to ensure the integrity of the wall. Bricker, "Advances in Maya epigraphy,", J. Marcus, "The Iconography of Power Among the Classic Maya,", Posted 8 years ago. And by explore, I meant someone who was not burdened by the need to stay at one site, but he visited hundreds, if not a thousand Maya ruins, doing maps and also recording inscriptions. She kneels in front of Shield Jaguar who holds a great torch described in the text as a "burning spear illuminating a ritual that was probably held at night or set in the dark recess of a private chamber. And then later on, theres an afterlife that would includeand theres the kind of lithic biographyvisits by local later Maya, who would burn incense near or on these monuments. Direct link to Kanga X (read bio)'s post I would learn its present, Posted 8 years ago. Now, I would also say theres a forensic objective here, too, which is sorting out who took these lintels from their homewho orphaned them, so to speak. Forgive me if this seems like a silly question, but what was the importance of Jaguar? He was a sprig of the ducal tree of the Dukes of Montrose in Scotland, so he came from a very distinguished background. Highly skilled artisans were able to simulate the look of wood, imitating the nuances of a wooden structure and the wood grain in excavating cave temples from monolithic rock. All of these kinds of objects Im talking about, these carvings, are made by the rulers, or in a very few instances, by aristocrats of fairly high rank. HOUSTON: Thats right. Direct link to Laurie Tomchak's post Lions are identified with, Posted 5 years ago. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Its simply a bogus term he made up. And there are lots of grounds for thinking that its both a specific date in historic time for the Classic Maya, but its also replicating overall creation, with the lifting of the sky. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . And I even use this analogy of trying to date a boat simply by when a champagne bottle was broken on its prow at the time of launching. The civil war tended to suppress it; it tended to stop the more brazen acts of criminality. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000. I cannot remember the source I got this from, will find it soon. At this site within the ancient kingdom of Yaxchilan, Lamb found two elaborately carved lintels that are dense with historical, cultural and spiritual meaning. Which of these artworks was not made as propaganda to supplement the power of the ruler it And this came as something of a controversy in my field because everyone had assumed there was a local expression of whatever language might be spoken at that time. The carvings, however, are of a different sort. Direct link to Joss Glenn's post For the AP exam, is it im, Posted 7 years ago. Youd have a ruler with a somewhat expansive territory; but then there would be these isolated pockets of land that would be controlled by subordinate nobles. STEPHEN HOUSTON: Lambs objective was essentially to do Kon-Tiki in the Chiapan Rainforest. And it tends to vary enormously in quality. Lintel 24, Structure 23, Yaxchiln (Maya) (The British Museum) (view a diagram of this relief and locate this relief on a map), Lintel 24, Structure 23, Yaxchiln (Maya) (The British Museum) (, On Lintel 24, Lady Xook pulls a thorned cord through her tongue so that she can bleed, Lady Xook pulls a thorned cord through her tongue (detail), Lintel 24, Structure 23, Yaxchiln (Maya) (The British Museum). All rights reserved. And in this is limestone, which the carvings made out of. Standing on your head in public would be considered conspicuous. Thanks for listening. The contour and incised lines of the lintels possess a calligraphic quality, as if they were drawn or painted rather than carved. And you say that it thrives in conditions of relative stability. And then from the dates on the monument, we also know that theyre focusing on the equinox, on the break between the Maya dry season and the Maya wet season, a time in which things grow in very different paces. It can be a decorative architectural element, or a combined ornamented structural item. And so there is, in our mind, very, very little doubt that Laxtunich, which was so vaguely specified as to location by Dana Lamb, is this place called El Tunel. And it remained, until recently, I think, one of the great mysteries of Maya imagery, as to where these objects, which had fascinated so many scholars, mightve come from. But tell us who Dana and Ginger Lamb were and why they feature so prominently in your book. Now, what makes this lintel fascinating for us, at least in political terms, is that this monument and the other carvings that come from buildings nearby are not from the actual dynastic capital, which was called Yaxchilan, but rather they derive from a pretty small site thats on the troubled margins of that kingdom. Preceding prehistoric and subsequent Indian Buddhist temples were wooden buildings with structural load-bearing wood lintels across openings. Attached to his head band is what appears to be a representation of the Jester Mask. True The rock-cut excavated cave temples were more durable, and the non-load-bearing carved stone lintels allowed creative ornamental uses of classical Buddhist elements. Find two or three examples in this story showing that Crane believes war personifies machines and dehumanizes people. And Ive often wondered, as have others, why didnt he eventually fess up? They allowed him, I think, to survive. Houston contextualizes carved lintels within ancient Maya history and visual and spiritual practices, and discusses the fraught nature of their re-emergence in the twentieth century. Blood scrolls can be seen on her face. The Spaniards are recording a great deal of information about the panoply of gods and the nature of Maya society at that time. Its got a nose, its got an eye. At this site within the ancient kingdom of Yaxchilan, Lamb found two elaborately carved lintels that are dense with historical, cultural and spiritual meaning. The lintel has traces of Maya blue, turquoise and red pigment. Chakalte' Guatemalan or Mexican. Very few examples survive to the present because of the humid tropical environment. It really begins to take off in about AD 100 or so. . In Lintel 24 and 25, Lady Xoc is seen performing blood sacrifice in one or another way. Laxtunich was a name that was concocted by Lamb. The Maya rain god, known as Chac, also features prominently in later Maya art. The charcoal for the barbecue was supplied by the park rangers. ", u-ba-ti-CHAB-li IX-CHAK?-ku-na-XOK-ki IX-k'a[ba]-la-XOK-ki IX-KALOM-TE (Late Classic period, 600-900 CE). Its not gonna support a lot of people. James Doyle Direct link to Julia Kopell's post it is possible, but consi, Posted 3 years ago. And so it was largely concealed. Ceremonial blades made of flint (1978.412.195) or chert served as royal scepters. It took place because this area, which had been almost unimaginably remote until the sixties, suddenly experienced an influx of people coming from other parts of Guatemala; individuals and families being forced out of land by oligarchs or by a land grab by a few very wealthy people up in the highlands of Guatemala. CUNO: You write about the historical practice of partage. In classical Western architecture and construction methods, by Merriam-Webster definition, a lintel is a load-bearing member and is placed over an entranceway. Direct link to Emma.Horsefan.2004's post maby it was to show the d, Posted 6 years ago. And Ive sometimes wondered if that had to do with an attempt to heighten their claim to authenticity. Elaborately carved lintels of sapodilla wood, some 1,000 years old, are still seen in some Mayan ruins. Lady Xocs burial is known as Tomb 3. But in Guatemala, in the place particularly where this lintel comes from, looting was actually suppressed by the conflicts between the guerillas and the Guatemalan army from a period of about 1997 and about fifteen years before. And so to some extent, each one of those language groups and the ethnic groups they represent have had their own varied history of research. And they also tell us that he was able to craft within this object a masterful political statement that aligned politics with understandings of that time of cosmos, and even of creation, and also vice versa. Other royal scepters (1979.206.1132) and ritual regalia were carved out of jadeite and other greenstones. And thats where we have a good purchase on what the Maya felt and thought about these kind of sculptures. And I personally thinkthis is my own perspectivethat for study purposes, small collections of pot shards and animals bones can still be responsibly stored and researched abroad. Now, what we know about Lamb, Dana Lamb, is that he comes across as a blundering neophyte in this deep jungle. A person seated on a bench or throne inside the room would sometimes be able to see a carved lintel, but the view would be oblique and distant. The loss of blood and the burning of incense produced hallucinations, which were desired in certain ritual contexts to access other realms. Sculpture for the ancient Maya spans all media, from the miniature to the monumental, as artists gave shape to materials extracted from the landscape. HOUSTON: Were blessed, in the Maya evidence, to have many, many named carvers and also calligraphers. HOUSTON: I think the way to look at this civilization is, again, to mostly pay attention to this Classic period that is more or less the first millennium AD. What event is portrayed in the elaborately carved lintel showing the Maya ruler Shield Jaguar and his wife Lady XOOK? 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what event is portrayed in the elaborately carved lintel